Ultimate Mortal Kombat X
posted01/05/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)by
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10/06/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
I would love to see an umkx about a year after mkx drops. 4 to 5 extra characters and about 3 new backgrounds. I know dlc is the thing these days, but a hard copy similar to mortal kombat komplete edition, but with the "ultimate" moniker would be sweet to me.
01/05/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
sorcerersoul Wrote:
I would love to see an umkx about a year after mkx drops. 4 to 5 extra characters and about 3 new backgrounds. I know dlc is the thing these days, but a hard copy similar to mortal kombat komplete edition, but with the "ultimate" moniker would be sweet to me.

Umm....no, just NO!

They don't need to waste their time and money on that.
Nix Dolores
01/05/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
No thanks

I like getting the full game and not having to pay the same price again for a little extra content.
01/05/2015 03:09 PM (UTC)
Not this again. People wanted Ultimate Mortal Kombat 2011 and it never came to be.

That and the game isn't even out yet.
01/05/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
I would be down for this.

01/05/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I would be down for this.

Ĺol...ya ok.

They can just release more characters and stages via DLC after the game and initial DLC is out. They can also wait and add whatever to the Komplete Edition.
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01/05/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)

This forum just keeps on giving.
01/05/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
Only way I'd be okay with an Ultimate Mortal Kombat X is if they release all those additional characters as a Ultimate DLC pack for the original game.

A MKX Komplete Edition makes more sense to do and doesn't fracture the online community.
01/05/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
Hm.. to be honest.. no! It reminds me of the street fighter game... i don't want Ultra or super mortal kombat x.
01/05/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
I'd take an Ultimate MKX before the Komplete Edition. At least with an Ultimate Edition, there's new content and more of an incentive to buy the game again. The Komplete Edition is just a middle finger to anyone who buys the game and all the DLC before the Komplete Edition is released.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/05/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'd take an Ultimate MKX before the Komplete Edition. At least with an Ultimate Edition, there's new content and more of an incentive to buy the game again. The Komplete Edition is just a middle finger to anyone who buys the game and all the DLC before the Komplete Edition is released.


UMKX certainly has a ring to it though.
01/05/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
Unless they make it as a 'FREE' upgrade, I see no reason for it. Rather than spending more time to just add a few more kharacters and stage, it's better if they focus those effort for the next, complete game. MK11 anyone?

But, not a bad idea, they DID make UMK3 didn't they?, but that was a while back when Arcades were still alive and kicking, there's no guarantee that will work on the home games. Arcade worked since you don't have to spend extra money for it. Just drop koins into the machine, and you are good to go. Arcades benefited since they can attract more new people to play to get even more revenue, but spending extra money for a new home game that is actually only a few extras of the same exaxt game, is well....

I respect your idea though.
01/05/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
See, I was under the impression that the OP meant basically calling the enevitable "Komplete Edition" UMKX. If so then sure.
01/05/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I would be down for this.

Ĺol...ya ok.

They can just release more characters and stages via DLC after the game and initial DLC is out. They can also wait and add whatever to the Komplete Edition.

Well I assume this "UMKX" would be just like MK9's Komplete edition, so it would have everything MKX has, but all the DLC already on it plus the new stuff. That's why id be down for it, I liked having the Komplete and Ultimate versions of MK9 and Injustice.
01/05/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
No. What i meant was completely new kontent, but also everything that dlc had to offer as well. Like a "supreme" komplete edition. Thanks to those who understand what I'm talking about, and to the "no men," i still appreciate your arguments!
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01/05/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote: I liked having the Komplete and Ultimate versions of MK9 and Injustice.

Well who doesn't like having all the content? I know i like MKKE because i don't have download capability, and i'll get Injustice KE at some point.

This is precisely why i WOULDN'T want an extra version after the regular one, because what's the point of buying the first one? I think we'd all rather just get the first version with everything it's going to have, but realistically we know that won't happen. I'm torn between getting it in April or just waiting for the inevitable

This also relates to Goro - why can't i get him from the word go? It's exclusionary bullshit.
01/05/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote: I liked having the Komplete and Ultimate versions of MK9 and Injustice.

