Things to expect in a reboot (if thats what it is)
posted04/21/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)by
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12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
So what are some things we can expect in a reboot? Given IF it is, well, we can look forward to:

-All of the original 7 characters and maybe (JUST maybe) Baraka, Reptile and Kung Lao IF they go by the opening sequence in MK:SM. Let's not forget Kitana (if we go by the info we were given earlier) and Kitana could mean Mileena too. I know that most of MK:SM isn't considered canon but I think the opening is canon-enough...
-Goro and Shang Tsung as bosses again
-CLASSIC (e.g. Courtyard, The Pit) arenas again
-Original fatalities done up with more gore (if possible)
-And weapons (just by judging the artwork we saw earlier)

So my roster predictions are:
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Kung Lao
Goro (boss)
Shang Tsung (boss)

OR I could be completely wrong and what they mean by a "reboot" is what Twisted Metal Black did: some of the same characters, but with drastically different backstories and appearances
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04/18/2010 08:11 PM (UTC)
I would expect similar gamepaly to MKDC, very skill-oriented with more and harder pro-moves. A story mode similar in presentation and gameplay to MKDC but we get to pick our character and play all of their story.

This means we are going to have to do every characters story in order to get the big picture. And leaving arcade mode Having to be done to Unlock A particular characters alternate costume.

I would also Like to see a BIG reward for the Kombo challange and would very much hope to see it come back in this game. I feel a Second Alternate costume should be unlocked after completing the characters Kombo Challange(which should have 15-20 kombos. When you see somebody Online and Scorpions got his Monster outfit(or something just as badass), You know they are good and have mastered the Kombo system.

I would expect Online to have a great pressence. I havent really been interested in playing online Since MKD. They need to pull us in with something. I would Love to see a tournament with 16 seeds, pick your character to hold through the whole tournament. Yes we would be spectating the other fights Or have the option to practice on a dummy while we wait.

I feel that even though we would be spectating, the atmosphere would pull us in. I want something that will keep me in my room for hours. and not just the occasional match and then dealing with the lobbies and the bs.

I would expect Online NOT to have the jossle typed lobbies. Community matches should be random wihtout seeing the other players stats record. This rpevents the good form preying on the bad to further their false reputation. Private matches should contain a room hosted by the creating player who can go on an invite-only basis form 1v1 with a friend. To a full tournament of 16 friends instead of randoms.

I would expect all players NOT currently fighting to be able to talk to eachother via Mic and ONLY the 2 fighting able to communicate with eachother. Mute features and block/friend lists in place.

I want good servers, I would immagine they will be.

I would expect the leaderboards to be the only place where you can view a players stats including a filter to just view people on your friends list.

-Courtyard (MK1)
-Goro's Layer (MK1)
-The Pit(MK1)
-Warrior Shrine(MK1)
-The Temple from the Evil Monastary (I believe it was in MK1)
-Throne Room (MKSM intro)
-Wu Shi Academy(Kang/Kung)
-Lin Kuei Temple(sub/sek/cyr/smoke)
-Special Forces Outpost(sonya/Jax)
-Dark Passage(from behind the scenes with Kung Lao perhaps in story mode)
-Temple of the elder gods(Raiden)

My roster (should it go back to MK1 era)

-Johny Cage
-Liu Kang
-Noob Saibot
-Kung Lao
-Shang Tsung
-Quan Chi

I know this is VERY diverse but Keeping in mind what they had goin on in MKSM. It shows how their minds were set and thinking of each characters involvement with the big picture. I included Noob as we know they will kill subzero again to have him or there would be an outrage. We all know what happened at the end of the Tournament and what will clearly happen again.

I want to see heavy Lin Kuei Pressence. I feel having At least one or all of the cyborgs at least present in their Lin Kuei Human Forms will give all 3 of them more evolution as we continue the series if this is indeed a re-telling of the whole story. We watch the the three go through their respectful transformations and they become deeper characters we can connect to.

I want fataities and if so, hara kiris included in the moves lists which should be complete with more combos and I repeat, HARDER Pro-moves. Aswell as a little more variety in terms of how many special moves we will receive.

this is not alot to ask for given they have 10 usable character models from MKDC that they can use. they just need to expand, perfect the formula and Create more Character models and have been given the time and funding to do so. Even If its a 2011 release. I will be happy should this be included.

