Variations for other characters
posted02/23/2017 02:16 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
I just hope the variation system will still continue.

What about for other characters if some returned next game?

A - Rainstorm
B - Hailstorm
C - Thunderstorm

Scream Queen- In this variation Sindel can summon magical mirrors to place in strategic areas, when she unleashes a scream she causes the glass to shatter causing damage, she can also use them to rebound her star screamer projectile

Flowing locks- In this variation Sindel has access to more skills involving her hair such as command grabs and turning her hair into lethal weapons, she also has little blades weaved into the bottom of her hair for extra damage

Queen Of The Dammed- Still imbued with the power Shang Tsung the variation focus on Sindels more athletic attacks, pulling off certain combinations allows Sindel to steal parts of her opponents soul and slightly replenish her health meter
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/27/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
If this is geared toward ideas for the next installment, then I'm going to limit the variations to two, instead of three.

Bo' Rai Cho -

Drunken Monkey - Gains Puke Puddle, Monkey Flips, and High/Low Parry.
Sensei - Gains Whirlwind Kick, Bo Staff inspired attacks, and Earthquake.

Noob Saibot -

Brotherhood - Gains unique combos and specials utilizing his shadow clones.
Dark Arts - Gains Immobilization Cloud and ability to place Shadow Decoys.

Reiko -

Merciless - Gains unique attacks utilizing his War Hammer.
General - Gains Teleport Command Grabs and Throwing Stars.
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07/27/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
Empress: hard fighter, long combo, hair wipe
Priestess: Dark magic ( some Shang Tsung powers), fireball, levitation
Savior: scream, white Magic
07/27/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
Sheeva -
Capoeira - Sheeva gains a handstand stance in this style, this is meant to result in more speed and less power.

Hydra - Sheeva has rapid fire punches in this style. Kinda meant to be the "default".

Greakan - Sheeva looses her fireballs for more throws, throw combos and counters (name is meant to look like Greaco Roman)

Skarlet -
Vampire - Skarlet gains moves that restores her health and enhanced moves buffs her speed or strength for a short period. She looses the extra reach of her swords though.

Slice n' Dice - Skarlet's twin ninjato swords are always drawn out.

Coagulation - Skarlet gains moves that give her armour like status but she looses manoeuvrability.

Mist - Rapid attacks.

Cloud - Medium speed, medium strength.

Fog - Heavy, slow attacks.
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Ermac's winpose though

07/28/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
Storm Lord: Has the ability to make it rain on the stage and create lightning for better combos

Variation 2: Can create a Water bubble to trap opponents and place them where ever Rain wants them to be

Don't know what to name that one
07/28/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)

Champion: Uses Drakesword for enhanced combos, hand-to-hand kombat combos and teleportation moves are expanded

Demigod: Lengthens Protector God/Invulnerability mode, rapid regeneration, Time Stop. broadens levitation moves

Dragonskin: Adds Taven's chest armor, lessen damage to healthbar, reflect projectile moves back to opponent, increases level damage of fire attacks
07/28/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot

Base moves:
Teleport slam (mk9)
Ghost Ball (mk9)
Shadow Tackle (mk9)


Shadow Master - Gains shadow related moves;
Shadow Knee (mk9)
Shadow Grab (Saibot comes in from behind and grabs opponent)
Shadow Drop (Saibot drops from above and kicks opponent - similar to scorpions inferno)

Netherrealm Warrior - Gains portal related moves
Ground Portal (creates portals on the ground that drop opponent near him similar to portal kombat, close/mid/far)

Shadow Ninja - Gains shadow related strikes and combo strings
Saibot Punch (a powerful punch at the end of a combo string creating distance)
Saibot Kick (a powerful kick at the end of a combo string that launches the opponent for juggling)

I don't know I just really wanted Noob in This game he would have been awesome but all his potential moves were pawned off to Cage (stunt double), Scorpion (inferno) and Quan Chi.
I`ve posted these ideas before:

Tempest: His Lightning, and roundhouse are enhanced.

Usurper: Control orb is enhanced, Puddle Teleport displaces opponent, and additional move creates puddles under opponent like Noob n Smoke`s Black hole moves that draw in, in place of their old spear.

Kraken: Water blast is enhanced, and can create puddles under opponent that kraken tentacles come out of to attack or throw opponent.

Hotaru would`ve fit nicely in MK9 as a Masked Guard, hired by Shang to keep Order or someting... People argued they use different weapons, but I suspect Hotaru is skilled in various weapons, and is bound to use the style he`s hired to use.

