*UPDATED* Think Of Characters For Future MKs (Currently MK8) *Feb. 12*
posted02/22/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)by
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

Member Since
01/14/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
Well, I searched for a thread on this and there were about 77 pages to go... and there is no sticky of this kind of thread...

Well, maybe the MK Team may actually put our dream characters in a game...

This is how the thread rolls...

1. You Simply Think Of A Character, Create Concepts, Descriptions, Etc...
2. I'll read them and put them on the first page of this
3. Then you or maybe we'll (including MKO members) maybe build upon the characters
4. We'll (as MKO members) vote on characters that may be actually a interesting character
5. Whenever MKO staff interviews Midway or something, they can show our characters (if that's okay with them)
6. Start back at number 1

I'll start with a rather simple name... Kruelty


fijikungfu: Kruelty


LycanILLusion: Too Many To Mention

"1) an insect type character or boss...maybe a humanoid mantis

2) a robotic boss or sub boss monster....maybe make motaro or goro a cyborg

3) vampires and werewolves are getting popular now days...i would like to see them included into the mk series somehow

4) a time traveling character....this idea comes to my mind from trunks in dbz but in anycase a character like this could bring in any kind of storyline....an example-the movie timecop or terminator

5) an angel character....theres been all kinds of demons why not have a holy creature aswell

6) a female movie star type character(basically a female version of johnny cage)

7) what about a boxing character....alot of fighting games have atleast one boxer

8) a skeloten warrior character or even a skeloten pirate...even tho it would kinda be ripping off killer instinct a bit

9) a dragon mutant character....like the ones you fight in mka konquest

10) a ninja using the color white....not sure on which elemental power or type of energy would fit the character but i posted a white ninja named fury in preds sticky

11) a cybernetic lizardman type character....basically what i am imagining is reptiles lizard form/cyber ninja type character"

"12) a heavy metal rock star character with an axe guitar for a weapon....im a fan of metalocolypse and guitar hero lol

13) an evil alien character...lol ive always said to myself that Johnny Cage is secretly a MIB and his mind was erased and he was placed as an actor to cover up his real identity lmao

14) a mobster type character...like scarface for example

15) we need more samurai type characters too

thats it for now....i will post more in one of my current posts latergrin"


Ermacsmainman: Stealth

"Name: Stealth
Age: Unknown
Species: Cyborg

Stealth was the fourth Lin kuei cyborg ninja. Only they found it difficult to program him. Much unlike Smoke Sektor and Cyrax. So they shut Stealth down to protect themselves from the errors in his transformation. Now something has reawakened Stealth and using him for destruction.

Ive always wanted a blue cyborg....so here he is. Ill elaborate more on him later when you have had a look FKF"


AgentOrange: Xeiphor

"Name: Xeiphor Species: Bio - Human Capible of Transforming into 3 different animals: A bear, for it's strength and size, but it's slowness. Werewolf: Quick, Strong, Weakness's are silver, hence most weapons. And well, Im looking for another for him to transforminto... Special Attacks: (Normal) Thorn Whip: Both arms mutate into thorn's and strech a few feet infront and whip opponent. Lumber Legs: Legs mutate into tree trucks and crush the opponent with 2 devastating blows. Vegitation Growth: Bushes, Thorns, and many other plants tangle up opponent for short period of time. (Bear) Maul: An extreme attack, if hit, knocks opponent far away very slow attack (Werewolf) Lunge: A quick spring forward, slicing enemy with both claws "
02/01/2007 12:32 PM (UTC)
i have a bunch of thoughts on types of characters mainly...im not one for thinking up bios,story lines,names,and all that but here are some ideas i have thought of:

1) an insect type character or boss...maybe a humanoid mantis

2) a robotic boss or sub boss monster....maybe make motaro or goro a cyborg

3) vampires and werewolves are getting popular now days...i would like to see them included into the mk series somehow

4) a time traveling character....this idea comes to my mind from trunks in dbz but in anycase a character like this could bring in any kind of storyline....an example-the movie timecop or terminator

