Time Travelling Character Idea
posted07/07/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)by
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07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
Alright so I pretty much made my account to post this but I feel like it could be a really cool concept that made the game more fun as well, though I can imagine this character being lowest tier in a newcomer's hands but S-Tier if you mastered them.

The idea centers around a time travelling character who can only time travel because they go through the fabrics of space time and based on this I'm thinking a character who glows with purple and white and had parts of their body/skin periodically disappear and reappear through time. Graphically only. No entire limbs moving through time and ruining your moves and all X-Rays.

Anyways I was thinking their moveset in terms of specials could include a stance or special which either saved the next set number of moves or actions for a set period of seconds, and then when the special move was done again, could do those moves automatically, which would mean that moves such as sub-zero's iceball could freeze the opponent again even if performed a second time, thereby increasing combos. Or, there could be another version where they had a past version of themselves reappear through time and do these combos, thereby creating tag combos which would mean that moves with many recovery frames such as the uppercut for example could be chained much easier and create new combos.

Another move I had the idea of was a move which had many startup frames, and would knock the opponent back through time, thereby causing them to move back to the position they were a second ago and repeat the inputs from then. Also, the enhanced version could send them through time and stun them.

Another move could have purple/black rifts through time appear, which the opponent would get hurt by touching. Think Lex Luthor's mini-bombs but instead of causing damage that is timed, they could cause damage on contact. An enhanced version could make these rifts move together and create a large rift, and when meter burned it could create a vortex pulling the opponent closer.

I also thought they could have a teleport forwards and backwards which would work like Smoke's movement where he turns into smoke but through time portals.

His X-Ray could be where he throws the opponent through a time-portal, which ages his femur incredibly, and it disintegrates, and then send them back, causing it to grow back in place and you see it grow and move bones around and crack them, then he could do a final blow causing another few cracks to the skull or something. This move could also be moved so the skull disappears and reforms...

Another X-Ray could be where he turns their skull childlike then does a massive karate chop on the soft spot causing massive damage.

Actually I don't know why I keep using he, because I'd prefer another female character to even out the roster a bit more but whatever.

Their fatalities I haven't thought of yet.

What are your thoughts on this character?
07/06/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
I rather not see time-travel in MK, I dislike it in Marvel and I probably dislike it MK even more.

It makes things complicated, and I don't really like that.
07/06/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I rather not see time-travel in MK

It's about three years too late to make that wish.
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Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

07/06/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
Exactly, though actually the act of sending your consciousness back in time was done actual physically traveling back has never been done. I would think if a god couldn't do it( physically) and it take up a lot of energy just sending his mind back that far and it still not be complete. I don't think another character wouldn't be able to accomplish it, but just my 2 cents.
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07/07/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
Yeah they sort of did that with Raiden if you think about it but anything is possible in the Mortal Kombat world.
07/07/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
Well since this story won't be told in a linear fashion(it'll skip around between right after MK9, 25 years later, 5 years later, etc.) it wouldn't be too crazy for a time traveler.

...it's just that stories involving time traveling are tricky in the sense that they're not always well executed or it ends in a 'and then the main character wakes up and realizes it was all a dream' type of situation that kind of feels like a slap in the face.

I wouldn't feel too comfortable if there did end up being one because i'm not so sure if NRS could pull that off. Edit: oooops my bad I totally thought this was about the story, shame on me for not reading ahead -_- someone using time travel i guess could be interesting but I'm not sure if I can fully picture the concept
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07/07/2014 03:16 AM (UTC)
When using time-travel as a tool for a story (especially for the purpose of retconing shit as they did in MK9), you basically state that you've really fucked up beyond all repair. That's exactly what happened after Armageddon and they simply needed to go back a few steps. The story sank to a level where Raiden actually sent a message to his earlier self (lol).

No more time-travel in MK, please
07/07/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
Some would argue it's way more fucked up and in need of repair/rewinding now than it was in Armageddon.
07/07/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I rather not see time-travel in MK

It's about three years too late to make that wish.

Lol, that is SIMPLE time-travel.

I mean stuff like starwars and stargate and all that shit in which time-travel comes in all forms and sizes.
07/07/2014 07:41 AM (UTC)
There's no time travel in Star Wars...

Well, Anakin occasionally got visions of bad stuff that's gonna happen like MK9 Raiden does, but Vader didn't send those to himself from the future, the force just makes you clairvoyant.
07/07/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
There's no time travel in Star Wars...

Well, Anakin occasionally got visions of bad stuff that's gonna happen like MK9 Raiden does, but Vader didn't send those to himself from the future, the force just makes you clairvoyant.

I don't know, can't remember that movie.

Just Science-Fiction time-travel in general, where you don't know if its the future or the present.

I hate such puzzle stuff.
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