The Unofficial Mortal Kombat Oskar Awards! Part 1 (Spoilers Ahoy!)
posted04/22/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/23/2003 03:56 AM (UTC)
Greetings, one and all, to the 316th annual MK Oskars, where we seek to recognize and acknowledge the great contributions of those that make the MK universe so rich and amazing.

No, no, not you, game developers. Just enjoy your future GamePro award or something (that's still a thing, right?)

Anyway, without further adieu, let's begin the award ceremony. Grab some popcorn and get ready.

Best "Pulled a Blunder God" Award
Remember that time Raiden's poor leadership and incompetence wound up getting nearly EVERYONE killed?

("He was like a son to me... a son that I roasted alive like deep fried turkey.")

Who best to pick up that torch and carry it than MK poster boy himself, Scorpion!

After nearly 20 years of being a narrow-minded, vengeance-fueled idiot whose rage blinded him and caused him to screw things up, at last we can see how he has grown... into a narrow-minded, vengeance-fueled idiot whose rage blinded him and caused him to screw things up. It turns out, beating up your allies, releasing a dangerous prisoner, assisting in freeing an immortal Elder God of death and destruction, and robbing your buddies of the chance to possibly save the rest of their friends from a life of hellish slavery doesn't do a lot to engender goodwill. Take a bow, Scorpion. You are MKX's "Blunder God" of the year winner!

Worst Mortal Kombat Mother
This is truly the game of the MILFs (Mothers I Love to Friendship). Never before in a fighting game have so many matriarchs beat the living tar out of people and enjoyed it. Granted, that sometimes means beating up their progeny. Whether it's Sonya abandoning her family, Sindel killing off her offspring, or Takeda's mom just having the poor fortune to die when he was eight, there weren't a lot of GOOD moms running around...


While D'vorah certainly seems to at least care about her brood and ensuring they're well fed, the fact she has literally thousands of children, most with absent fathers, and sends them out practically out of the womb to fight martial artists to the death would no doubt get her a few Child Protective Services calls and visits. Using some of them as little exploding bug grenades certainly doesn't help. Shape up, D'vorah. Your kids look up to you.

Best Mad Tea Party

There are just times when people say "screw it" and throw themselves a crazy little tea party to solve all their problems. It can get a little crazy, a little bizarre, but the best of us know that nothing helps more than a mad tea party.


How do you resolve one of the most bitter, long-lasting, and famous rivalries of all time? By having some tea, sitting down, and talking it out like rational adults!...

... Which, in the world of Mortal Kombat, is practically the maddest, most nonsensical thing to ever happen in a universe where Johnny Cage can uppercut your head off three times, people shrug off broken bones like minor scratches, and death is less substantial than a Dragon Ball Z episode. Granted, Frost does pop in entirely out of the blue to liven things up, but this is, without question, the maddest thing to ever happen in the MK universe.

Best/Worst Girl-on-Girl Kiss
Anyone notice that Mileena has lips for the first time in this game? I wonder why they gave her lips?


Oh, so THAT'S why they gave her lips... Congrats, girls. You win the Best Girl-on-Girl kiss award!... and also the worst.

You're also the ONLY girl-on-girl kiss until Netherrealm Studios adapts my "Kitana and Jade" fanfic for the game. Still waiting on that call, NRS.

Best New Beard
Want to show a character has aged, but don't want to make them look like a shriveled up prune wrecked by the passage of time? Give them a beard! Kenshi, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Jax, Kung Lao, and even Future Raiden all sport new crumb catchers, and even Kano's beard got even beardier as his hairline migrated south. But who wore it best?


While all the others have new grin grass, only Ermac's truly takes it to the next level and makes it REGAL. That is some high class King Tut beard-action going on with our favorite mummified soul basket. Congrats, Ermac. You reign supreme on beards until Erron Black reveals his hidden handlebar mustache.

Worst Performance by a Villain in a Lead Role
Sometimes, you get a great Shao Kahn, snapping necks, invading dimensions, resurrecting hot queens to bang while cloning her daughter. Sometimes you get a Shang Tsung, stealing the souls of thousands of warriors over centuries of evil. Sometimes you get a Quan Chi, crafty and cunning and manipulating others to his own ends...