On to the MKX variations, I`m going with his Samurai theme, and incorporating their traditional weapon disciplines: Bow & Arrows, Katana, Naginata. Partially inspired by Kung Jin using his staff different ways, maybe Hotaru`s Katana sheath could double as a bow. Then Tanya uses different weapons entirely so...
His specials in all 3 variations are his Lava Bust, Grasshopper Kicks, and his dashing gut punch they gave him later.
I want his Naginata style Kartwheel as a special move in all styles.

Bow, and Arrows:
Fights unarmed, added specials can fire arrows straight, upwards at 90*, in air downwards 90*

Regular specials, fights with sword attacks, and specials like Kenshi, Sub, Scorp or Skarlett.

His Naginata style, additional specials I keep mentioning Downwards javelin throw like FF Odin`s alt move Grudge Lance, and a Telestomp move like FF`s Dragoon class Jump command.

Smoke is soot, unburnt Carbon suspended in the air. Smoke is a Carbon Elemental, with control over his allotropes, particle density, and gravity. From the carbon fibers in his suit to it`s diamond plates. Even his reel in move, replacing his spear with the smoke cloud that collapses, condenses into a wormhole.

Stealth Assassin - Smoke is able to conjure graphene swords, and weapons, like Sub-Zero
Or a Dualist type style, like Liu & Tremor, where he switches between dark carbon fiber, and light diamond.

Whisper - Teleporter, like Raiden`s enhanced teleport variation. More smoke, fog, mist moves, maybe it forms his Enenra form as the smoke billows.

Adamantitan - Hulking like a monster or brute, Smoke`s fists, head, and back are covered in diamond crystals. Damage, and armor changes. More grappler, brawler. Physical.
Like his Enenra form as clear, ghostly diamond armor.

07/29/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
Kabal Variations:

Assault ~ Special Forces variation : In this variation, Kabal uses more his eye laser in different ways like charge a slow energy ball, quick laser attacks and long and strong eye laser rays going through different directions depending on the combitantion (down to the front or up, jumping down, jumping straight etc. like Cyclops in Marvel Vs Capcom)

Thunderstrike ~ Present Kabal : In this one hace more combinations and resets or quick attacks, having a more extended moveset with his speed ability.,

Rampage ~ Black Dragon variaton (old Kabal ): In this variation uses more his hookswords, making different grab attacks, cheaptricks like headbutting the enemy with his mask and have quick counters with his swords.

Tasia Variation:

Cursed Iron - Wakizashi's Variation: the blade of the two wakizashi's glows (with old japanese symbols writes in the blade) being able to throw energy cuts, make a spinning jump attacks (Ninja Gaiden Style) and summon diferent elements or curses to her katana (like slowing the enemy, poison him or some reset like stunning the enemy..maybe elements like Fire, Ice , Electricity , etc)

Ninjutsu Bujinkan - Shuriken Variation: She can make energy shurikens with diferent properties ( i was inspired by the contra power-ups like Spread Shurikens: Three Shurikens throw in diferent directions , Rapid Fire Shuriken; throw two shurikens straight very fast . Crusher Missiles ( Crusher..Shurikens?) : The Shuriken stay still after being throwned and explotes when the user press "x" or other button throwing the spikes in diferent directions)

Deadly Silk - Razor Floss/ Iron Wire Variation :

In this variation, Tasia use razor floss to entangle or cut their enemys with this wires. Used to attack or make traps, this variation is one of the most interesting ones for me personally

Officer - Guns n tazer
Patrol - Tonfa n taser
Riot or SWAT - Grenades, Tonfa, Riot shield, with a ram attack. Revanant skin would stylize shield with spikes, like Jax.

Officer - Guns replace Pink blast, spin dash becomes taser stun, Stryker`s tonfa trip or throw or Erron`s baseball slide n shoot, Blade wheel becomes Stryker`s Grenades.
Black Dragon - Hookswords, like Bongality`s Rampage idea.
Nomad or Scarred - Traditional Kabal, Masked, Normal Spin Dash, Pink Shot n Blade Summon Throw

08/22/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Sheeva -
Capoeira - Sheeva gains a handstand stance in this style, this is meant to result in more speed and less power.

Hydra - Sheeva has rapid fire punches in this style. Kinda meant to be the "default".

Greakan - Sheeva looses her fireballs for more throws, throw combos and counters (name is meant to look like Greaco Roman)

Skarlet -
Vampire - Skarlet gains moves that restores her health and enhanced moves buffs her speed or strength for a short period. She looses the extra reach of her swords though.

Slice n' Dice - Skarlet's twin ninjato swords are always drawn out.

Coagulation - Skarlet gains moves that give her armour like status but she looses manoeuvrability.

Mist - Rapid attacks.

Cloud - Medium speed, medium strength.

Fog - Heavy, slow attacks.