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04/18/2010 10:51 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
So what are some things we can expect in a reboot? Given IF it is, well, we can look forward to:

-All of the original 7 characters and maybe (JUST maybe) Baraka, Reptile and Kung Lao IF they go by the opening sequence in MK:SM. Let's not forget Kitana (if we go by the info we were given earlier) and Kitana could mean Mileena too. I know that most of MK:SM isn't considered canon but I think the opening is canon-enough...
-Goro and Shang Tsung as bosses again
-CLASSIC (e.g. Courtyard, The Pit) arenas again
-Original fatalities done up with more gore (if possible)
-And weapons (just by judging the artwork we saw earlier)

So my roster predictions are:
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Kung Lao
Goro (boss)
Shang Tsung (boss)

OR I could be completely wrong and what they mean by a "reboot" is what Twisted Metal Black did: some of the same characters, but with drastically different backstories and appearances

Your idea seems to be more of a remake of the original as opposed to a reboot of the series. I'd rather a reboot instead of a remake.
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04/18/2010 10:58 PM (UTC)
this reboot notion is really picking up steam around here....where did this crazy idea get started again? lol
04/20/2010 10:59 AM (UTC)
I would expect the storylines to be messed up, severely. If it is a remake, anyway. Shaolin Monks proved that the MK Team should never ever try this. If they reboot the entire series, then it's free game, I guess. I will feel betrayed that I spent so much time invested in the original Mortal Kombat, though. I'd like to see a reboot done as a side project, if anything.

One thing a reboot would allow for, though, is a streamlined story. That would be one positive to starting again.

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04/20/2010 04:17 PM (UTC)
Alright, once again I think people have kinda confused the definitions of reboot and remake.

A reboot is a new take on an existing universe, taking a different direction going FORWRD. In the movies, this would be something akin to Batman Begins. All new actors, new director, new musical score... Basically starting the series with a blank slate. You'll see the same characters a lot of times, but it's a new story and those characters will most likely have a different look and identity to them. A reboot is NOT meant to replace what came before it.

A remake on the other hand, is precicely meant to replace the source material. It's not a sequel, but a reimagining of the original work. Think of the new version of Clash of the Titans. It's the same story, just jazzed up with new CGI effects, style etc for a new generation. Same characters... The kraken still gets released etc etc.

If Ed Boon is talking about a reboot then... He's NOT talking about remaking MK1 or MK2 or whatever. He's talking about scrapping what's been done so far (for the most part) and taking the series in an entirely new direction.

This probably means that outside of Sub Zero and Scorpion, we probably won't see a lot of familiar faces. It also means new fighting system, new story, new main villain etc. See? This is all "reboot" type stuff. Not remake. So I'm guessing that many of you can stop with the ideas of how best to remake the earlier games because again, a reboot is not a remake.

Just out of curiosity though, why do people keep thinking that it'll be a reboot? Is it from that interview he did before MKvsDC came out?
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04/20/2010 04:27 PM (UTC)
Well with well deserved respect to your very true statement. I am merely keeping my mind open to both at this time and really... Nobody knows. I am speaking in generalities. If i had to guess, I would guess REMAKE over REBOOT. Simply because the vincent art is for a re-immagening. That seems where it would go.

But theres also the evidence of Boon saying he wanted to start over again and REBOOT the series. With new characters and story thus giving merrit to your comparison.

I Dont think it would be appropriate to stay on one side of the fence so I am speaking mostly in generalities of what could be done, not what I would expect.

You are right tho. There are very big differences between the 2. I guess we will find out soon enough.

Adam Ronin
04/20/2010 06:43 PM (UTC)
But theres also the evidence of Boon saying he wanted to start over again and REBOOT the series. With new characters and story thus giving merrit to your comparison.


Where/ when did he say that? I
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04/20/2010 08:26 PM (UTC)
It appeared in many various interviews and statements between post-MKD and MKA. He never said it was a for sure plan. But he did speak of it on a handful of occasions as something that they wanted to do at one point, pretty much pointing to post-MKA era.

Does anybody know where he said this? I rmemeber it was quite easily accessable. I will do a little bit of digfging tonight and try and find it.


EDIT: Found something after scraping the internet for a few hours, for MKO's viewing pleasure. An interview with Boon from IGN and parts go as follows.