And sometimes you get a Shinnok.

With a staggering body count of... zero, a success rate of... zero, and the misfortune of being beating to a bloody pulp by a movie actor and then a hipster girl, despite being a juiced up immortal Elder God of death, Shinnok may have the look and the ambition, but when he quite literally is defeated by a selfie-taking college girl punching him in the balls, for better or for worse, your award for "worst performance by an MK villain" is cemented.

The "Chuck Cunningham" Award Winner
Sometimes, characters just vanish without explanation and we don't know where they are or what happened to them. Did the tornado take Noob Saibot to the land of Oz? Did Cyrax get hacked by North Korean spies? Is Sheeva still enjoying her vacation in Australia? Did Skarlet run off with Freddy Kreuger? These things happened, and it always gets annoying waiting years and years for answers.

Poor, poor Jade. While even Stryker and Nightwolf get a shout-out, nary a peep is said about Edenia's number 1 pole rider. How she went from Girls Gone Wired nominee to MIA footnote is certainly a loss.

(We were all pigs back then)

Even Kitana uses her staff, but the dead, undead, or (maybe?) alive Jade is nowhere to be found, outside of a foggy, vague blur in Kitana's arcade ending. While her fate will no doubt show up in a later game (4 more years of waiting...), Jade wins the dubious honor of being MKX's most forgotten hero.

Best "Deus Ex Machina"
Mortal Kombat has always had extreme leaps of logic. A tournament decides whether you can invade another universe? Sure. The Netherrealm is just a place you can visit and, if you want, walk out of if you find the right portal? Okay. A crazy old man runs around finding sacred artifacts that accidentally frees a long dormant dragon king who fuses with a lizard person after a centuries old prophesy is fulfilled? Huh, well... even then, suspension of disbelief can only go so far. So how far did MKX go?


Glowing Green Energy inherited from an ancient Mediterranean War Cult that makes one immune to certain attacks and powers them up when a loved one is in danger. At long last, our journey to "Super Saiyan" Cage is complete (death is already as temporary...).

Turns out, years of training in the mystical martial arts, lifelong devotion to the study of magic, chi-flow, and trained by the best and brightest of MK's warriors is still no match for being born a rich, privileged white girl who has the right parents.

... It's college, all over again.

Best "I'm Too Old For This Sh*t" Award
Twenty years is a long time, and not all of our heroes are as limber as they used to be. We've got middle-aged and senior citizens running around MKX like zoo animals on the loose. But you know there was going to be that one scene, that one where a character goes up to the veteran warrior and is all like "I'm retired. I put that life behind me." "C'mon, we need a guy like you. Just one more mission." "Alright... but just as a consultant..."


At the very least, you can legitimately say this guy was rusty. And, of course, his "consultation" turns into "punch the undead denizens of hell invading our world" by the very next scene.

Danny Glover would be so pround, and at least Jax's "replacement" was a few shades more attractive and charismatic than Chris Rock.

(Though would that make Johnny or Sonya the Mel Gibson?)

Best Evil Queen
Strangely, this is a game with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR evil queens in it: Queen Sindel of Edenia, Queen Mileena of Outworld, Swarm Queen D'vorah, and Empress Kitana of the Netherrealm. That is a LOT of evil hotness going around. But which one was the best?

While it sucks that Kitana's agonizing life of misfortune continues without any signs that it'll get better, at the very least she can take solace that she ROCKED the "evil queen" getup better than anyone else did.

(Now she just needs to find a young baby girl to imprison or sacrifice and the circle is complete)

That concludes the first round of awards. Congrats to our winners and best of luck to our future nominees. Tip your waiters and remember to use Friendships responsibly.
04/19/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
But whatever Mileena does, it's always sexy. Even dying.
04/19/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
Great Read. haha grin
Sonya since 92
About Me

Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

04/19/2015 08:42 PM (UTC)
Brilliant! Thank you!!
04/19/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
This was fun. Nice work. I've seen this reasoning elsewhere for Mileena's new (and flatter) face as well. The Scorpion part was just gold. (Mick, can we "sticky" this?)

