Ultra combos
posted12/04/2014 11:42 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/18/2003 11:39 PM (UTC)
Have you ever played the new Killer Instinct? Do you get tired of watching people do an ultra on you over and over? Especially Maya's which is the longest of them all.
Actually, there is a way to end ultras quick, either do it by just cancelling it using instinct or go out with a bang by pressing medium punch/kick after using instinct.

Now how amused will we be facing online opponents in MKX performing fatalities and x-rays on you over and over and over?

NRS, please reconsider an option to turn off x-rays and skip fatalities for the next match.
11/30/2014 01:14 PM (UTC)
11/30/2014 02:25 PM (UTC)
Jhonny Wrote:
Have you ever played the new Killer Instinct? Do you get tired of watching people do an ultra on you over and over? Especially Maya's which is the longest of them all.
Actually, there is a way to end ultras quick, either do it by just cancelling it using instinct or go out with a bang by pressing medium punch/kick after using instinct.

Now how amused will we be facing online opponents in MKX performing fatalities and x-rays on you over and over and over?

NRS, please reconsider an option to turn off x-rays and skip fatalities for the next match.

Dude... you must be new to Mortal Kombat.

You can't do X-rays over and over again. There is a power meter that must be built up for it. It's not "spammable." Neither or fatalities which happen at the end of the match.

I would love a feature to turn off X-rays.

But to turn off fatalities would be blasphemy. After a hard earned win, one deserves to humiliate their opponent. This is what made Mortal Kombat (aside from the awesome and intriguing story and unique characters).
11/30/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
Jhonny Wrote:
Have you ever played the new Killer Instinct? Do you get tired of watching people do an ultra on you over and over? Especially Maya's which is the longest of them all.
Actually, there is a way to end ultras quick, either do it by just cancelling it using instinct or go out with a bang by pressing medium punch/kick after using instinct.

Now how amused will we be facing online opponents in MKX performing fatalities and x-rays on you over and over and over?

NRS, please reconsider an option to turn off x-rays and skip fatalities for the next match.

There is an Option... press the power button ;)
11/30/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
The only time you can perform infinite x-Rays is when you're playing test your luck and you happen to get that. It's dumb, virtually unplayable since both players are seeing how fast they can press the buttons to perform.

Leave Killer Instinct stuff out of this game unless you're introducing one of their characters as a guest.
11/30/2014 04:00 PM (UTC)
Ultras are very tiresome. Not because I've seen them a billion times, but because of how fucking long they can be. And there's no real payoff to them either. It's just seeing how many hits you can get in.

Finishers will get tiresome after the first 2 weeks or so. But I'd still rather sit through a Finisher than some 30 minute Ultra.
11/30/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
No i'm not new I know exactly how it works :) For x-rays I didn't mean that the opponent uses them over and over during the same match, only if you are unfortunate to lose to that guy again. X-rays in general are too long and once you've seen them 10 times you get bored of seeing them again.

And to you who like to humiliate your opponent, I certainly hope that everyone isn't like you.

11/30/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
Every fighting game now a days has their own gimmick which leaves the opponent in a state where they can't do anything but wait out till the animation is over. Dead or Alive has the power moves, Killer Instinct has ultra combos, MK has X-Rays, SF has Ultras, etc. It gets tiresome after a while for those who just wanna go to the next match but for some like me don't mind that stuff as it kinda gives you bragging rights.

I don't mind in KI when my opponent gets me with a 50+ combo as I have no lifebar left, I don't wuss out and quit the match before it's over. I love to see how many hits they can rack up.
11/30/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
Jhonny Wrote:
And to you who like to humiliate your opponent, I certainly hope that everyone isn't like you.

Oh go play Street Fighter or something.
11/30/2014 04:31 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I don't mind in KI when my opponent gets me with a 50+ combo as I have no lifebar left, I don't wuss out and quit the match before it's over. I love to see how many hits they can rack up.

My biggest gripe with Ultras is someone can get you into Danger, and immediately do an Ultra combo and end the match. It'd be like playing a match in MK9 and you have maybe 10% health left, the guy hits you one time and immediately does a Fatality mid-match. You lost even though you still had a little health left. It's bullshit.