5) an angel character....theres been all kinds of demons why not have a holy creature aswell

6) a female movie star type character(basically a female version of johnny cage)

7) what about a boxing character....alot of fighting games have atleast one boxer

8) a skeloten warrior character or even a skeloten pirate...even tho it would kinda be ripping off killer instinct a bit

9) a dragon mutant character....like the ones you fight in mka konquest

10) a ninja using the color white....not sure on which elemental power or type of energy would fit the character but i posted a white ninja named fury in preds sticky

11) a cybernetic lizardman type character....basically what i am imagining is reptiles lizard form/cyber ninja type character....i also posted a similar type character based on this idea in preds sticky
About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

02/02/2007 01:38 AM (UTC)
Well, that's a start...
02/02/2007 07:33 AM (UTC)
12) a heavy metal rock star character with an axe guitar for a weapon....im a fan of metalocolypse and guitar hero lol

13) an evil alien character...lol ive always said to myself that Johnny Cage is secretly a MIB and his mind was erased and he was placed as an actor to cover up his real identity lmao

14) a mobster type character...like scarface for example

15) we need more samurai type characters too

thats it for now....i will post more in one of my current posts latergrin
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

02/02/2007 12:05 PM (UTC)
I have an idea for a new cyborg.

Name: Stealth
Age: Unknown
Species: Cyborg

Stealth was the fourth Lin kuei cyborg ninja. Only they found it difficult to program him. Much unlike Smoke Sektor and Cyrax. So they shut Stealth down to protect themselves from the errors in his transformation. Now something has reawakened Stealth and using him for destruction.

Ive always wanted a blue cyborg....so here he is. Ill elaborate more on him later when you have had a look FKF
About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

02/03/2007 11:15 PM (UTC)
okay... Stealth, kool... i always wanted a villain that is very destructive...
added to the list
02/04/2007 03:44 AM (UTC)
I like "Stealth." But I don't think there needs to be any kind of ominous presence behind him. Lets say Sektor tried to re-activate him but, oopsie, he's still defective.
02/05/2007 03:24 AM (UTC)
Name: Xeiphor
Species: Bio - Human

Capible of Transforming into 3 different animals: A bear, for it's strength and size, but it's slowness. Werewolf: Quick, Strong, Weakness's are silver, hence most weapons. And well, Im looking for another for him to transforminto...

Special Attacks:
Thorn Whip: Both arms mutate into thorn's and strech a few feet infront and whip opponent.

Lumber Legs: Legs mutate into tree trucks and crush the opponent with 2 devastating blows.

Vegitation Growth: Bushes, Thorns, and many other plants tangle up opponent for short period of time.


Maul: An extreme attack, if hit, knocks opponent far away very slow attack


Lunge: A quick spring forward, slicing enemy with both claws

About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

02/13/2007 02:57 AM (UTC)
Pretty kool... bringing back the animalities
02/18/2007 01:10 PM (UTC)
New character bio


Place of origin:Outworld


Enemies:Shao-Kahn,the dragon king...


I am Pain a former emperor of outworld who was overthrown by two delinquents know as Onaga and Shao Kahn who at the time were serving me and decided they had had enough.But it wasn’t enough for them just to put me in the shade and forget I even existed they had to banish me to the nether realm under the watchful eye of former elder god Shinnok who’s patience was wearing thin from the two warriors who were fighting over the meaningless crown of outworld.

When I arrived in the putrid nether realm Shinnok didn’t greet me with glee.Instead he decided to let his two cronies Moloch who had an almighty stench and Drahmin who had flies merrily buzzing around his putrid flesh.They came towards me and uttered the words “Lets eat” I didn’t really fell threatened by this as my skills as a warrior succeeded both of their fighting skills together.

So as they came towards me drooling a strange green substance a black wraith came out of the blue and struck both warriors and left them scurrying like Drahmins flies.He told me that the nether realm was no safe place for some one like me and I then told him my story about my problems with being the royalty of outworld.He seemed to have great understanding of my story.He then asked if I wanted to join a clan known as the brother hood of shadow at first I was sceptical and the wraith told me it was only until I had re paid my debt to them.I thought this was only fair as he saved me from having to fight.