Now, y'all know I always love me some Ermac. But dear God, that Pharaoh skin makes me cringe. I think it's the headdress.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

04/20/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

100% spot've been missed sir.
04/20/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
I enjoyed the read, but I disagree on Shinnok. He was a great villian and accomplished a lot.

He orchestrated the events of MK9 and is the reason Quan Chi was with Shao Kahn and ressurected. So he caused the deaths of Jade, Sindel, Nightwolf, Kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, Kuai Liang, Stryker, Smoke and Kabal. Because of Sindels ressurection, Shao Kagn merged the realms and was destroyed by The Elder Gods. Shinnok successfully invaded Earthrealm and could only be stopped by an amulet, not the elder gods. He was able to corrupt the Jinsei also. He did more than Shao kahn did.

The worst villain should go to Kotal Kahn. He was either being a douchebag or he was attacking the kids for dumb reasons. Also, Cassie isnt just a college girl. She is from the Mediterranean cult that was trained to defend Earthrealm. Her and Johnny arent normal Earthrealmers.
04/20/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
That was one hell of a read and agree 100%.

giggles Wrote:

That was fun! grin

And the award for best use of a gif goes to you, sir. 007 FTW.
At least Shinny looked good doing it...

lol Beards
Sub-Zero looks like Kano, and Hanzo looks like Sektor, maybe that`s why Frost attacked...

The headdress is what`s missing from Pharoh Ermac, otherwise he looks like a regular mummy...

04/20/2015 05:51 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
I enjoyed the read, but I disagree on Shinnok. He was a great villian and accomplished a lot.

He orchestrated the events of MK9 and is the reason Quan Chi was with Shao Kahn and ressurected.

I'll politely disagree on some of that. He was observant of the events of MK9, but he didn't really "orchestrate" them so much as try and blow with the wind and be one step ahead. The events of MK9 were still directly caused by Shao Kahn. Shinnok was a non-player simply putting his finger in all the pies to see which one wound up winning before making a move.

Sindel798 Wrote:So he caused the deaths of Jade, Sindel, Nightwolf, Kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, Kuai Liang, Stryker, Smoke and Kabal.

Again, I would attribute those deaths mostly to Sindel (not even to Shao Kahn). DIRECTLY, Shinnok kills nobody. His lackeys might get some kills here or there, but at the end of the day, it was Sindel's boot heel in Jax's neck and Shao Kahn's hands snapping Kung Lao's neck, not Shinnok's or even Quan Chi's.

Sindel798 Wrote:Because of Sindels ressurection, Shao Kagn merged the realms and was destroyed by The Elder Gods. Shinnok successfully invaded Earthrealm and could only be stopped by an amulet, not the elder gods. He was able to corrupt the Jinsei also. He did more than Shao kahn did.

Apart from being a cop-out, Shao Kahn was still taken out by the combined power of all the Elder Gods. Shinnok got taken out by a lone girl barely old enough to buy a drink. Shao Kahn AND Shinnok both invaded Earth... only Shao Kahn SUCCEEDED in merging the worlds (inadvertently causing his downfall), while Shinnok FAILED in his invasion outright through the legitimate means of "a good beatdown". And the casualties of Shinnok's war from Earthrealm's heroes was FAR less than Shao Kahn's invasion. Actually, considering we got Jax, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero BACK, it was a net gain. Shinnok should invade more often.

Sindel798 Wrote:The worst villain should go to Kotal Kahn. He was either being a douchebag or he was attacking the kids for dumb reasons.

He was misled into believing Earthrealm was intent on invading Outworld and that Raiden sought to conquer his dominion. Considering the ending of the game and multiple arcade endings... he was actually pretty right to fear that outcome.

Sindel798 Wrote:Also, Cassie isnt just a college girl. She is from the Mediterranean cult that was trained to defend Earthrealm. Her and Johnny arent normal Earthrealmers.

No hero is "normal" in MK... Sub-Zero is from a line of cyromancers, Scorpion is infused with the powers of hell, Raiden is an immortal god of lightning... and none of them were a match for an unkillable, powered up Elder God of death itself. But the young perky girl with the green glow from some tribe none of us ever heard of before has the good fortune to somehow go Super Saiyin level 4 on one of the most powerful beings in existence and doesn't even get a scratch on her.

