Wait so is Raiden...(spoilers)
posted07/02/2015 10:47 AM (UTC)by
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07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
Do I still need to put spoilers in the title? Pretty sure everyone has already seen the story but oh well.
Anyway, is Raiden dead? At the end of the story, his eyes are orange like the other revenants. Does this means that he died or does this just mean he's just evil? He has orange eyes but he's missing the yellow, glowing veins. Thoughts?
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05/14/2015 01:03 PM (UTC)
He absorbed like all the corrupted jin sei stuff so it made him evil.
05/14/2015 02:04 PM (UTC)
He's not dead, they put him in the jinsei like has asked them to and he absorbed all the evil/corruption that Shinnok poisoned it with, corrupting him as well.

I wouldn't say he is evil just yet though. He made it very clear that he still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't going to be so nice/formal about it now, he's just going to straight up destroy anyone who threatens it now lol
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05/14/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
He's Dark Raiden now. Just like he was in Deception. Not a revenant, just corrupted.
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05/14/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
He's not dead, they put him in the jinsei like has asked them to and he absorbed all the evil/corruption that Shinnok poisoned it with, corrupting him as well.

I wouldn't say he is evil just yet though. He made it very clear that he still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't going to be so nice/formal about it now, he's just going to straight up destroy anyone who threatens it now lol

Lol could you imagine if he just lead with that approach in the first place? "You're invading what?! FINISH HIM! Raiden Wins. FATALITY. Problem solved.
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05/15/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
I would bet that Raiden died while Kung Jin was tending to him, and when he respawn that's when he came back as Dark Raiden. When he was done purifying the Jensei he got out of it even though the Jensei is suppose to heal him. So my guess is that he was already so close to death when he was done cleaning the Jensei it couldn't do anything for him at that point.

With that said I wouldn't say he's a revenant since he can't stay dead. Just a darker version of his old self.
05/15/2015 01:45 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
He's not dead, they put him in the jinsei like has asked them to and he absorbed all the evil/corruption that Shinnok poisoned it with, corrupting him as well.

I wouldn't say he is evil just yet though. He made it very clear that he still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't going to be so nice/formal about it now, he's just going to straight up destroy anyone who threatens it now lol

Lol could you imagine if he just lead with that approach in the first place? "You're invading what?! FINISH HIM! Raiden Wins. FATALITY. Problem solved.

Lol hell, maybe all Earthrealm needs is a protector who will just kick ass and wreck anyone who stands in his way. Remember that guy that tried to invade/conquer Outworld while Shao Kahn was its top dog?

Me neither lol
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05/15/2015 02:05 AM (UTC)
^Lol that's a good point, but the sad thing is that since Raiden is gonna be the, "bad guy" in the next game (most likely) he's probably gonna lose due to gaining so many enemies by being aggresive and they will have him relearn that it is "not the way."

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I feel like that's what's gonna happen.
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05/15/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
^Lol that's a good point, but the sad thing is that since Raiden is gonna be the, "bad guy" in the next game (most likely) he's probably gonna lose due to gaining so many enemies by being aggresive and they will have him relearn that it is "not the way."

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I feel like that's what's gonna happen.

Yea I think it's gonna be something like Raiden wants earth to start being offensive, earth people are gonna be like "yea!!", they are gonna win whoever they fight with (outworld/netherrealm), Raiden will take it too far and kill whoever is in charge after they surrender and everyone will start being like "hey Raiden aint so nice!" and then Cassie gets magic shadow powers and beats Raiden,
05/15/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
It's certainly shown that Raiden absorbed Shinnok's corruption (or Onaga's in the OT) but both times it is also referred to as "his sacrifice"? And mentioned that in both instances, doing so will kill him? Yet he's still around.

I think Dark Raiden's existence has a more Taoist explanation: That when Raiden dies, he is reincarnated as another Raiden. While the original Raiden was wise and erudite, this one is spiteful and aggressive. The Earthrealm Defender Raiden has been replaced by the Wrathful Warrior Raiden. In a way mirroring the Old-Testament biblical God in comparison to the New-Testament biblical God.

Also this could be an homage to the original MK ending for Raiden, in which he begins a war amongst gods that eventually destroys the world. ("Have a nice day")

It should also be noted that Dark Raiden was the one who sent the message about Armageddon through time, creating this new timeline. ("Which made a lot of people angry and was generally regarded as a bad idea.")
05/15/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
^Lol that's a good point, but the sad thing is that since Raiden is gonna be the, "bad guy" in the next game (most likely) he's probably gonna lose due to gaining so many enemies by being aggresive and they will have him relearn that it is "not the way."

