This is how midway should make their next game!...
posted11/02/2006 10:41 PM (UTC)by
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Member Since
05/09/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
Heres the list of things they should follow for the "Most Ultimate MK Game" ever!

[Bring back the (oldskool!) 2d gameplay!]

- So basic moves are performed the same (only this time animations would appear differently due to the "now defined" fighting styles) But would be framed 2d instead of the (delayed) motion capture bs (that ruined the franchise). So gameplay will once again be tighter, spot on, and have no delays.

- Disable the run option.

- Loose the dial-a-combo's (include manuel combo's + animations) almost somewhat like shaolin monks featured.

- Include a stamina bar, to control/punish senseless button mashers

- Loose the weapon/2nd style all together. Use the 2d methods of weapon implementation.

- Keep the current 3d graphics (characters + levels)

[Game Modes]

Disc 1: Your meat and potatoes! (If you will)

Arcade Mode: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 (2v2-4v4,Endurance style - no tag bs!)
It could be 1-4 players (online+offline) since there are only 4 controller ports. 1-8 players maybe up to 10 if possible in different variations of (online+offline) + system link support (with tournament options). So you could have 4 (different) individuals at home, play a 2v2 game, endurance style, against each other, or have 8 different players online in a single (1v1) match tournament or a team tournament (2v2,3v3,4v4 etc). Get my drift? This mode would play out - 2d (gameplay) with 3d (graphics).

Battle Mode: Shaolin monks vs style (Isometric cam, running, level interaction, ragdoll physics, etc). Team options 1v2,1v3,2v2, or free for all, probably would support 1-4 players simultaneously (online+offline) + system link support. Maybe even more players (like 8) could play at once, if the maps are bigger or if the game is online.

Options: Tournament options, standard - audio config, controller config, etc... etc...

Disc 2: Story mode + Your so badly needed "Diversion"! (If you will)

Konquest: Not to sure how they should go about this mode. I'm not sure weather MK:DA + MK:D's konquest mode/s were more popular than MK:A's similiar/shaolin monks type style mode. So, I'd let you guys be the judge.

Diversion: You guys decide!

So in a nutshell. This would be my dream MK, which will most likely never ever happen, but... I would guarantee that it would turn out to be the best MK game ever! Because I'm stating ideas that they have already done before. So basically they have all the pieces of the puzzle (so to speak) they just have to mesh them together properly. Hopefully they take this into condsideration, because MK started out as a 2d fighter, til this day... tries to remain a 2d fighter and just needs to go back to it's roots and use the 3d (graphic) facelift it has summoned today. Thx for reading!
11/01/2006 02:15 AM (UTC)
i agree with all of those except the weapon idea.
About Me

11/01/2006 11:54 AM (UTC)

...bringing back 2D style would essentially kill the series altogether.
...and that is non-agreeable.
About Me

Hey, what the f%#& you doing?
11/02/2006 10:41 PM (UTC)
omg i agree :D
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