"in Mortal Kombat there was alot of things we wanted to End actually. We wanted to end umm, this chapter of the story. We wanted to end umm, this is the last mortal kombat on this generation of consoles, and we also wanted to end this kind of fighting mechanic for mortal kombat"

"So on the next game we're gonna start new. you know A BUNCH OF BRAND NEW CHARACTERS, a whole new fighting system. a new presentation with the new graphics on the new consoles as well as a new contorl scheme to take control of the new technology available so we thought it was a good time to kinda close this chapter and open a new one with every single, you know, aspect of mortal kombat is gonna be brand new."

Here's the link to the video

Also Found this on a gametrailers interview:

"We really wanted to close out the chapter and a number of these characters with these ongoing, you know, storylines. Theres gonna be this big event thats going to define the destiny for all these characters. When the smoke clears, whoevers still remaining, IF anyones still remaining is going to be moving onto the next generation of mortal kombat."

Video can be found here.

With this being between January and september 2006. It is interesting with the direction we are now to go back and see these videos as it all seems very different now that its 4 years later. In my few hours of being a creeper through all the videos, I found that I heard the words "Culmination" and "Finality" at least 20-30 times. They were really indirectly and subconciously saying that they plan on rebooting the series in some form. We were all aware of that, but it seems more apparent and a dead-set objective now that I watch it again.

Evidently there are going to be many characters killed and with all new aspects in every part of the game. You could call MK9 a reboot with a few characters lingering over. Call it "Whiping the slate clean" of all the dirt on the metaphorical table, being the MK Canon story.

There seems to be talk of the big online plans for MK9 on there aswell as Ed knew, even in 2006, that he wanted to take the whole online experience and essentially re-create the Arcade Experience and he used the words "Global Ranking System". This has been planned for 4+ years. With MK9 Being in development longer than MKDC as we know, this game is very much going to be something very unique and I feel the fans will be pleased.

There may yet be more video evidence on Gamespot as the website was giving me Very annoying problems with viewing videos. I remmeber they had the Exclusive reveal of MKA so there may be even more. I will look in the best interest of this forum, throughout the night during any spare time.

04/20/2010 11:47 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Alright, once again I think people have kinda confused the definitions of reboot and remake.

A reboot is a new take on an existing universe, taking a different direction going FORWRD. In the movies, this would be something akin to Batman Begins. All new actors, new director, new musical score... Basically starting the series with a blank slate. You'll see the same characters a lot of times, but it's a new story and those characters will most likely have a different look and identity to them. A reboot is NOT meant to replace what came before it.

A remake on the other hand, is precicely meant to replace the source material. It's not a sequel, but a reimagining of the original work. Think of the new version of Clash of the Titans. It's the same story, just jazzed up with new CGI effects, style etc for a new generation. Same characters... The kraken still gets released etc etc.

If Ed Boon is talking about a reboot then... He's NOT talking about remaking MK1 or MK2 or whatever. He's talking about scrapping what's been done so far (for the most part) and taking the series in an entirely new direction.

This probably means that outside of Sub Zero and Scorpion, we probably won't see a lot of familiar faces. It also means new fighting system, new story, new main villain etc. See? This is all "reboot" type stuff. Not remake. So I'm guessing that many of you can stop with the ideas of how best to remake the earlier games because again, a reboot is not a remake.

Just out of curiosity though, why do people keep thinking that it'll be a reboot? Is it from that interview he did before MKvsDC came out?

You are correct, but I still standby my post. A reboot generally disregards everything established and goes back to the bare concept. A reboot of Mortal Kombat will essentially be MK1 with (probably) a more streamlined storyline. You'll probably have more characters that "represent" a theme. It'd be like an alternate world version of MK.

Brand new characters we may see could include the human version of Cyrax, or something. That is not what I WANT to see, mind you -- but a reboot of MK, to me, is a pretty sad thing as a main project -- because I like the current continuity.
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04/21/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)
Actually, given the way its been talked about before. I believe if its a so called "Reboot". It will just mean thewy kill many and have a fresh concept. No more past battles and troubles.

Maybe they will just have it be that the elder gods decide things were threatening the realms because they were. It is their duty to ENSURE that the realms exist, in Onaga/Damashi's words.

So the team, to not piss off the core fans in terms of disregarding storyline, may just Kill off many like we have discussed and then have it so The Elder gods re-enstate the tournament where things went out of control under proper circumstances.

There could be a tournament AND a fresh start thus a reboot without just saying "Oh the first 7 games diddnt happen".

Other than the loss of about 40+ characters, I would not be unhappy if thats what happens. And its not like they could be unlockable extras in games to come via DLC packs of playable characters....
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