Well who doesn't like having all the content? I know i like MKKE because i don't have download capability, and i'll get Injustice KE at some point.

This is precisely why i WOULDN'T want an extra version after the regular one, because what's the point of buying the first one? I think we'd all rather just get the first version with everything it's going to have, but realistically we know that won't happen. I'm torn between getting it in April or just waiting for the inevitable

This also relates to Goro - why can't i get him from the word go? It's exclusionary bullshit.

I feel you, I thought about this my self, but I don't have the patience and it would be damn near impossible for me to wait a year or two to play a game I know ill love while everyone else is enjoying it so im buying the standard/kollector's edition and just buying all the DLC as its released, and I might pick up the Komplete edition when its released IF it has things exclusive to that edition.

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01/05/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
I just want the DLC Characters to be complete this time
01/05/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
No thanks lol.
Sonya since 92
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01/05/2015 07:58 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I just want the DLC Characters to be complete this time

So much of this!! ^^
01/05/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote: I liked having the Komplete and Ultimate versions of MK9 and Injustice.

Well who doesn't like having all the content? I know i like MKKE because i don't have download capability, and i'll get Injustice KE at some point.

This is precisely why i WOULDN'T want an extra version after the regular one, because what's the point of buying the first one? I think we'd all rather just get the first version with everything it's going to have, but realistically we know that won't happen. I'm torn between getting it in April or just waiting for the inevitable

This also relates to Goro - why can't i get him from the word go? It's exclusionary bullshit.

See I'm on the flip side. I'm tired of GOTY editions fucking me over because I bought the game day 1. I mean sure, I could wait 6-9 months for the Komplete edition with all the DLC for the price of the regular game. But there's no way I'm going to miss out on something I already waited for since June when it's readily available. That's just stupid.

And to me, the Komplete edition IS another version of the game, except there's nothing new. Just DLC I already have. What an Ultimate version would do is add NEW content. Like never been in the game content.

It would essentially be a Super Street Fighter 4. Which works for you because there's nothing to download, it should be cheaper, and you get all the content from MKX. I know there will be another version of MKX, so why not an Ultimate version?
01/05/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
PickleMendip Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote: I liked having the Komplete and Ultimate versions of MK9 and Injustice.

Well who doesn't like having all the content? I know i like MKKE because i don't have download capability, and i'll get Injustice KE at some point.

This is precisely why i WOULDN'T want an extra version after the regular one, because what's the point of buying the first one? I think we'd all rather just get the first version with everything it's going to have, but realistically we know that won't happen. I'm torn between getting it in April or just waiting for the inevitable

This also relates to Goro - why can't i get him from the word go? It's exclusionary bullshit.

See I'm on the flip side. I'm tired of GOTY editions fucking me over because I bought the game day 1. I mean sure, I could wait 6-9 months for the Komplete edition with all the DLC for the price of the regular game. But there's no way I'm going to miss out on something I already waited for since June when it's readily available. That's just stupid.

And to me, the Komplete edition IS another version of the game, except there's nothing new. Just DLC I already have. What an Ultimate version would do is add NEW content. Like never been in the game content.

It would essentially be a Super Street Fighter 4. Which works for you because there's nothing to download, it should be cheaper, and you get all the content from MKX. I know there will be another version of MKX, so why not an Ultimate version?

Precisely what i was implying!
01/05/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
I would much rather they put out an expansion pack. They have so many classic characters they are leaving out of this game they can easily add an expansion pack instead
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01/05/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
I would like to see them make a PS4 and X box One version of MK9 Komplete Edition with Tremor, Goro, Kintaro, and Shao Kahn be playable.wink As for an Ultimate MKX it is too early right now. They will have something like a Who's Next Edition in the future for MKX.smile
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01/05/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Complete Edition for sure, Im still undecided if im gonna bother upgrading to PS4 for MKX, if I stay on PS3 I can get the Complete box when I upgrade to PS4.

Sure...call it UMKX if you want.
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