Unreal VS Mortal Kombat
posted08/07/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/07/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)
I post the same thing on Kamidogu's forum, i hope you enjoy....first thanks MKonline team for the great work and the space.
Hi ! This my first post, and i'm doing it cause i think i have an interesting idea.
I mean, crossover fighting games are very enjoyable fight experiences, and i know alot of people would love a "Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat" release, but due a lot of diferences in the gameplay (Special moves, Fatality with SF fighters...) this game will be a tough one to produce and finish. So I was thinking, Unreal has a excelent cast of characters, good history, and midways hand on it, exactly like our beloved MK series. Imagine a" Unreal Vs Mortal Kombat" Game - interative and huge backgrounds based on both series, with the possibility of tag, team battles, guns, explosives mixed with melee weapons ( all balanced of course, and will be curous having MK warriors with fire weapons), Multyplayer and single player games - "Unreal Style": itens to collect and respawn feature after death - and of course "MK Style": Armageddons Engine. And Above All, The Possibilities !! - Malcom against Jax, Sapphire against Sonya, Szalor against Kintaro, Brock Against Scorpion...
An amazing game to purchase and to play for a lot of hours, such a huge replay value.
This is it, i would to love to see happening, thank you for the space, i can't wait to armageddon...cheers !
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