Tremor in or out of MK 7.Please Vote.
posted11/03/2005 03:30 AM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
I vote yes,cuz he could turn into great character.He will be new and fresh addition to the story plot.Aswell as Rain,but we r talking about Tremor.And please don't bring the pathethic quote "we have enough ningas'.

To those who dont know who Tremor is:

Hes a x-Ninja from the lin kuei who now works for kanos black dragon clan.
Heres a pic of him
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09/11/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Considering it's no longer KAno's clan, I would say no. There may be potential for Tremor, but I'm not too sure he's needed. The Black Dragon storyline is considerably boring and really ought to be scrapped imo.
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09/11/2005 05:46 PM (UTC)
To put it simple: no, we don't need another ninja. Especially if he is already a ripoff o other MK characters to begin with.
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09/11/2005 05:47 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:"we have enough ningas'.

Seriously though, the ninja days are over, the Black Dragon consists of only two members (or three, depending on what endings are canon), and he was only in Special Forces anyway, so odds are he doesn't have a huge fan base to begin with. There are more one-game-wonders in MK that deserve to be in the next fighting/adventure games than him.
09/11/2005 05:59 PM (UTC)
No, and not only for the "too many ninjas" reasons. Tremor is just another Black Dragon goon, with nothing to make him stand out. If he were to appear in a mainstream MK, he'd probably fill the role of Jarek, Kobra and the Red Dragon's Hsu Hao, killable henchman, so no point. His powers are nothing to write home about either.
09/12/2005 02:54 AM (UTC)
I'm surprised at the negative responses to this idea. I like it.

For me, Tremor returning would be interesting, not least because, imo, his ability to control earthquakes is very cool, and could be really well done in the 3D environment.

For me, his ability should disrupt the fighting arena and alter the fight itself. I'd like to see pieces of the arena break off and fall, or have the ground break etc. causing new hazards and aspects to watch out for during a match.
I'd also like to see him be able to alter his opponents' moves by making the ground tremble. Perhaps he could have a move(s) that knock an opponent out of their own special moves, causing them to miss etc.

I know he is 'another ninja', but I don't think that argument applies anymore, seeing what they have done with Ermac and Sub Zero...

And the problem with him being just another Black Dragon can be resolved by exploring his Lin Kuei roots, and developing those - which would tie him directly into the current storyline.

Surely his original ability of controlling earthquakes is far more worthy of a place in the next game than Rain...
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09/12/2005 06:49 AM (UTC)
"Surely his original ability of controlling earthquakes is far more worthy of a place in the next game than Rain"

Hahahaha, original ability. People, he is just a masked Jax Briggs with even less personality than a doorstep.
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09/12/2005 08:08 AM (UTC)
krsx66 Wrote:
I'm surprised at the negative responses to this idea. I like it.

For me, Tremor returning would be interesting, not least because, imo, his ability to control earthquakes is very cool, and could be really well done in the 3D environment.

For me, his ability should disrupt the fighting arena and alter the fight itself. I'd like to see pieces of the arena break off and fall, or have the ground break etc. causing new hazards and aspects to watch out for during a match.
I'd also like to see him be able to alter his opponents' moves by making the ground tremble. Perhaps he could have a move(s) that knock an opponent out of their own special moves, causing them to miss etc.

I know he is 'another ninja', but I don't think that argument applies anymore, seeing what they have done with Ermac and Sub Zero...

And the problem with him being just another Black Dragon can be resolved by exploring his Lin Kuei roots, and developing those - which would tie him directly into the current storyline.

Surely his original ability of controlling earthquakes is far more worthy of a place in the next game than Rain...

You said it all grin

I was thinking that Tremor could be AWESOME Sub-Boss for the next game.
Just read what krsx wrote.He is BIG yeah he is really BIG ONE.NINJA Tremor is 2 or 3 time bigger than all of the others.His story could be something like he want to beat Sub-Zero and takeover the Lin Kuei or something with Noob and his cyber demon klan or Sektor Tekkunin,but the Lin kuei is better imo.
People , did ya know:


The bio given to Rain in most instruction manuals, which states that he is a Lin Kuei ninja, actually belonged to Tremor? Tremor was to be put in Mortal Kombat Trilogy, but eventually pulled out. However, in early versions of the game his bio would appear as a glitch.

Rain's false Bio that originally belonged to Tremor can be found below.

Rain - Tremor Bio
Rain is an assassin working freelance. He was once a member of the Lin Kuei along with Sub-Zero, but left the clan under mysterious circumstances. Years later, Rain is found working for Shao Kahn as an assassin in the Outworld. Born a human, he finds himself questioning his loyalty towards Kahn after watching the invasion of Earth.

Comments ?
09/12/2005 10:43 AM (UTC)
09/13/2005 10:46 PM (UTC)
I would want Tremor to come back as one of the members of the Tekunin army. For those who don't know, Sektor went back to Japan to create a cyborg army called the Tekunin. If his ending is correct.

