Thought experiment: A true gritty, realistic MK game.
posted05/03/2011 07:19 PM (UTC)by
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Fact: Quoting game designers in an attempt to prove or disprove a theory about the future of the MK franchise is a fool's errand. Sometimes what they say on the subject proves to be accurate, other times it does not. Somehow life goes on.

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04/11/2011 12:31 AM (UTC)
Here's why I'm envisioning:

1. A side game, produced separately from the main series continuity.

2. An all new cast. I'd keep it relatively small. A dozen or so fighters.

3. Modern, real world setting.

4. No magic or fantasy elements.

5. Basic story: An underground fighting tournament to the death with a shadowy underworld figure and/or group as its backer.

6. Character backgrounds: Criminals and gangsters looking to make names for themselves, undercover cops trying to infiltrate tournament, ex-pro fighters broke and willing to risk their lives for a huge payout, those out for revenge on other participants. The bad news for fans of female fighters: Women competing against men in a setting like this would be highly unlikely. Total sausage party. smile

7. Attention to physical reality. Characters would have the jumping abilities of actual athletic humans. They would not be able to continue a fight after sustaining injuries like the MK9 "X-Ray" moves (even if they weren't killed right away, they'd be unconscious or incapacitated by pain/shock/musculoskeletal trauma, etc).

8. Over the top projectiles and special moves of the traditional type would be right out. At most, a character would be able to throw a knife like Kano, but even then they wouldn't be able to keep mysteriously producing and hurling unlimited knives. Other projectile possibilities include shuriken, pepper spray, etc. Guns would be too much in a game that attempted to model their effects on a fight accurately.

9. Costumes again limited to what people might wear to an actual brawl to the death. No bright yellow ninja suits. MMA fighter attire would be a good source of models.

10. Regular movesets would be based on real world martial arts styles that would be effective in no-holds barred fighting situations (so-called "mixed martial arts", jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, military CQC systems, etc). Well known masters of these forms brought in to do consulting and motion capture. Much more depth in terms of modeling grappling, wrestling, and joint locks than most fighting games have.

11. Damage can degrade fighting ability. Leg damage could slow walking speed or even necessitate fighting from the ground for the rest of the match. A broken arm might be useless for punching.

12. Fatalities would be realistic, as well. No ripping somebody in half at the waist, exploding them, etc. Expect more in the way of stabbings, slit throats, curb stomps, stranglings, bludgeonings, and other such mayhem.

13. Mostly new cast for any sequels, as well. None of this ignoring the premise of the game entirely in order to keep everybody's favorite characters coming back time and again. People will die.

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04/17/2011 12:53 PM (UTC)
it's sounds ok on paper.
but you're basically suggesting a mortal kombat game without any fantasy at all, which cannot exist.

i mean, what are the mk characters without fantasy-based special moves and gameplay?

and, yanno, in a real fight, one or punches is pretty much all it takes to knock an opponent out cold.

so, all in all, it wouldn't be particularly interesting.
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04/17/2011 03:08 PM (UTC)
Just play Manhunt or something.

MK is fantasy, martial arts and mysticism. Always has been, always will be.
04/17/2011 06:26 PM (UTC)
If you take the fantasy elements out of the series, you are going to lose a lot of the charm the series has. People think they want gritty and real, but a bunch of normal dudes in black sweatshirts punching each other isn't going to be as entertaining as you think.
04/17/2011 07:15 PM (UTC)
I want dark, gritty and realistic, but not missing the core elements.
This idea sounds like an UFC game except you kill the opponent.
04/17/2011 11:03 PM (UTC)
This kind of game would be going to the extreme of trying to be too realistic. As stated above, the fantasy elements are staple to this series. I think that there needs to be the right balance of realistic and fantasy elements, such as having a more realistic base while fantasy elements as enhancements. As for using martial arts that would work in an MMA fight, why does it just have to be those ones?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on those arts, and I certainly would want some of the MK characters to use techniques from various martial arts styles. It's just that I feel the martial arts styles should be used as a base for their fighting styles. Another thing is that if martial arts styles are being used, I don't see why they shouldn't be ones that are only used in MMA competitions. Different styles of martial arts have different purposes.

I love that MK: Deadly Alliance-MK: Armageddon used martial arts styles for the characters, but one of the issues was how they pulled them off. The characters shouldn't be restricted to moves from those particular styles but instead, they should serve as a base while allowing room for personal moves.

Overall, I'd rather they keep the fantasy elements but do them in a better way without going to extremes of making them overly cheesy and cartoony.
04/18/2011 01:27 AM (UTC)
"Gritty" games where the graphics are full of desaturated colors and heavy shadows so you can barely see what's happening on the screen are ugly and boring. I'm instantly reminded of how Final Fantasy 12 was my least favorite FF game to date because "realistic" looking brown tones and light bloom were the "in" thing at the time and they followed the trend.
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"Pyscho Crusher!!!!!!!!!!" - M.Bison 1992-2010

04/30/2011 07:19 PM (UTC)
Ideas like this wouldn't work no way in MK. MK needs its fantasy characteristics. Its been in the system for so long why do you want to ruin it?
04/30/2011 09:12 PM (UTC)
Could be a good game, but there's no need for it be an MK game really.
05/03/2011 04:09 AM (UTC)
What you described is literally Twisted Metal without cars.
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05/03/2011 05:28 AM (UTC)
Not Twisted Metal.

It is basically Thrill Kill without the paranormal background. Which makes it even more stupid.
05/03/2011 07:43 AM (UTC)
That's not Mortal Kombat.
05/03/2011 07:19 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
It is basically Thrill Kill without the paranormal background. Which makes it even more stupid.

This. That's essentially Thrill Kill, except it wouldn't be dead people, languishing in Hell, fighting for rebirth.
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