this is what i want in mk 7.... tell me wht u want in mk7 or wht u would like 2 have??
posted05/26/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)by
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01/09/2005 07:48 PM (UTC)
i want all the ninjaz, and all the fighters from mk trilogy... we have a varity of choices 2 pick from then just new caracters...cuse the SOME of the new fighters r lame n usless that they r making these days, n they got no real intension in mk. n i would also like all the stages coming back form mk1to mkd. that would be hype....sorry for the spelling.....
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05/20/2005 07:09 PM (UTC)
A proper fighting engine, wake up game, hit detection-reaction, proper fighting styles, better blood effects, realistic and INSTANT fatalities, no more surface/movement basis glitches, no infinites, planting games, less special moves per character, juggles should be restricted to 1-2 hits.

No more ninjas, a character roster restricted to at least 30-32 characters, continuing the orderrealm/chaosrealm ideas properly, new characters, kill of unnecesary old characters permanently in a logical way (retirement or death), give a proper catarsis and climax in each ending/storyline,

give more oriental feeling to the game, keep oriental characters (Bo' Rai Cho, Shang Tsung, Hotaru, Dairou) and improve them to at least very good level. Keep Onagas threat in the series and push the One Being theory back (it's time has yet to come)

give reason for Scorpions further existence, explain stoyline cliffhangers (Johhny dies in every game retconage was a good idea), keep out unne-cessary westerner influences (though Stryker, Sonya, Kira, Kabal, Kano were good, very good).

make the women less revelaing and whore looking. Make proper outfits that actually rersemble the culture and preparations of the fighters (more leather armoring if possible).

a BETTER and LOGICAL KONQUEST mode, but I can live without it if theres a good engine. But my primary concern is the game concept and design/storyline. More fighting interaction and bruises and clothing dama-ge, at least minimally some hacked clothes and blood dripping slices and bruises.

...and of course, Midway, please don't listen to one minded overzealous fanboys/girls.

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05/20/2005 09:02 PM (UTC)
I agree with just about everything that Chrome said regarding the removal of infinites, limiting the juggles to 1 or 2 hits, and the rest of his ideas that go toward improving the overall fighting gameplay experience of MK.

Probably my own personal issue with MK:D, but to me this is second in importance only to gameplay problems: Extra modes. MK:D had all of these extra modes like Konquest, Chess and Puzzle Fighter, but no extra modes for the actual fighting game. WTF??? No survival mode, no tag mode, no time attack mode, no team mode, no create a character mode, nothing. It was arcade, versus, and training. Yeah, the game was online, and that's great if you have XBox live (I don't). But other than that, there was nothing else for the single player to do with the actual FIGHTING game besides Arcade and training. To me that was one of the most inexcusable problems with MK:D. I don't care about puzzle games or test your whatever. If the MK team wants to be innovative, try making new and unique ways of enjoying the actual fighting game. Because that's what MK is damnit, a fighting game!

I also agree with Chrome's idea regarding the Asian theme for MK that needs to return. Personally, I couldn't care less about the order realm/chaos realm idea, since both looked like a trapazoid threw up in konquest mode. Regardless, I would rather hear the talk of other realms and other-worldy places, as speaking of realms still leaves something to the imagination for the players. Showing the realms did absolutely nothing for me, they were all hideous and boring. MK needs to stick with the Asian theme from the older MK games. Delve more into mysticism perhaps.

As for the characters, I would like to see some new characters that can really take the series and run with it. I'd like to see Kung Lao as the hero, but it seems like none of the characters since MK2 have had a huge amount of staying power with fans. There are a few, but not many. Make some new and unique characters with unique moves that are actually cool, and not reminiscent of what might have been cool in the mid 1990's. Also, NO MORE rip off characters that steal moves, special moves, fighting styles, storylines etc. It's cheap and it's lame. If you can't do 25 characters, then don't. Do 18 and then have two or three hidden. I'd rather have quality than quanitity anyways.

Drop one fighting style from the characters. We don't need 2 and one weapon style. Again, this is about quality over quanitity. If you give a character Judo as their one style, really flesh it out with judo style attacks, parrys, throws, counters, joint locks, etc etc. I'd rather have this than two fighting styles that look basically the same outside of the characters stance. Keep the style branch combos but limit them to just a few hits. Five or six at the absolute most. No one wants 10 hit combos anymore. It's what people hate about Tekken and it's what people despise about MK (due to infinites).

As for the weapons themselves, they also need to be more unique. Have one character use a sword, one use a staff, and figure the rest out. Nunchucks, kali sticks, a whip, a chain, a boomerang, axes, a tri fold spear, hook swords, knives, tonfas, etc etc. No character should have the same weapon as another. Really make the moves for weapons unique. Utilize what is different about them and make some fun moves that players will enjoy doing with the weapons. Not just slash slash uppercut slash. Too many weapons played way to similarly in MK:DA and MK:D.

Are you getting the pattern here? Unique. Make the characters unique. Make their moves and weapons unique. Make the setting unique. Give the player more options in the single and two player experience. Put an MK twist on creating characters or come up with new takes on old fighting game standards like tag mode or survival etc. I could keep going but these are the main issues that I want fixed for MK7:

Better (fixed)fighting system
Better gameplay options in single player and two player (forget the damn extra modes that have nothing to do with fighting)
Better character designs (more staying power)
Better moves for fighting styles
Better weapons
05/20/2005 09:08 PM (UTC)
Theres already two or three other threads like this.
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05/20/2005 09:32 PM (UTC)
Three style system is a must, it would be a step back for MK. However I can arrange a complete list of fitting styles for each character in the series save for three or four. I shall post it soon. And it's realizable.

I think they should fill the order/chaosrealm with the easterner elements and give them some life. That way we would have four realms beside Earth that can act separately without being boring and uninventive. Examp-le: the seidan revolution should tie into the story of the kamidogu, and so on...

Give the characters a deeper meaning and fate. it's okay, that they don't have anything to do with the major plotline, in fact, it only makes them look better, if they show how they are swept away by the onslaught.

And for Christs sake, do something with liu, but leave him as the protago-nist. It's time for Sub-Zero and kung Lao.
05/25/2005 04:02 PM (UTC)
I strongly disagree with the Orientalist view.

Mortal Kombat is meant to affect the whole world, and the whole world is not confined to Asia. Having Asian elements is all well and good, but to deliberatly remove all other influences is stupid.
05/25/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
Three styles arent a must. One fighting style and one weapon style are enough IMO. Quantity < Quality .
05/26/2005 01:29 AM (UTC)
i liked it in umk3 when they had the tournament and team vs mode so if they add something like that im good lol
05/26/2005 07:15 PM (UTC)
Don't go off he deep end but id like to see striker come back. He was a great character, just poorly made. Id also want all the ninjas, jax, Cage, and sonya in the game. What would be cool is in every mk game u would always start out with the origianal characters and have to unlock the rest.
That way we can play as our favorit character from the origianal game and all our new favorits. glassesglassesglassesglassesglassesglassesglassesglasses
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05/26/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)
Get rid of unnecesary influences in certain backdrops. I didn't mean to remove non-oriental elements, but for Gods sake, keep the primary.

I can designate three styles for 46 characters with ease, and of course, those would be acessible for Midway to do.
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