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I feel like that's what's gonna happen.

I foresee a similar outcome, dude will probably eventually go too far or cross some sort of line and Earthrealm's heroes are going to have to step in and stop him or something.

Raiden being corrupted does make it a perfect opportunity for Fujin to step up, maybe finally replace Raiden as Eathrealms main protector, at least for a while lol
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05/15/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
Dark Raiden looks amazing and i wonder how many Deception characters will make it into the next game. 2019 is going to be awesome. wink
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05/15/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
Prevented Armageddon my ass. Looks like all the chips are falling into place to me. They're reintroducing the same concepts with little tweaks here and there. Hopefully they'll have the wherewithal to see it through instead of ending it with a "giant clusterfuck pyramid battle royale*"

*with cheese
05/15/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Prevented Armageddon my ass. Looks like all the chips are falling into place to me. They're reintroducing the same concepts with little tweaks here and there. Hopefully they'll have the wherewithal to see it through instead of ending it with a "giant clusterfuck pyramid battle royale*"

*with cheese

Seemingly the time-travel plan revolved around stopping Shao Kahn from winning Armageddon and taking control of reality. Which they did, as the Elder Gods destroyed Shao Kahn's body, preventing him from ever being resurrected by Priests of Chaos.

But then you remember the Elder God's initiated Armageddon... which makes Dark Raiden's war against the Elder God's much more likely. Especially when you consider it was OT's Dark Raiden that sent the Message back in time. ALL ACCORDING TO PLAN BIZTCHES.

I played around with what MK11 might look like here:

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05/16/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
I just wanna see him fuck shit up man
05/17/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't use the word "evil" for dark Raiden, just ruthless.

He still is the protector of earthrealm, only that now he's going to do that without considering a lot of the moral obstacle that he previously had because IMO of a combination of the corruption and getting tired of doing things the right way ending up with his allies dead (or unable to return from the dead).
05/17/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
Dark Raiden returned to be problematic and kill your problematic faves
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06/26/2015 10:20 AM (UTC)
*Sarcastic voice* Big story twist: Raiden ends up dark... again. Liu Kang ends up undead... again. Half the roster are killed off... again. As far as originality goes, this isn't. But that's not really why we're here.

For my friend who let me play his copy of the game, he found it really exciting. However that's because he didn't witness the MKDA/MKD story arc, where all those events happened in OT.

The thing i hope for is that Raiden in MK11 isn't a carbon-copy of Injustice regime Superman. It looks very likely though.
The way thing goes, I won't even be surprised if MK11 starts with a Raiden freed of corruption, with some random scene at the middle of the Story campaign showing how he got rid of it and that's it.

Even if it's not, I think they stepped up Shang Tsung to be the big boss, or at least one of them (and I can see Shao Kahn or Onaga rising at the end for MK12...).
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06/27/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
The way thing goes, I won't even be surprised if MK11 starts with a Raiden freed of corruption, with some random scene at the middle of the Story campaign showing how he got rid of it and that's it.

Omg dude I thought the same thing! Lol, I think I've mentioned it on this forum once before. Honestly with how mk9 left off and how mkx turned out, I wouldn't be surprised either.
07/01/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
sickoftakenusernames Wrote:
I just wanna see him fuck shit up man

Hasn't he done that enough already?
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/01/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
sickoftakenusernames Wrote:
I just wanna see him fuck shit up man

Hasn't he done that enough already?
hell yeah, he deep fried that turd Liu Kang that was some comedic relief, an "lol" moment if you will. I'd like to see something like another person said with Raiden going off the deep end and attacking outworld and putting the shoes to kotal and his crew . Then maybe while plotting an attack on the netherrealm, the earthrealm bunch confront Raiden saying it's not the way to do business, then BAM Kung Jin gets turned to a pile of ashes, Cassie gets all pms'y and attacks Raiden, gets the shit beat outta her, almost to the brink of death. Which causes Johnny Cage to go all green mode aggro, final fuckin' showdown right there between two of the OGs of Mortal Kombat.. you can't say that's not a better ending than ol' big boobed blondie taking out a buffed out elder god 1on1.. If that's how mk11 plays out or similar I just hope raiden is still playable......and still in mk12 somehowwowwowwow
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07/02/2015 10:47 AM (UTC)
"Royale with cheese. . ." Heh, I saw what you did, there. Maybe we can have a John Travolta skin for one of the characters in Armageddon 2.
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