Welcome Every body,
posted11/18/2006 11:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/11/2006 03:35 PM (UTC)
This is a thread on ideas, that all of the MK users online could come together and think and vote on somthing that we could take the to the developers of the website, and they might be able to talk to some game makers, to make it reality.

If we are going to do this, we need to know the whole story and history of Mortal Kombat. Lets start out with the first story, or game:

In the begining of Mortal Kombat, there had been a harmless almost meeningless, contest that had been around for thousands of years, called Mortal Kombat. But one day a horrible leadr called, Shang Sheu, who was so powerful that he took over the Mortal Kombat competetion, and planed to use his powerful henchmen from other dark words, to take over the world. But there are conspeireters against his awsome mystical powers, so he decided to summon the most powerful beings there were, to prove his might. Lui-Kang won the battle against Shang Sheu, and the world was safe again.

Next came an evil god who wanted to take over the world, his name was Shou-Kahn. His father was an evil Elder god who wanted him to do the same thing So he did what Shang Sheu did. But again, the world was safe, thanks to none other than, Lui Kang.

Then came Shinnock, an Elder god, banned from the univeres, in the nether relm, for evil witch craftry. He was promised emortality, a weiry drifter, to rescue hi. His name was Quin-Chi. Shinnock got his revenge on every body. He killed every one, even Lui -Kang. But he betrayed Quin-Chi, so Qui Chi got hi revenge, and every body who died was replaced.
Quin-Chi was now the rular of MK. But one day Shang Sheu came back and summoned the most evil dragon, in all the relmes. It was up to MK to defeat him.

Now that you know MK, reply some ideas!grin
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