Things You Would Like to See in the Future Story Modes
posted08/26/2011 06:51 PM (UTC)by
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10/08/2007 02:52 PM (UTC)
I think that Mortal Kombat had a very good story mode, but if there's one thing that bothered me about it was that it ended on a cliffhanger! But it did get me looking foward to the continuation, and considering how differently things ended up by the end of MK9, I'd say anything goes for any sequels, follow-ups, or any other sort of continuation of the story. Here are some events I hope to see:

-Newer characters with low fan bases improved and/or reimagined.

- A better presentation than the "One character per chapter" system which allows for deeper story telling.

-If possible, having characters acting more mature and realistic.

-Kenshi, Rain, and Skarlett having involvement in the story mode.

-Liu Kang having resentment towards Raiden and possibly the elder gods.

-An explaination as to why Shinnok would be allowed to invade a realm without beating them at Mortal Kombat.

-Characters like Kano, Baraka, and Reptile having a big part in the story mode.

-Raiden and Liu Kang going their seperate ways.

-Some fan favorites who died such as Jax and Sub-Zero being resurrected provided it can be done creatively, and some other characters being killed off more or less for good.

-Cyrax, Ermac, and others becoming either good or neutral characters.

-Raiden dying (I'm getting sick of him)

-Quan Chi and Shinnok either being killed or defeated.

-A happy ending, or at least one that brings closure rather than hinting at the next game already.
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08/10/2011 03:06 AM (UTC)
Some hi def cutscene gore!
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08/10/2011 12:03 PM (UTC)
just two things really that would make this mode complete:

jump between characters - none of the chapter bullshit. the story just doesnt work if i can only use scorpion for one small segment and then not hear from him again, or only use johnny cage right at the beginning and never again, etc. this also means we MUST be able to use villains as well.

action-packed cut-scenes. i know WE do the fights, but come on, could we not win the fight and then be rewarded with an awesome cut-scene which concludes the battle? after the utterly epic intros to shaolin monks, deception and armageddon, i cant believe this game's cutscenes were all just characters talking to each other. i wanna SEE scorpion killing sub-zero AFTER a long gory fight.
08/10/2011 05:55 PM (UTC)

Agree with both of those.
08/10/2011 06:37 PM (UTC)
No more Story Mode chapters please. Just switch between characters or something
About Me
08/10/2011 10:11 PM (UTC)
The Chapters help get the players familiar with the character. >_>

I, for one, would like to see a good story. But that probably will never happen in this timeline.
08/22/2011 01:56 PM (UTC)
MORE GORE .... and way better cutscenes there needs to be more more fighting and i agree no more of that chapter bullshit like in MK vs DC (which sucked)glasses
08/22/2011 02:21 PM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
An explaination as to why Shinnok would be allowed to invade a realm without beating them at Mortal Kombat.

He attacked Heaven itself in MK4. I don't think he's too worried about the Elder Gods trying to punish him for things. I believe it has something to do with the amulet making him more powerful than they are or protecting him from them, according to the Mythologies backstory. Though I'm sure NRS doesn't remember most of the amulet's powers or even that it's supposed to belong to Shinnok, and Quan Chi will just wear it as a fancy belt buckle all game again.

Besides, they apparently don't care about invasions, the tournament is only to stop "mergers" and Shinnok doesn't merge realms like Kahn does.
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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

08/22/2011 11:50 PM (UTC)
Give me a Konquest mode similar too Deceptions, and i'll be set =)
08/23/2011 02:59 AM (UTC)
Ya i really liked deceptions story mode. this game didnt feel very rewarding. some of the things i like about deadly alliance and deception was unlocking new characters via fighting and defeating them or simply finding them in the crypt. Or even when beating the ladder on hard if you got to fight against ermac or reptile and unlocked them that way. Lastly i want to see the sub boss be motoro and kick ass like he did in mk 3. The flashing yellow unblockabe shit for the bosses in mk 9 i felt was a cheap way of making them boss characters.