When I reached a gothic looking temple many dark warriors leering at me so I just gritted my teeth and shook my head they then started snorting in disgust.When the wraith took me in the large structure he told me that his name was Noob-Saibot I shook his hand and he initiated me into the clan.Although many of these dark figures didn’t trust me and one even threatened me but I showed him that I was not the one you would like to toy with.But Noob didn’t condone these actions but I really couldn’t give one so I set of in the nether realm looking for a portal that got me out of this hellhole.

After many eons of searching for a portal or vortex of some sort I finally found a way out but as I was about to go into the portal I was stopped by none other than the supreme over lord of the nether realm Shinnok.He exclaimed that all who reside in the nether realm will never come out.He then said that I had a chance if I could defeat him in mortal kombat he then came out with something that was like a laugh and a shriek.I then vanished behind him and he started pointlessly looking around to find a trace of my body I then impaled him in the back with my vapour sword.I then coolly walked through the portal and when I came out of the other side I was very familiar with my surroundings I was in outworld wasteland...

Although I did not know the way from here to my temple.There was no living thing to be seen apart from a few outworld blood flies but they couldn’t help me reach my destination.After relentlessly climbing rugged mountains dangling off dangerous slopes...I met a man known as Kano he told me that this was Shao Kahn’s territory and that I was trespassing...He then told me that if I wanted to pass I would have to defeat him in mortal kombat and this was a pain in the ass because I seriously wasn’t in great shape after my perilous journey.He got out some strange weapons known as butterfly knives they didn’t so much look like knives though more like swords...Anyway I took out my vapour sword and impaled him right through his mechanic eye.He then had un-controllable spasms on the ground his body then slowly started melting...the melting started from the mechanical eye...I watched him slowly suffer and I thought it served his right for medalling in things that aren’t his business.

I finally reached my temple and when I did reach it I had a mighty shock...It had been completely demolished by a war between Edenia and Outworld I was pissed of by the selfishness of these bastards ruining my only monument...I marched right up to my demolished temple I climbed to the top of all the rubble to find Shao Kahn lifting a women known as Sindel by the neck by this point I had charged up a plasma ball an I sent it flying towards the emperor and his victim...When the colossal plasma ball struck them both and killed them everyone around started to cheer and that’s when I realised I was emperor of outworld again

02/18/2007 02:40 PM (UTC)
I prefer a male character but I think they should put in a female bossgrin
02/19/2007 12:12 AM (UTC)
Name: Tarokon

Place of origen: Nether realm

Allies: none

Enemies:Sub-zero, Jax, Jade

Sex: male

A mix between a Tarkaten and a shokan one of the big boss characters. He lives in a cave at the base of a volcano and feeds off of anything that passes him.

Specials: 4 arm chop, Bite, grab and shred, fire ball, air fire

Fatality: no.1 He throws them up in the air and as they come down he points his blades up and rips him to shredds.

Fatality no.2 he stabs both of his opponents arms leges and bites his or hers head and rips them off.
02/22/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)
AgentOrange Wrote:
Name: Xeiphor
Species: Bio - Human

Capible of Transforming into 3 different animals: A bear, for it's strength and size, but it's slowness. Werewolf: Quick, Strong, Weakness's are silver, hence most weapons. And well, Im looking for another for him to transforminto...

Special Attacks:
Thorn Whip: Both arms mutate into thorn's and strech a few feet infront and whip opponent.

Lumber Legs: Legs mutate into tree trucks and crush the opponent with 2 devastating blows.

Vegitation Growth: Bushes, Thorns, and many other plants tangle up opponent for short period of time.


Maul: An extreme attack, if hit, knocks opponent far away very slow attack


Lunge: A quick spring forward, slicing enemy with both claws

For the last animal I was thinking a Mountain Lion
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