Variation talk.
posted12/30/2014 07:23 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
So, I just have a few questions about what you think of the variations of the MKX characters.
1: Which variation of every one we've seen looks like the best and which looks like the most fun?
2: Which variation looks like the hardest variation to use and which looks like the most annoying to deal with?
3: Which two variations look like the most fair match up?
4: Which variation looks like it has a HUGE advantage over another?
5: Which of each character's variation are you going to try first and last?

Also, in case you don't remember, the variations are:
Scorpion: Ninjitsu which adds sword based moves, Hellfire which adds the Hell ball, Demon fire and Flame Aura and Inferno which adds demonic minions.
Sub-Zero: Cryomancer which gives Sub-Zero ice weapons, Unbreakable which adds Frost Aura and Barrier of Frost and Grandmaster which adds Ice Clones
D'Vorah: Brood Mother which adds Krawler and Bug Blast, Swarm Queen which adds Vortex Swarm and Wasp Grenade and Venomous which adds Bug Burst and Ovipostior based attacks that poison the opponent
Ferra/Torr: Ruthless which adds Pain and Gain ability, Vicious which adds The Boss Toss, Little Kutter, and increased Ferra(Little girl) Damage and Lackey where a enhanced Torr fights solo as Ferra watches from the sidelines.
Cassie Cage: Hollywood which adds Air Akimbo and Nut Kracker, Brawler adds Air Power Slam and Take Down and Spec Ops which adds Air Assault and The American Way.
Kotal Khan: Blood God which adds Crystal, Obsidian and Blood Totems, War God which adds Macuahuitl based special moves and Sun God which adds Sun God Choke and Soul Scorch
Raiden: Thunder God which adds additional hits to some normal attacks and Enhanced Lighting, Displacer which adds teleport and spark port and Storm Lord which adds lighting traps.
Kano: Cybernetic which adds laser eye and weapon attacks, Commando which adds Choke, High and Low Kounter and Cutthroat which adds knife attacks and Power Charge move
Quan Chi: Warlock where Quan Chi can conjure portals which add additional attacks, Summoner which adds the ability to summon a Netherrealm Bat and Sorcerer where Quan Chi can cast magical fields that augment self or cripple opponent.

Me personaly, I think the best variation is the Swarm Queen since it can add many pop-ups. However I think the most fun variation is Ruthless because of the Risk vs Reward mechanic. As for hardest to use, I think Raiden's Displacer and Storm Lord would be a bit challenging. Also, I think those same variations would be annoying to deal with if a good Raiden player know's what he's doing. As for most fair match-up, I think Storm Lord vs Socrerer is pretty fair. As for least fair match-up, i'm gonna go with Grandmaster being much better than Kano's Commando. And lastly, which variation would I use first and last? For Scorpion, i'm going to try Inferno first and Ninjitsu. As for Sub-Zero, I think all of his variation are pretty COOL, but I guess i'll try out Cryomancer first and Unbreakable last. D'vorgha? I'll try Swarm Queen first and Brood Mother last. Ferra/Torr, Lackey first, Ruthless last. As for Cassie Cage, I think that Hollywood is the only cool variation so i'll try that one first. I guess i'd try Brawler last. Kotal Khan's Blood God seems neat but the Sun God seems...meh. As for Raiden, I don't know which variation i'm going to try out first but I know i'll try out Thunder God last. As for Kano, I think i'll try out Commando first and Cutthoart last. And lastly, Quan Chi. I'll try Warlock first and Sorcrer last.

And so, now, I want to hear from you. Catch you later. grin
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