To ED BOON only......
posted01/08/2010 06:00 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/03/2009 02:58 PM (UTC)
We don't need a reboot game of mortal kombat. What we need is mk9 with new characters and fatalities. I don't think the mk fans will be pleased if the first mk game was remade cause I won't be happy ether. furious
01/02/2010 10:06 PM (UTC)
I hope he replies back.
01/02/2010 11:23 PM (UTC)
I'll be upset if we get an MK9. I'll only be happy if it's a reboot.
01/03/2010 12:59 AM (UTC)
Guldarheel9 Wrote:
We don't need a reboot game of mortal kombat. What we need is mk9 with new characters and fatalities. I don't think the mk fans will be pleased if the first mk game was remade cause I won't be happy ether. furious

Ed Boon doesn't go on this site. So basically this letter to him is a waste.
01/03/2010 01:19 AM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
I'll be upset if we get an MK9. I'll only be happy if it's a reboot.

I strongly think you should get ready to crawl in your corner upset and cry because I don't see it happening. You must be one of Proce's fans I am assuming. His art is awesome and the concepts are pretty cool but why reboot the franchise when they could just use that stuff for enhancing the current. To me MK is not ready for a reboot yet. So I am not completely against it but its not the time I think. A good novel has about how many chapters? Think about it...I know a novel and a game are 2 different things but until there is some closure for all the stories in the series a reboot should not be made until after the final chapter...if you understand what I am saying lol. Some topics are harder to explain for me at times because I could say and discuss so much more than what I do. Anyway, I would not get upset over it. Look at the bright side of least we are not getting another MK vs DC.
01/03/2010 02:10 AM (UTC)
Armageddon is about as close to closure as we're going to get. EVERY character ever is in the game. You think that's going to happen in the next one? Not a chance. All events have already escalated as much as they can.
You've had the MK tournament. You've had Kahn invade. Then you had a fallen Elder God invade. Then you had the alliance between Shang sung and Quan Chi. Then you had the dragon king, who turns out to be the real ruler of Outworld, invade. Then it's Armageddon with Blaze sitting atop the pyramid that every single character in the game wants to climb; it's the ultimate war. How do you follow that up? Anything else would just be a step down.
If after all that's happened, after Armageddon, it's just another dumb invasion by yet another new monster controlled by the One being or whatever, it's just pointless. There's no new stories to tell in this universe.
01/03/2010 04:26 AM (UTC)
I agree with Zentile on this.

MK armageddon was the end, plain and simple.
To keep most stories going would require a big amount of BS, because almost everything has been done.

Just reboot. Fresh engine, new crisp caracters, new everything.
Besides it's not like the last episodes were that great.
01/03/2010 07:46 AM (UTC)
Don't forget Deception that Onaga was planing to merge the Kamidogu, which were the being that the Elder Gods created, which represented each realm, but before all the realms existed it was only the Elder Gods and the One Being, until the Elder Gods decide to go to war against the One Being and defeated him, destroying his conscious into the Kamidogu. That if anyone would merge them the One Being would give them ultimate power. I don't now about you, but when Deception came out and with everything in the game with Ermac's ending, I thought the One Being would have been the next boss. Therefore, their still is a story out there.
01/03/2010 11:06 AM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
Armageddon is about as close to closure as we're going to get. EVERY character ever is in the game. You think that's going to happen in the next one? Not a chance. All events have already escalated as much as they can.
You've had the MK tournament. You've had Kahn invade. Then you had a fallen Elder God invade. Then you had the alliance between Shang sung and Quan Chi. Then you had the dragon king, who turns out to be the real ruler of Outworld, invade. Then it's Armageddon with Blaze sitting atop the pyramid that every single character in the game wants to climb; it's the ultimate war. How do you follow that up? Anything else would just be a step down.
If after all that's happened, after Armageddon, it's just another dumb invasion by yet another new monster controlled by the One being or whatever, it's just pointless. There's no new stories to tell in this universe.

Frikandel Wrote:
I agree with Zentile on this.

MK armageddon was the end, plain and simple.
To keep most stories going would require a big amount of BS, because almost everything has been done.

Just reboot. Fresh engine, new crisp caracters, new everything.
Besides it's not like the last episodes were that great.

