The Wraith vs The Specter.
posted08/17/2006 01:56 AM (UTC)by
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07/14/2006 01:47 AM (UTC)
Okay, so the original Sub-Zero killed Hanzo Hasashi and turned him into Scorpion. So Scorpion comes back and kills Sub-Zero and turns him into Noob Saibot. Is this where the hatred ends? Did they just forget about each other and call it even?

Noob Saibot: Hmm....I did'nt see this come in my storyline.

Scorpion: So, do I call you concept theif now?

Noob Saibot: No...why?

Scorpion: Your undead and your a ninja like assassin....

Noob Saibot: Oh...Hmmm.....good point...

Scorpion: This had better not turn out like High Lander where one of us says "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!"

Noob Saibot: That would be teh gay!

Scorpion: What?

Noob Saibot: Huh?

Scorpion: You said "Teh"....What the hell is that?

Noob Saibot: Idk...


Noob Saibot: ROFL!

Scorpion: God damn n00bs!

Noob Saibot: Was that a pun?

Surely they did'nt just dawdle...Surely they've met each other. Surely one seeks to end the other forever...

Got any thoughts?
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08/16/2006 04:51 PM (UTC)
Scorpion was always code-named Scorpion; even Sub-Zero and Quan Chi acknowlegded his code name as "Scorpion" aftre Sub-Zero got the Map of Elements.
08/16/2006 05:11 PM (UTC)
I doubt Scorpion knows Noob Saibot is the original Sub-Zero. How would he know? So when he finds out, I imagine, he'll be a bit surprised.
And until Deception, Noob's had no free will. He was Shinnok and Quan Chi's slave. After they were defeated, he immediatly went to Shao Kahn. He even says in his Deception bio, only after his masters were gone was he able to think for himself again. So even if he does bear a grudge or anything against Scorpion, he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. Until now, anyway.

However, any confrontation Scorpion and Noob Saibot have should not...repeat, should about revenge on either side. Scorpion simply going "Grrrr, I still hate you for killing me! Die again!" and Noob going "You killed me, now I hate you! Grrrr!" is just retarded and dumb on several levels.

However, I think if it was handled correctly it could be really cool and be fitting.

I think Noob Saibot should be the one to make the first move against Scorpion...FORCING him to respond. I think it'd be a nice change of pace if Scorpion found himself the target of someone for once.
However once again, I don't think Noob does feel a grudge against Scorpion. Since he is proud of what he is, he might even feel a little grateful. I think what should happen in Armageddon is Noob Saibot offers to let Scorpion join him. Knowing Scorpion's power....and Scorpion being Champion of the Elder Gods....he could be a great asset to Noob's power. Giving Scorpion the whole "We are the same. We should be working together." routine.
Or he could simply want Scorpion dead. Not out of revenge, but because he could see Scorpion as a potential threat....being the man who killed him. And Champion of the Elder Gods. Scorpion could find himself a target along with Sub-Zero and possibly Sareena.

I think it would be cool for Scorpion, upon learning on Noob's true identity, was forced to reflect on the consequences of his actions. Perhaps a little tempted to join Noob....but ultimately realizing that his blind, selfish revenge created an great evil, and just disgusted with what his former rival had allowed himself to become, he'd concentrate on destroying Noob Saibot. Looking to put an end to the evil he helped create.
(I'm referring to pre-retcon Scorpion of course. Post-retcon Scorpion is a jackass and probably wouldn't care or he would still want revenge)

I would like Scorpion and Noob Saibot to have a confrontation (as long as it was handled right) because they are two sides of the same coin...which in my opinion makes for a better rivals. Better even than Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero.
Both were manipulated by Quan Chi and killed. Both were used as his servants or weapons. But while Scorpion retained his free will and struggled to hold onto his honor, Noob Saibot lost his and became a pure evil wraith. Everything Scorpion does is for his family...but as seen in Deception, Noob no longer cares about his family.
The original Sub-Zero created Scorpion. Scorpion created Noob Saibot.

And finally, I think it'd create a nice sense of coming full circle. If in the end, it came back down to Scorpion and the original Sub-Zero.
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08/17/2006 01:56 AM (UTC)
I mean't Scorpion in the sense of the Ninja Specter. I should have been more tactfull with my words.

I agree completely with what you just said. Scorpion Vs Noob would be an excellent confrontation in the sense that Scorpion would be taking responsiblity for his actions and Noob seeing him as a threat or just plane hating him him anyway. I forgot that Noob was a slave, thanks for reminding me.

Getting Scorpion and Noob to fight would be another matter. Hopefully he would be under the vow and would interfer in Noob's attack on Sub-Zero or something like that.

I'm not taking a whole lot of time to develop it but I think that would be the general trigger to start this plot line.
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