I wish you could only go into an Ultra once the opponent's health bar was fully depleted.
11/30/2014 04:41 PM (UTC)
What's wrong with humiliating your opponent after you win? That's the whole point of a fatality.
11/30/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
Yeah seeing the same X-rays over and over and over can get old, especially after you have been playing for months, but those are part of the gameplay, and some people use them as combo finishers, so being able to turn them off would be kind of dumb (IMO) unless of course both players agreed to it, but then you would probably start finding people who refuse to play unless x rays are off and then finding a match could be tedious since people wouldn't be able to agree on xrays on or off and its just unnecessary, so that should not be an option lol

Fatalities would be less problematic since they don't effect actual gameplay, but you would still run into the problem of being matched with people who do or don't want them on. Person A would want them on, and person B refuses to play if they're on, it would just be stupid lol

So once again, just leave it as they are, the people that want to do them can, and those that don't can just punch or kick the opponent when Finish Him/Her comes up.

So in short, no. NRS should not give people the option to turn off fatalities and xrays online. I think that would work in offline single player or versus though.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

11/30/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
Here's what I don't understand about this whole argument.

X-ray attacks do what, 30-40% damage? And the animation takes 6-9 seconds to complete in most cases. Now, how much time does it take to rack up that much damage in normal fighting? Unless you're Sheeva, who can string together short and simple but very hard-hitting combos, it takes the same amount of time to inflict that much damage.

Let's take an example: Mileena. Her X-ray does 33%, and the full move animation from the initial input to the opponent waking up is 6 seconds. Now, take a look at some of her combos. A 35% damage combo takes 6-7.5 seconds to perform, depending on the combo. You can do 37% in about 8 seconds.

Jax: 41% damage in 8.5 seconds with an X-ray. Or 40% damage in 8.5 seconds with a combo.

So what the hell is the difference?

If someone catches you in a long combo and you don't have a Breaker on hand (or don't want to use it), you are basically a ragdoll for the same amount of time as it takes for an X-ray to run. The whole point of using an X-ray is to sacrifice your entire meter to land 30-40% damage without having to do a combo or risk having the opponent break out of it. You will still kill your opponent just as fast.

Some X-rays, such as Ermac's, do take a bit too long for the amount of damage they do. He spends an awful lot of time hovering in the air before delivering the second blow. But that's pretty rare. Stryker takes a long time, too, but he does 38% which is the third highest X-ray output in the game. He can do more damage faster with combos, but again, it takes precision, luck, and a "willing" opponent to do a combo. You lose some time and meter, but you gain some security. Cost/benefit and all that.

But what is that time really costing you, anyway? So what if it takes you an extra 1-3 seconds to take/inflict heavy damage? What the hell else would you be doing with those seconds if you could get them back? Learning a new language? Volunteering at a homeless shelter? Fighting against corruption and injustice? Add up all those precious seconds that you lost over hours of game time in a day, and maybe it'll amount to one more match.

And if you're a casual player who never does big combos, the X-rays actually speed things up. What's to complain about?

You're playing Mortal Kombat, the most stylish fighting game out there. Why not enjoy the presentation? If the X-rays are taking too long for you, or they're too boring, then use those free seconds to grab a drink of water. Maybe take a moment to plan your next move while you have a break. Stretch your fingers. Blink, for once, if you're so inclined. But shit, guys, don't waste your time griping about how much time you're wasting.
11/30/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Here's what I don't understand about this whole argument.

X-ray attacks do what, 30-40% damage? And the animation takes 6-9 seconds to complete in most cases. Now, how much time does it take to rack up that much damage in normal fighting? Unless you're Sheeva, who can string together short and simple but very hard-hitting combos, it takes the same amount of time to inflict that much damage.

Let's take an example: Mileena. Her X-ray does 33%, and the full move animation from the initial input to the opponent waking up is 6 seconds. Now, take a look at some of her combos. A 35% damage combo takes 6-7.5 seconds to perform, depending on the combo. You can do 37% in about 8 seconds.

Jax: 41% damage in 8.5 seconds with an X-ray. Or 40% damage in 8.5 seconds with a combo.

So what the hell is the difference?

If someone catches you in a long combo and you don't have a Breaker on hand (or don't want to use it), you are basically a ragdoll for the same amount of time as it takes for an X-ray to run. The whole point of using an X-ray is to sacrifice your entire meter to land 30-40% damage without having to do a combo or risk having the opponent break out of it. You will still kill your opponent just as fast.

