we had the good guys maybe its time for the opposite
posted01/01/2012 02:16 PM (UTC)by
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03/07/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
i thought about this some time ago and wanted to shear this with u guys.
MK:SM was great and well received by many fans. pp discussed who the next 2 characters could be instead of liu and lao. well, i think we had the good guys and let the bad guys have some fun.
Quan chi is very interesting and not much about his history has been showed neither for shinnok. i think many pp would like to know more about them now that they play a bigger role in MK. it tells a bit about who quan chi was and how they became the DEADLY ALLIANCE.

as for the story this is how it starts,

they could start with quan chi, and tell how he became the most powerful sorcerer and necromancer in the Netherrealm. than it shows how shinnok has been defeated by raiden and the elder gods and thus banished to the deepest regions of the Netherrealm. Shinnok endured constant torture from the Netherrealm's overlord, Lucifer. until he encountered Quan chi. Quan Chi would aid Shinnok in overthrowing Lucifer and taking his throne, becoming ruler of the Netherrealm. As payment for Quan Chi's efforts, Shinnok endowed him with incredible powers, making him arch-sorcerer of the Netherrealm, and made him his most-trusted servant.

from here the game starts as them being the deadly alliance. please give feedback and tell me what u think about this :)
12/29/2011 08:48 PM (UTC)
I would really get into this story and this whole thing of having to play and see the universe of MK in an adventure game but with the perspective of the bad guys for once. Really nice idea.

My main concern are gameplay, the SM gameplay didn't got me into the game that much. A better one would be welcome. And the bosses. Most of the good guys don't have that Looks that Kill and wouldn't portrait really violent and agressive bosses. That being said, Raiden, Fujin, Nitara(Different Look or in an environment where bosses are not one on one arcade fights ), Sub Zero, Scorpion and a couple other chars would still be welcome as bosses. Unless you are thinking of having bad guys as bosses still or new and big bosses. Onaga to return as last boss maybe. Regardless of the bosses feature and other chars involved, it would be welcome.

That's about it but i'd love to see that kind of game happen. I like both characters.
12/30/2011 01:31 PM (UTC)
thnx for your reply. i to would like to see this happen. who knows this catches NRS attention :)

an improved engine with bigger areas and the ability to travel true realms would be nice. agree about the big bosses, raiden, fujin, nitara and maybe shao kahn could be the high difficult bosses. characters like scorpion, the lin kuei and the good guy's could be sub bosses. as the final boss the elder gods. (i don't know about onaga and blaze)

as for the sub bosses you won't fight them 2on1. more like 2vs3 or 4. except for scorpion and maybe liu kang u need to fight 1on1 with quan chi. for the high difficult bosses u fight them 2vs1.
12/30/2011 01:38 PM (UTC)
Good points. I thought having bosses like Liu and Lao wouldn't be scary unless you have to fight them 2 at the time too.

For the rest, i dunno but if i remember well, i thought there was also not enough breaks in SM described as cinematics but a lot of stuff shown as you see it in game. I always hated the movments and characters stand during the dialogues because of that. Having a couple cut scenes that would be shown as cinematics in the intro and before you start the fight against a boss could result in a darker, more serious type of game i guess.
12/30/2011 01:43 PM (UTC)
definitely cut scenes. thats what i always loved when i played resident evil or such games. no matter what type of game its always nice to have that introduction.
12/31/2011 01:28 PM (UTC)
so besides DistraughtOverlord there's nobody that likes this idea to happen??
12/31/2011 08:20 PM (UTC)
One more idea came to mind. Since MK has a vast roster of chars and a vast universe, it should be playable on multiplayer of course but depending on our choices, or which character you choose on solo playing having a couple different roads that you could decide to take or not could add to the value. Would lead to the same last boss and ending maybe, but having the road or levels cut into a branch at some point could be interesting.
01/01/2012 12:11 AM (UTC)
The gameplay was my favorite thing about Shaolin Monks, I thought it was great.

One of my biggest wishes about gaming is that other companies would make games like MKSM and the co-op beat 'em up genre would come back in a modern, 3D form instead of people just occasionally making re-releases of and cheap throwbacks to the old 2D classics on Xbox Live. (Although I do like Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim.)
01/01/2012 02:10 PM (UTC)
agree, would be nice if they made a new streets of rage or double dragon for the next gen consoles. but it looks like beat m up has changed into hack n slash. i think the last beat m up game besides MK:SM was the bouncer on the ps2. a friend of mine has Scott Pilgrim, its a cool game, really like the 8bit style.

@DistraughtOverlord im not so sure what u meant about the multyplayer part. but about the different roads to the same goal could be there, adds some replay value. but if i had to choose i would fill this game with secrets (secret battles, secret items etc.) and easter eggs. also would i like to level up a bit, as quan chi and shinnok get stronger by time u get stronger in the game and unlock new moves and spells. oh and happy new year guys glasses
01/01/2012 02:16 PM (UTC)
Happy new year to you too, and everyone. My attempt at making a point about multiplayer was a fail. I thought having different roads to take based on weither you play solo or co-op but solo or not that feature i'd like. Having the 2 heroes grow stronger as the story goes on is another cool idea. Could be granted that by a particular boss each time (Or not). And as you encounter bosses and other chars, having their bio/story unlocked, revealing more on their realm, past and purpose could fit in as a cool extra.
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