So basically you guys just want a completely different game with the same mechanics,new story and all new characters...basically making a clone game. Also you stated everything in the universe has been done...I think if you are that bored with it or any other game because its been done than why bother playing...thats like questioning everyday life lol. Any story you see in games relate to most movies and stuff already too so you might as well just give up on games in general.
Like fire stated in the previous post to mine...there are prequel stories left untold that can be elaborated on too. I understand you guys wanting something fresh out of the series but I think a larger number of people would rather the franchise keep evolving. Personally I would like to see what comes after all the destruction of armageddon. In real life or in common logic those who survive rebuild and than it starts a new chapter in the age of the realm. Even though there is sure to be wars again over leadership and power it is no different than anything in real life...history repeats itself after awhile ya know. I dunno,I say just let the rivalries continue or end and start new ones like in any other game. I myself don't know why I am carrying on about this because the story alone is not why I play...I play for the gameplay,blood,gore,creative modes and violence.
01/04/2010 03:47 AM (UTC)
What about creating a game from an alternate timeline? Like, if Liu Kang didn't go to the first tournament, and Shang Tsung won? They could use that.
01/04/2010 08:58 AM (UTC)
swampcrash_unknown Wrote:
What about creating a game from an alternate timeline? Like, if Liu Kang didn't go to the first tournament, and Shang Tsung won? They could use that.

That would be a prequel...basically the story that happened before the original. I could go for that but it would have to go far enough back in the history to make it work but the tie ins have to be perfect otherwise it will break the story.
01/04/2010 07:47 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
So basically you guys just want a completely different game with the same mechanics,new story and all new characters...basically making a clone game

Like BlazBlue to Guilty Gear? I don't see the problem...
01/05/2010 08:20 AM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
So basically you guys just want a completely different game with the same mechanics,new story and all new characters...basically making a clone game

Like BlazBlue to Guilty Gear? I don't see the problem...

I am not saying there is a problem with that. I would kinda like that myself but that should be a side project and a whole new series with a different name. Mortal Kombat should keep going in its direction and evolve. The question is which MK game would you be considering cloning the engine from...personally i would use MK:A's engine style and beef it up with UR3...basically it would look and play like VS DCU without the close combat and free fall mechanics and just have the air juggles and stuff. but yeah...i have no problem with that happening aslong as it has nothing to do with MK itself.
01/07/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)
That's not really what I meant. I mean, if Liu Kang died before competing (like if he was jumped during the attack on the White Lotus Temple), we would need a new hero. Perhaps we could include Shujinko in this alternate timeline.
01/07/2010 12:21 PM (UTC)
swampcrash_unknown Wrote:
That's not really what I meant. I mean, if Liu Kang died before competing (like if he was jumped during the attack on the White Lotus Temple), we would need a new hero. Perhaps we could include Shujinko in this alternate timeline.

ok so your saying do like an MK VS DCU kinda deal with alternate dimentions?? That would be a what if scenario and would make new fans confused and think it was canon. If anything like that were to happen...I would go with the idea that the whole thing is a dream at the endings of the game have it so a character wakes up from the dream and so on. That would be ok because it would be real to the sense but not the real story because it was just a dream. This could also bring forth many possible characters and uncommon things to the series that normally would not be in it just because its happening in a dream.
01/08/2010 04:26 AM (UTC)
Em... not exactly. A new alternate universe as in the same situation, but the events take a completely different turn. Maybe people like Nimbus Terrafaux can be brought into that storyline, and it wouldn't be canonical to the storyline. Infinite possibilities.
Historical Favorite
01/08/2010 05:47 AM (UTC)
swampcrash_unknown Wrote:
What about creating a game from an alternate timeline? Like, if Liu Kang didn't go to the first tournament, and Shang Tsung won? They could use that.

I love every part of this.
01/08/2010 06:00 AM (UTC)
I like to believe that, considering the next game, the devs have learned from their mistakes.

If the next game is a remake, then clearly they've got much more to learn: First MKA, then DC, and now a remake?

Let's hope that doesn't happen. Three lame games in a row, you've got to be kidding.

Reboot might not be so bad if its new and everything, but a remake... the end of Mortal Kombat as we know it.
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