Thoughts On Goro/Shokan Race In MKX
posted03/10/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2011 02:35 AM (UTC)
Just a thought with Goro since he's just a pre-order bonus doesn't seem like he's very important to the story/game, it's interesting if he's the only shokan character in the game why they would go into all this effort to make the 4 armed skeleton and muscles and making him playable

So long story short do you guys think we will have more shokan characters in the game ? Maybe Kintaro as a NPC ?
It would be cool, but I doubt it.

MAYBE Sheeva or Kintaro as NPCs but if there are any Shokan it'll probably be generic ones in a crowd.
03/10/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
When I saw Goro as DLC I thought he was just being used as a draw card a formerly unplayable sub boss offered up as an incentive for pre ordering is a great way to draw in preorders I know I am very excited about playing as him on day 1. I believe that like most DLC charcters in these types of games he will play no role in the story mode at all or at best a very small role around the fight for outworld like he did in the comic. I think that Goro and the shokans may be done with in the mk universe or at least wont be as prominent for a while given his arse kicking in the comic coupled with the fact that Kotal the emperor of outworld doesn't seem to like to Shokan.

So I think this game may be a bit of a farewell to Goro and the shokans at least for a while hence the reason he is offered up as a playable DLC character. Being one of the most iconic mk charcaters up there with scorpion and sub zero it is a fitting send off for him in my opinion
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03/10/2015 07:15 AM (UTC)
In my opinion, Kintaro would've had a slim chance of being playable if this game didn't have three variations.

Shokan other than Goro will get story mode cameos at best.
03/10/2015 08:31 AM (UTC)
double post
03/10/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
In my opinion, Kintaro would've had a slim chance of being playable if this game didn't have three variations.

Shokan other than Goro will get story mode cameos at best.

I agree the chances of seeing any other shokans are very low but it would seem easy to put Kintaro or King Gorbak or something in the game could they essentially would just be a skin
03/10/2015 09:03 AM (UTC)
So hyped for goro. I wonder what his variations will be
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03/10/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
Overused and lacking anything that would make them anything more than a once-has-been pout on a pedestal.

Gameplay-wise? Perhaps.
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03/10/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
All I am going to use Goro for is Fatality fodder. He's been a big bad subboss in how many games now?

I wanted a Centaur. THAT would have been surprising, unexpected, and would add an interesting gameplay dynamic

(please don't let this spark another could they/couldn't they program him debate... all I'm saying is I'd rather see that than a Shokan)
03/10/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
Tough to say. I am sure we will see some nameless Shokan in story mode, but im not sure about any notable ones. I don't think they will be gone forever though, they seem to be a prominent race in Outworld.

03/10/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
I think they are trying to turn shokan into common folk. Goro joined mileena in an attempt to bring shokan back to royalty status but he got fucked up. I wouldn't be surprised to see the shokan reduced to guarding doors.
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03/10/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)
Goro is the king of kings. Period.
03/10/2015 07:50 PM (UTC)
Considering the mixed message we got about the Shokans in MK9, I wish they'd just make up their mind about what they're supposed to be. They're unplayable bosses that are known by kids around the world as the beasts they had trouble beating, but then...

The story of Kung Lao wanting to avenge his ancestor's death at the hands of the invincible Goro is meaningless if he beats him without any problem during reMK2 then beats Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Kintaro in a row like they're nothing.

Kintaro isn't all that he's cracked up to be if he's the best Shokan following Goro and he gets beat by Stryker who has never fought beasts from other realms.

Never mind the fact that Cyber Sub-Zero could take them both on at the same time.

Either make the Shokan as strong as the rest of the roster, or make them invincible boss monsters. You can't do both. It would have been a great time to make Goro more important to the story and another leader who's trying to gain Outworld for the proud Shokan people. Hell, make them forge an alliance with the centaurs. But no, we're left with a DLC Goro who gets messed up pretty bad in the comics.. I don't know what to think of the Shokans anymore.
03/10/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
Agree with the poster above me. MK9 IMO made the Shokan characters look like a damn joke. Which sucks because originally they were awesome, unique, and tough to beat.

Growing up I was always under the impression that Goro and Kintaro were some of the most powerful characters in MK, yet in MK9 they are defeated multiple times. Goro, the reigning undefeated champ for 500 years, gets defeated by 3 different people, and Kintaro who is supposed to be comparable to Goro (Stronger in his MKT bio) is defeated 3 times too, one of those people being Stryker...Stryker.

That rustles my jimmies every time I think about it furious

Idk I just don't like how they were treated in MK9. I usually have nothing but praise and positive things to say about MK but how Goro and Kintaro were handled in MK9 is one of the few things I will openly complain about lol
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