What about a Mortal Kombat prequel?
posted05/05/2014 01:28 AM (UTC)by
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

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06/16/2011 01:55 AM (UTC)
Just spitballin' some ideas here.

Since the storyline of MK moving into the future is so unstable, what would you guys think of a game that looks back into the universe's rich history? Like, setting a game during the events of the tournaments that the Great Kung Lao fought in five centuries ago?

The story spans three tournaments, and follows GKL's trials as he rises to become the Mortal Kombat champion and savior of Earth, ending with the fateful battle where he is murdered at the hands of Goro. Along the way we see the beginnings of the Lin Kuei, Shirai-Ryu, and the Black/Red Dragon, and glimpse intriguing foreshadowings of events that will influence the next present-day chapter of the story. Some familiar characters such as Raiden and Shang Tsung would return, but the roster would be filled with new fighters based on 16th century warrior archetypes and older schools of magic.


Great Kung Lao, combining certain traits of Liu Kang and Kung Lao. Perhaps he begins as a reluctant hero unsure of his worth and skills, but slowly begins to bring the bickering warriors of Earth together and becomes something of a leader. The various factions are mostly fighting for their pride, but after meeting all of Earth's champions and seeing the potential within them, he becomes the only one who has truly knows what they are fighting for, and he fights with the kind of sincere passion that the others lack. In the end, his death resulting from Outworld's treachery is a true tragedy and leaves Earthrealm's morale shattered for many tournaments to come.

Shang Tsung, who begins as a warrior/scholar who dabbles in alchemy in service of an Earthrealm king. He fights with ritualistic spellcraft and is a bit of a trickster. During the first tournament he takes the soul of a fallen opponent as a trophy for his lord, and is punished for breaking Earthrealm's rules of honor. He defects to Outworld to escape his death sentence and is taken under Kahn's wing as an apprentice. Tsung conquers the second tournament for Outworld after conspiring to prevent Kung Lao from participating, but is defeated in the third.

Goro, the young prince of the Shokan. Being younger, he is more modestly sized and is playable, kind of on Sheeva's level. He joins Shang Tsung in a bid to prove the Shokan's worth to Kahn and gain the Emperor's favor over the Centaurs. He begins as something of a laughingstock to the Outworlders, being a child prince of a lowly slave race, but as Tsung's secret weapon for the third tournament he unleashes his righteous anger with unbridled brutality and defeats Kung Lao.

Raiden, being Raiden. Perhaps in this era his godhood is more widely recognized among the Earthrealm populace, and he receives prayers and offerings and interacts more with the common people. He wanders out of the lives of mortals over the next centuries as he focuses on training new warriors to hopefully defeat Shang Tsung. This detachment will eventually lead to his present cavalier attitude about making sacrifices.

Takeda, having freshly left the Lin Kuei, will found the Shirai-Ryu over the course of the story while fending off Lin Kuei assassins. He fights a little more ninja-like than Scorpion.

Drahmin, the human warlord before he died and became an Oni.

A representative or two of the Lin Kuei who are NOT a Cryomancer. Maybe a Sektor-ish fighter with a penchant for gunpowder and fireworks? Like Dynamite Warrior?

A Cryomancer, under the employ of Shao Kahn. Their race is not yet near-extinct.

A Red Dragon. This is long before the Black Dragons formed their splinter organization, while the Reds were still the dominant power in organized crime. MK needs a more awesome Red Dragon representative.

An ancestor of Reptile, a general of Kahn's who fights for Outworld in order to regain Earthrealm for her people. She intends to betray Kahn as soon as Earth is in Outworld's hands. Her plan is discovered, and henceforward any Zaterran offspring are raised to be totally subservient.

A member of the "Mediterranean cult who bred warriors for the gods" that eventually gives rise to Johnny Cage. While the two characters shouldn't be too much alike, perhaps this one shares JC's cocksure arrogance.

Some representative of the order of Shadow Priests. Maybe even the first?

A Tarkatan. The mutations that gave rise to the race have not yet stabilized, and they look a bit more deformed and monstrous than today's.

A conquistador! Maybe he learns a valuable lesson about what it means to invade and enslave a foreign people. A burly dude, he wields a cannon-gun and a sword.

While we're here, throw in a Mesoamerican or Amazonian warrior to fill in for Nightwolf. Most likely has a rivalry with Captain Conquistador.

A Centaur. A PROPER one this time, even if it's a boss only.

And I guess we'd need at least 10 more people to round out the roster, but yeah, that's the gist of my fist. Discuss?
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/03/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
Your idea looks nice, though we already have a MK Prequel, TWO of them.

*Cough* Mythologies *Cough* *Cough* Special Forces *Cough*
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

05/03/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)
True, except most people generally ignore those and most of today's audience might not even know they exist. And this would be a fighting game like the reboot, not a sidebar adventure game.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/03/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
Ah...but I liked the adventure games...

Maybe have a new adventure game too, I already have a few ideas for a scorpion one.
05/04/2014 02:07 AM (UTC)
It would feel a bit contrived to me to have EVERYthing that was important to characters' pasts have happened 500 years ago so they could all be at the same tournament.

Like...Takeda could reasonably be at one of GKL's two tournaments, because I do believe the feudal era when Ninja clans were founded would correspond to that many years ago...but it would make more sense to me if the creation of the Tarkatans or the Cryomancers going extinct/migrating to Earth happened much, much longer ago than that. (If they were still common anywhere during Kitana, Jade, and Bo' Rai Cho's lifetime, wouldn't one of them still remember the Cryomancers and have told Sub-Zero about them at some point?)

Also, they gave a date to when the Black Dragons split from the Red. It was the early 1900s.
I seen this topic, and i was like "wow that could be an amazing idea!"
Good stuff man! WHo knows what time will bring!
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

05/05/2014 01:28 AM (UTC)
@ Razor:

Fair point. Although I would argue that a lot of important origins are kicking off at once over the present day tournaments as well, and in the prequel tournaments many characters and factions still have further histories of their own -- these aren't all origin stories, many are just an earlier look at stories that were already in progress. For example, the splitting off of the Shirai-Ryu from the Lin Kuei is a pretty close reflection of the Cyber Initiative giving rise to the Tekunin. The Lin Kuei would still be an ancient order of assassins experiencing a pivotal schism in their ranks, just at an earlier point in history.

I didn't know that about the Black Dragon split. But perhaps the fact that the Reds were the dominant force at this time would make it more compelling, since they haven't really had a whole lot of impact in the games so far. (No Red Dragon has really had an equal stage presence or character drive to Kano or Kabal.) It might be nice to have a charismatic Red Dragon on the scene and the organization have the clout that the Black Dragon enjoys today. I'll revise the concept accordingly.

My thinking on the Cryomancers is that 500 years ago there must have been a strong enough bloodline to produce another couple dozen generations without diluting their powers through admixing with ordinary humans. Plus, SZ had no idea about Frost, so either she's a long-lost half-sister (MK probably doesn't need more 'surprise siblings') or there are two separate strains of Cryos alive today, which still points to a healthy population in the past centuries. Even if they were already reduced to a small clan at this point, they'd need a breeding population -- perhaps a highly secretive one? Could it be that maybe Kitana & Co. don't even know much about them?

On the Tarkatans, it's possible that they could have been created within the scope of this time period as a new weapon for Kahn's armies, perhaps in anticipation of the coming invasion of Earthrealm. Or alternately, maybe their race changes in appearance over time, like dog breeds (cue Jade's joke here) and through a combination of fast breeding, short lifespan, and heavy selection pressures for survival the Tarkatans of yesteryear might have looked quite different from today's.
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