What's with the "too many ninjas" thing? You have Sub-zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Ermac, Rain, Smoke, Chameleon, and Noob-saibot. I would have agreed with you a few years ago. Now, there's no need for that argument since they all have their different stories and styles. As long as they're not all in the same game I don't see the problem. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing Rain and Chameleon come back, however they would have gain their own identity(different outfits, story, etc.).

Besides wasn't Scorpion the only male ninja(before he died) in the game?
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09/14/2005 03:27 AM (UTC)
Too many ninjas? I dunno. It all depends on the look and the story. Ermac had an awesome update for MK:D and for a long time he was "just another ninja." I would personally put Tremor with the Shinrai Ryu, Scorpion's old clan. I'd like to see that plot reemerge. Tremor appears to follow a similar path as Scorpion, a bitter rival to Sub Zero with vengence on his mind. But I think that could be built on greatly. He doesn't have to necessary look like a ninja. Not in the traditional black outfit with "choose color here." I believe his color was brown, though I don't remember.

I don't think the Black Dragon story is dead. I think that things could be done to make it better. Bringing back Kano, who fights and schemes to regain the leader role that Kabal took from him. Two former allies now trying to undo one another. Kira not sure which one to trust, if any of them. That's just one idea, there's still potential there for a lot more with any number of characters involved.

One last thing about Tremor though. It was mentioned before, but I'll say it again. Tremor should NOT be brought back as a lackey. No more lackey's in fact...Period. No Hsu Hao, no Jarek, no Kobra storylines. Kira has potential to be more, but plotlines should be much more complex than the lackey roles that too many characters have received over the last several games. I say this especially due to the fact that the next generation hardware is almost upon us. There is absolutely no excuse to use still images and flat, static plotlines. MK7 should have a huge plot with alliances, backstabbing, overeaching evil and evil that cannot be seen, love, loss, real human emotions and drama to go with the action, and a depth of story for each character and vendetta previously unknown to the genre. That's my feeling on it anyways.
09/14/2005 04:57 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
krsx66 Wrote:
I'm surprised at the negative responses to this idea. I like it.

For me, Tremor returning would be interesting, not least because, imo, his ability to control earthquakes is very cool, and could be really well done in the 3D environment.

For me, his ability should disrupt the fighting arena and alter the fight itself. I'd like to see pieces of the arena break off and fall, or have the ground break etc. causing new hazards and aspects to watch out for during a match.
I'd also like to see him be able to alter his opponents' moves by making the ground tremble. Perhaps he could have a move(s) that knock an opponent out of their own special moves, causing them to miss etc.

I know he is 'another ninja', but I don't think that argument applies anymore, seeing what they have done with Ermac and Sub Zero...

And the problem with him being just another Black Dragon can be resolved by exploring his Lin Kuei roots, and developing those - which would tie him directly into the current storyline.

Surely his original ability of controlling earthquakes is far more worthy of a place in the next game than Rain...

You said it all grin

I was thinking that Tremor could be AWESOME Sub-Boss for the next game.
Just read what krsx wrote.He is BIG yeah he is really BIG ONE.NINJA Tremor is 2 or 3 time bigger than all of the others.His story could be something like he want to beat Sub-Zero and takeover the Lin Kuei or something with Noob and his cyber demon klan or Sektor Tekkunin,but the Lin kuei is better imo.
People , did ya know:


The bio given to Rain in most instruction manuals, which states that he is a Lin Kuei ninja, actually belonged to Tremor? Tremor was to be put in Mortal Kombat Trilogy, but eventually pulled out. However, in early versions of the game his bio would appear as a glitch.

Rain's false Bio that originally belonged to Tremor can be found below.

Rain - Tremor Bio
Rain is an assassin working freelance. He was once a member of the Lin Kuei along with Sub-Zero, but left the clan under mysterious circumstances. Years later, Rain is found working for Shao Kahn as an assassin in the Outworld. Born a human, he finds himself questioning his loyalty towards Kahn after watching the invasion of Earth.

Comments ?

I haven't seen that bio for rain, so i'm not sure if its accurate or if you just made it up. The lin kuei don't just let their members leave the clan and become freelance. Once your in the clan, your in it for life. And although tremor was dressed as a ninja it doesn't mean he was part of the lin kuei. It was never said that he was with lin kuei. That was just assumed by the fan base.

I would like to see more lin kuei members since the only ones we've seen are sub-zero (older and younger), frost who all have the freezing ability, and smoke. There was also sektor and cyrax but it was never said what their special abilites were when they were human. So, having tremor would be nice regardless of the ninjas thing which really doesn't apply since there is no more pallette swapping anymore.

I honestly don't really consider special forces as part of the storyline since it wasn't done very well and pretty much given up on.
09/14/2005 05:00 AM (UTC)
The ninja days are far from over, especially now that the masked warriors have some pretty cool differentiation between them, and are not just palette swaps.

