Thought about Shinnok and MK 10
posted05/03/2012 03:08 AM (UTC)by
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12/23/2011 01:17 AM (UTC)
I watched the end of Story Mode a little while ago and it reinforced a thought I had and someone else did at another MK forum. Quan Chi told Shinnok his plan worked and how everything up to this point is working like how he predicted it would.

Did Shinnok know Rayden had changed the timeline? I know most arcade endings are non-canon, but Shinnok sent a clone in his Armaggedon ending to fight in the battle but what if Shinnok was watching from the Netherealm and saw what Rayden was doing at the end and decided to change it as well?

It could explain why Quan Chi was at the MK 1 tournament and Khan's favorite sorcerer instead of Shang Tsung. Shinnok could've told Quan Chi to convince Shao Khan to deal with victory for the souls of fallen warriors. Shinnok would also know Quan Chi would betray him and gave him a fake amulet and have him get killed for his backstabbing by Scorpion. With the real amulet, he might actually conquer the realms in MK 10 and a whole new story comes. His potential can be finally used.

What do you posters think?

04/26/2012 01:20 AM (UTC)
I think that'd be pretty neat! I wouldn't be against it if that was the case.
04/26/2012 01:51 AM (UTC)
Then I would say that Shinnok is the master of plans. If he orchestrated this whole thing that would only make Shinnok that much more badass.
04/26/2012 02:34 AM (UTC)
Sounds pretty well-thought out. I think that the relationship within Quan Chi and Shinnok could be expanded on some more, as to showcase how there relationship came about.
04/26/2012 10:58 AM (UTC)
The old timeline had Quan Chi and Shinnok waiting and planning for Shao Kahn's invasion to fail so they could have their turn too, though.

If Quan or Shinnok do know the future like Raiden does, and they were doing things differently too, it sure would've been nice for the game to come out and say so at the end so the differences would've made more sense. You'd think that's the sort of thing that would've been revealed, say, in that last scene of Story Mode or in Quan's Arcade ending.
04/26/2012 10:27 PM (UTC)
I've heard this theory back when Facebook still had discussion boards. I love the idea and would not b surprised at it. I heard it was quan chi who knee though so idk. There was talk that what if quan chi sent memories back to himself. He is a necromancer but what are the extent if his powers? I like the Shinnok idea though because e was a fallen elder God so it's possible that he knows. He alwas want revenge on Raiden and in the old timeline he was watching waiting or the perfect time to strike. He could have seen Raidens visions an become I intrigued. Quan chi is pretty damn sneaky so he could have found out since he was already in the amulet mission as MK mythologies points out. His ending would then make sense. He knows what Shinnok has planned so he will wait it out with the real amulet And let Shinnok think he's controlling the strings. Let's assume Tavens ending came true. This means that part of everyone else's endings would be somewhat true right? Not fully but some, obviously some couldn't cause they died. So in shinnoks ending it could have been a clone that died allowing him to see Raiden and khans epic clash. Therefore he knows something. Assuming taverns endin shao Kahn would also get stronger meaning he could easily defeat whoever gets killed off. So that explains his survival. Raidens powers are elevated and having been an elder god he (yes Shinnok too!) would have more if a chance at survival. Now say quan chi's powers are elevated and his necromancy takes in the form of a psychic ability or something. He fights and the last people standing are Raiden Shang Tsung Fujin and Shao Kahn realizing the chances of his survival ( enhance necromancy gives him foresight or something.) he sends the amulet back in time with his consciousness in it. He then kills Shinnok with shang tsung who gets killed by Raiden and Fujin. Fujin gets killed by quan chi leaving quan chi and raiden to fight kahn emerges frin the ahadiwa with bloody onaga helmet and his changing hammer they tealize they have to team up to kill kahn but hes too much quan chi weakens him by draining ebiyghvpower o send the amulet back in time. He then gets killed and leaves Kahn and Raiden to have a fight to the death.(Raiden could get his idea frin quan chi) Old quan chi finds the amulet and it speaks to him. He then tells Shinnok parts of the truth to Shinnok.
05/01/2012 06:13 PM (UTC)
LOL at Tavern.
It makes one think; wouldn't Quan Chi or Shinnok (the clone) do anything before death in Armageddon like Raiden did? It wasn't exactly of good rules by Raiden to send messages through time and Shinnok would surely do something cunning as well if possible. Then again, Raiden is the god of thunder and time travel is commonly associated with "traveling over the speed of light". Hopefully NeRdS have put that into consideration.
05/01/2012 10:17 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind Shinnok being aware of Raiden's timefuckery. I mean Gods are supposed to be omnipresent.

Plus it kinda halts Quan Chi's constant back stabbing. Unless Shinnok is a complete idiot.
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05/03/2012 03:08 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I wouldn't mind Shinnok being aware of Raiden's timefuckery. I mean Gods are supposed to be omnipresent.

Plus it kinda halts Quan Chi's constant back stabbing. Unless Shinnok is a complete idiot.

I was always surprised Shinnok never got back at Quan Chi for giving him a fake copy of his amulet in the old timeline. He probably figured Scorpion would kill him for well destroying his clan and family.

In one of the previous posts, I don't think there would be Quan Chi knowing about the timeline giving how in the MK 9 intro, he was dead on the steps on the pyramid.
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