More awesome content in the krypt besides concept art such as videos and funny bullshit. you remember cooking with scorpion? thats good humor
08/23/2011 03:09 AM (UTC)
i think a conquest mode that tells more of the history of the characters we dont know of such as.

A story for reptile starting from the beginning till now. I think hes a core character thats not focused on enough.

a flash back scene of subzero ripping scorpions head off

more of a telling on the centaur and shokans beef between one another.

And see shinnok fucking some shit up instead of you just knowing it happened

lastly ending videos for each character instead of just words and 2 pictures. tekken does a really good job wrapping up there characters
08/23/2011 03:46 AM (UTC)
I really liked the MK9 story mode.
I wish it had some platformer elements in story mode though. Maybe not MKD or MKA style. Just more unique fights, fatalities, and brutalities.
For one, I'd like to be able to do multi part finishers. Example: In MK:SM boss battles. The first time you drain Shao Kahn's health down, you knock his helmet off. He gets pissed off and whips out the hammer! The second time his health is all the way down and you get a chance to finish him. And you must Finish Him! Very cool battle.
They could simulate this fight in the next game, but have Reiko with Kahn's helmet on ;)

Arthur Zonatto
08/23/2011 05:43 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
The Chapters help get the players familiar with the character. >_>

Then what are Arcade, Challenge Tower and Training Modes for?

I say forget the chapter system, get some big action cutscenes (The best cutscene was Quan Chi deceiving Scorpion into killing Bi-Han, and when I was in Nightwolf's chapter I had already forgotten it...)
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"The Shirai Ryu are dead, you will suffer as they did. To hell with your clan." - Sub-Zero "No, TO HELL WITH YOU!" - Scorpion ..."

Quote in MK9.

08/26/2011 02:14 PM (UTC)
Some things that i would like to see in future MK games:

1) Sub-Zero and Scorpion either finishing their differences or tagging up. confused

2) Raiden getting his ass finally kicked (His character is annoying as hell)

3) Cyrax and Sektor getting a part of the big action in the game plot itself

4) Quan Chi getting his ass finally wooped by Scorpion and staying fucking more "revenge" bull shit. DX

5) Sub - Zero having way better fatalities (One of his fataliites in MK 9 sucked balls...freeze your enemy, punch him, and he shatters?? Really??)

6) Quan Chi and Shang Tusn duking it out...

7) Shou Kahn getting bruttaly murdered and staying dead...permently... (I'm tired of his stupid ass coming back...seriously, enough all ready!)

8) Bring back MK Conquest mode...(I loved that)

9) No more chapter didn't work in MK vs why the hell would you think that it would work in MK 9?? Bring back old school, like rotating between favorite characters or being able to stick w your character and gettting his story line throught the whole game, instead of just one chapter...which is total Bull.... furious

10) Making Montoro or Shokan finally in MK 3 (Awesome shit)

11) Scorpion mythologies...(Could be possible idea, just saying) wink

12) Bring characters that aren't that greatly focused on into light.

Yeah...if you could fix up on these issues, i think you would have happy little MK nerds. tongue
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08/26/2011 06:51 PM (UTC)
1) No fetch quest/running around garbage like in MK:D's konquest mode. 90% of that mode was boring as hell. The whole "be at these coordinates at 12:05am" thing was pure garbage.

2) Tell a coherent story from begining to end, using all characters (not just the good guys).

3) Ditch the chapter approach and simply use cut scenes as dividing points, where you come out of cut scenes as different characters.

4) Return to characters. Tell the story, in order, the way you want to tell it. If you want to give Scorpion's intro, then some middle stuff, then some background on him without using him, then a sort of conclusion at different points during story mode? Go for it.

Don't feel like you have to start and end a character in five fights. Let the story breath and have certain characters do things when the story dictates, not when it HAS to be done because you're on that specific character. The more you switch things up, the fresher things will feel throughout.

5) Use the arcade endings to give a sort of epilogue to what happened after each character's storymode ending. In other words, link arcade endings to the story mode. No more "what if" endings in arcade mode that have nothing to do with the story mode.

This one should've been a no-brainer, but oh well.
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