Some X-rays, such as Ermac's, do take a bit too long for the amount of damage they do. He spends an awful lot of time hovering in the air before delivering the second blow. But that's pretty rare. Stryker takes a long time, too, but he does 38% which is the third highest X-ray output in the game. He can do more damage faster with combos, but again, it takes precision, luck, and a "willing" opponent to do a combo. You lose some time and meter, but you gain some security. Cost/benefit and all that.

But what is that time really costing you, anyway? So what if it takes you an extra 1-3 seconds to take/inflict heavy damage? What the hell else would you be doing with those seconds if you could get them back? Learning a new language? Volunteering at a homeless shelter? Fighting against corruption and injustice? Add up all those precious seconds that you lost over hours of game time in a day, and maybe it'll amount to one more match.

And if you're a casual player who never does big combos, the X-rays actually speed things up. What's to complain about?

You're playing Mortal Kombat, the most stylish fighting game out there. Why not enjoy the presentation? If the X-rays are taking too long for you, or they're too boring, then use those free seconds to grab a drink of water. Maybe take a moment to plan your next move while you have a break. Stretch your fingers. Blink, for once, if you're so inclined. But shit, guys, don't waste your time griping about how much time you're wasting.

I like these arguments a lot!!! So much sense.
11/30/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
This is Mortal Kombat, not KI. MK does not need Ultra Combos!

No...just NO!!!
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I will rock you.

11/30/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
You can't skip fatalities or x-rays they are what makes the game unique and the environment you can use against your opponent as well.confused
11/30/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
Seems Mortal Kombat isn't the game for you.
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11/30/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Your problem does not deal with MK specifically, it deals with fighting games at large.

The repetition and general short term of a match means you inevitably see most of what the game offers in a very short time.

I have seen criticism that X-rays are overdrawn and break the pacing, and most people do not bother with fatalities.

here is the thing: Faalities are a gimmick.

I do not bother with humiliating your opponents. Why would you? What is the point? Sure, I enjoy the blood as much as the next gore hound, but after, say, five times a fatality stop being relevant.

About Me

12/01/2014 01:49 AM (UTC)
This isn't killer instinct, I know is unavoidable to compare the newer fighting games but come on now.
12/01/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot - I never said that? Besides, it already has brutalities ;)

ReptileFinally - Oh? Then maybe I should'nt buy it then, or perhaps you are wrong? :)
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Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

12/02/2014 02:48 AM (UTC)
This is dumb..... I knew after watching one video (though i watched multiple) that the new KI is shit..... Why are we even talking about it here at all? I dont get it.... Even these ultra combos got nothing to do with mk and yes their dumb.... As for fatalities.... Totally two different things. Fatalities are foremost tradition for mk games. Yeah i know some ppl get tired of seeing them over anf over, and i do too at times, but i just love finishing ppl online. As for xrays.... Too long? Nah.... Well idk.... I main Reptile and his xray i think is one of the longest ones, but i wouldnt say its too long.... What like 5 secs? .... Now the fatalities in mkx might be too long..... Anyways yeah the whole no xrays stuff is stupid. Even though i personally dont use xrays that often (4 years almost and not even 200 done with my main reppy) they are very vital to the current gameplay system. If they simply remove it then that does nothing good... And its not like xrays are an issue with mk9 at all.... Advanced players dont do them that often.... Only scrubs waste their meter doing xrays all the time... Anyways if they were to replace them.... With what? Xrays are basically mks version of street fighters ultra combos or whatever. However imo the way xrays work in mk is better balanced than any other super meter moves in any other fighter. Imo xrays are the prime example now of how super full meter moves should be like.... High damaging when done alone, but when comboed the damage is scaled back a lot.... Honestly think about how fucked it woulda been if mk9 was filled with 70+% combos cuz of them not scaling the xray damage? Then itd be as bad as marvel vs capcom almost....

All im saying is KI is stupid, and xrays are awesome and should probably forever be a mk staple now imo.
12/04/2014 11:42 AM (UTC)
Ok I usually read the whole topic before posting my opinion, but come on... Braging about x-rays take to long? 6 to 8 seconds is that much? Don't make me laugh...
And the fatalitys... If you lost you deserve punishment, this is MK, people have the means for it. Be a man, deal with it, or play something else.
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