I would support this.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

10/08/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
There was already a popular thread for this. But I guess it's outdated now, since that thread was trending Pre-Launch. Here is a Link to the original thread. But just for fuck's sake, I'll update some of my favorites like Reiko, Noob, and Fujin. LoL
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

10/08/2015 08:01 PM (UTC)

I see him as the Anti-Johnny Cage. He should be well balanced and quick, with a serious personality. His special moves should have a BLUE energy aura, nobody in MKX has blue. His Intro-Animation should show him reading some kind of ancient book or scroll. Always a student of War and Strategy.

UniversaL Specials: 1) Plasma Blast. A blue energyball, fired straight and fast. It can also be charged. Once charged, Plasma Blast triples in power and size, so it can not be ducked. 2) Air Plasma Blast. Can be shot straight or diagonal. 3) Shoulder Charge. EX version is fullscreen and fast as fuck. 4) Anti-Air Flip Kick. essentially a blue "Flash Kick" like Guile's in StreetFighter. 5) Air throw. Over the back supplex from the air.

Variation 1- Barbarian- Reiko's weapon stance, utilizing his "Crude Hammer" from MKA. He gains several hammer based attacks, but loses his Air plasma blasts.

Variation 2- Tactician- Being a master strategist, Reiko knows the weaknesses of all of his enemies. In this variation, he gains a dash-grab move. Once grabbed, Reiko delivers a series of rapidfire punches to the various pressure points on your opponent's body. They are then unable to perform any of their special moves for a few seconds. Think of the "Chi-Blockers" from The Last AirBender series (or Batman LoL). EX version adds more hits and ends with a pop-up. The nerf affect will also last longer.

Variation 3- Devastator- Reiko gains the move "Emperor's Shield" (ShaoKahn's move in MKA). Its an uppercut that creates a momentary shield, which can deflect projectiles. EX version creates a long-ranged shockwave projectile, and the shield stays up, becoming an actual forcefield. (Meaning he can literally walk with it, and be invincible for a few seconds.)

For those of you who never saw the move "Emperor's Shield" here is a video. ShaoKahn opens the fight with it...
Bump for blind, and/or lazy people calling me an ass... All you had to do was scroll down A FEW threads...

10/15/2015 05:21 AM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
Bump for blind, and/or lazy people calling me an ass... All you had to do was scroll down A FEW threads...


Sorry I didn't look for a thread. Ka-Kiss my ass
12/24/2016 06:00 PM (UTC)
I'm gonna bump this up because I have ideas man. Ideas and dreams.
Noob Saibot
Death's Chill - Gains some Sub Zero specials and ice counters.
Disabler - Gaining the ghost ball and ghost ball style counters.
Saibot - A copy and fusion of Scorpions Inferno and Johnny Cage's stunt double variations

Freddy Krueger
Double Gloved - Pure and enhanced MK9 style moveset
Nightmare - Single Glove, involving traps and specials that look ripped from the movies.
Dream Warrior - more teleports and counter moves

Banshee - Flying stance and screams
Emperess - gaining a minion and extra purple fire attacks
Asura - more living hair based moves and a berserker move

Shao Kahn
Conquerer - WarHammer special moves
Emperor - Spear special moves
Dictator - Gaining more throws, counters and taunts. Maybe even borrowing a move from a certain character from Street Fighter.
12/24/2016 09:45 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I'm gonna bump this up because I have ideas man. Ideas and dreams.
Noob Saibot
Death's Chill - Gains some Sub Zero specials and ice counters.
Disabler - Gaining the ghost ball and ghost ball style counters.
Saibot - A copy and fusion of Scorpions Inferno and Johnny Cage's stunt double variations

Without Portals (or Black Holes)?
12/25/2016 09:59 AM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I'm gonna bump this up because I have ideas man. Ideas and dreams.
Noob Saibot
Death's Chill - Gains some Sub Zero specials and ice counters.
Disabler - Gaining the ghost ball and ghost ball style counters.
Saibot - A copy and fusion of Scorpions Inferno and Johnny Cage's stunt double variations

Without Portals (or Black Holes)?

Completely forgot about those. Noob was never my guy. Sheeva is my guy. Girl. Monster. Homie?
At least Aquaman's getting good use of those kraken tentacles.

02/23/2017 02:16 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I'm gonna bump this up because I have ideas man. Ideas and dreams.
Noob Saibot
Death's Chill - Gains some Sub Zero specials and ice counters.
Disabler - Gaining the ghost ball and ghost ball style counters.
Saibot - A copy and fusion of Scorpions Inferno and Johnny Cage's stunt double variations

Without Portals (or Black Holes)?

Completely forgot about those. Noob was never my guy. Sheeva is my guy. Girl. Monster. Homie?

Just asked. Your Noob Saibot is good. And the Portals already have the same Quan Chi.
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