Tremor would be cool to explore further. I would love to see more of him in action. A little rivalry between him and Sub would be interesting.
Those that are shooting down the Black Dragon, I would say give them one more chance. The story for the Black Dragon has been totally switched around now, with Kano MIA, Kabal taking over, and having the Black Dragon clan now devoted to the religion of Chaos. Instead of just a "crime syndacite out for money and power", Kabal's goals now seem to be masked, and anything can happen at this point. He was after the Dragon King's heart as well as Havik. What will he do with it if he gets it? Is he still following Havik? How devoted is he to Chaos, and how far will he drag the clan into it?
And most importantly...
What happens if Kano indeed returns and doesn't really take well to the idea that Kabal assumed leadership?
And to bring it back to Tremor, who's side would he turn to, Kano's or Kabal's?
There is a lot of story potential for the Black Dragon to make them interesting enough. Don't write them all off just yet.
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09/14/2005 01:34 PM (UTC)
Xalibar Wrote:
I haven't seen that bio for rain, so i'm not sure if its accurate or if you just made it up. The lin kuei don't just let their members leave the clan and become freelance. Once your in the clan, your in it for life. And although tremor was dressed as a ninja it doesn't mean he was part of the lin kuei. It was never said that he was with lin kuei. That was just assumed by the fan base.

That bio IS real and DID make it onto some versions of MKT, whether it be in the manual, or in the game itself. That biography wasn't used, though, because only the N64 version of MKT ever used it, and even then, only a couple of thousand copies actually used it by accident before his UMK3 home version bio was used again. It also didn't make sense with his ending, which wasn't changed from the UMK3 home version that we all know. Whether or not it was intended for Tremor, I don't know, but Asesino didn't make it up.

I do remember a reliable source from the site stating that Tremor was intended for MKT (I think his name was FatSatan?), but I have no proof to back that up, nor will I attempt to until I can.

And I think you need to rethink your statment on being "in [the Lin Kuei] for life", as the original Sub-Zero had intentions of retiring once he assassinated Shang Tsung in the original Mortal Kombat.
09/17/2005 01:41 PM (UTC)
I haven't played Special Forces long enough to reach Tremor in the game. The idea of a character who has the ability to create earth quakes is really unique. I like the idea, although I haven't seen Tremor in action, I would like to see a character that has the ability Tremor has if not him.
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09/17/2005 01:58 PM (UTC)
Retiring? What does have to do ith leaving the clan? Your argument is useless. He can retire but he is still a member of his clan. Sure, an asasssin guild wouldn't let people leave it under any circumstance, but they can grant him a carefree life at his enddays, but NEVER let him leave their ranks and babble about them.

it was never about palwtte swaps, but the similarity of charaters. Despite how radical changes you will make, Ermac, Rain, Tremor will ALWAYs be masked warriors if their design is made so.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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09/17/2005 03:11 PM (UTC)
1. To withdraw, as for rest or seclusion.
2. To go to bed.
3. To withdraw from one's occupation, business, or office; stop working.
4. To fall back or retreat, as from battle.
5. To move back or away; recede.

If he can retire, it means that he can leave without fear of being assassinated by his former allies, unless he reveals the secrets of the organization/does something against them. When one retires from a business, they're no longer a part of anything that goes on within it, they're out of the loop, they're free to do as they want without being examined under the microscope that they were once held underneath.

If that bio was intended on being Tremor's, then obviously he managed to get out of the Lin Kuei and join another organization without reprecussions (since he became a member of the Black Dragon). It clearly states that he left under mysterious circumstances, not that he was "thought to have been killed/MIA" or anything similar to that, which would imply that the Lin Kuei had previous knowledge that he was no longer a member and not dead. He was also in prison during MK:SF, and even if records of him being in prison were top-secret, do you honestly think that the Lin Kuei wouldn't have found out about a former member who left the group on a bad note being in the prison system or even in another clan (especially since he wasn't even out of his uniform while being there)? If he wouldn't have been allowed to leave, then how would he have left at all?

Plus, Sub-Zero was in his mid-30s/early-40s at the time of MK1, so he was far from his end-days and would've still been a valuable member to keep. Also, he was only taking missions for two years (his first ever being the one in MKM:SZ), so it wasn't like he had been doing a whole lot to begin with; therefore, it wouldn't make sense for him to even conceive being able to retire unless he was allowed to.

Besides, even if one does retire, what's to stop them from babbling about the clan's secrets at that point? It wouldn't make any sense to allow them to retire and not allow them to leave.

Chrome Wrote:
Retiring? What does have to do ith leaving the clan? Your argument is useless. He can retire but he is still a member of his clan. Sure, an asasssin guild wouldn't let people leave it under any circumstance, but they can grant him a carefree life at his enddays, but NEVER let him leave their ranks and babble about them.
09/17/2005 04:35 PM (UTC)
I vote yes.
11/03/2005 03:30 AM (UTC)
Tremor was a cool idea put into a lousy game. I'd rather see him in a fighting game of MK than most of the other characters some fans want back (Fujin, Stryker, Sheeva, Mavado, et cetera). His Fatalities and moves could be rather unique from a Mortal Kombat perspective.
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