This was from the same girl that Tanya was pummeling like a punching back hours earlier.
Garlador Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
I enjoyed the read, but I disagree on Shinnok. He was a great villian and accomplished a lot.

He orchestrated the events of MK9 and is the reason Quan Chi was with Shao Kahn and ressurected.

I'll politely disagree on some of that. He was observant of the events of MK9, but he didn't really "orchestrate" them so much as try and blow with the wind and be one step ahead. The events of MK9 were still directly caused by Shao Kahn. Shinnok was a non-player simply putting his finger in all the pies to see which one wound up winning before making a move.

Sindel798 Wrote:So he caused the deaths of Jade, Sindel, Nightwolf, Kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, Kuai Liang, Stryker, Smoke and Kabal.

Again, I would attribute those deaths mostly to Sindel (not even to Shao Kahn). DIRECTLY, Shinnok kills nobody. His lackeys might get some kills here or there, but at the end of the day, it was Sindel's boot heel in Jax's neck and Shao Kahn's hands snapping Kung Lao's neck, not Shinnok's or even Quan Chi's.

Sindel798 Wrote:Because of Sindels ressurection, Shao Kagn merged the realms and was destroyed by The Elder Gods. Shinnok successfully invaded Earthrealm and could only be stopped by an amulet, not the elder gods. He was able to corrupt the Jinsei also. He did more than Shao kahn did.

Apart from being a cop-out, Shao Kahn was still taken out by the combined power of all the Elder Gods. Shinnok got taken out by a lone girl barely old enough to buy a drink. Shao Kahn AND Shinnok both invaded Earth... only Shao Kahn SUCCEEDED in merging the worlds (inadvertently causing his downfall), while Shinnok FAILED in his invasion outright through the legitimate means of "a good beatdown". And the casualties of Shinnok's war from Earthrealm's heroes was FAR less than Shao Kahn's invasion. Actually, considering we got Jax, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero BACK, it was a net gain. Shinnok should invade more often.

Sindel798 Wrote:The worst villain should go to Kotal Kahn. He was either being a douchebag or he was attacking the kids for dumb reasons.

He was misled into believing Earthrealm was intent on invading Outworld and that Raiden sought to conquer his dominion. Considering the ending of the game and multiple arcade endings... he was actually pretty right to fear that outcome.

Sindel798 Wrote:Also, Cassie isnt just a college girl. She is from the Mediterranean cult that was trained to defend Earthrealm. Her and Johnny arent normal Earthrealmers.

No hero is "normal" in MK... Sub-Zero is from a line of cyromancers, Scorpion is infused with the powers of hell, Raiden is an immortal god of lightning... and none of them were a match for an unkillable, powered up Elder God of death itself. But the young perky girl with the green glow from some tribe none of us ever heard of before has the good fortune to somehow go Super Saiyin level 4 on one of the most powerful beings in existence and doesn't even get a scratch on her.

This was from the same girl that Tanya was pummeling like a punching back hours earlier.

Zenkai powerup lol

04/20/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
That was fun. You sir were missed. I hope you can remake those character breakdown threads you used to do, updated with their MK9 and MKX new movelists and personalities ;)
About Me

04/20/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
About Me

Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

04/20/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
Best Unexpected Revelation Award:

- Seeing that most of the aged characters were actually what if scenarios and they're still dead
- Seeing Mileena with lips for the first time on the Twitch Reveal
- The after credits of the story mode
- Kung Jin being gay

What does MKO choose?

Other awards include:
-Jobber of the Year Award
-Most useless chapter Award
-Best NPC Fight Award

Great to see you back Garlador, loved your KOTW posts and found them hilariously funny. It would be awesome if you could do them again for MKX if they let you this time around.
04/20/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
This was marvelous. I love Cassie and didn't mind her beating Shinnok, but this part slayed me:

Garlador wrote:
Turns out, years of training in the mystical martial arts, lifelong devotion to the study of magic, chi-flow, and trained by the best and brightest of MK's warriors is still no match for being born a rich, privileged white girl who has the right parents.

... It's college, all over again.

So true.
04/20/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)
Cassie didn't kill Shinnok thought. She had Johnny's Green Energy surge and it allowed her to withstand Corrupted Shinnok's attacks enough to knock him out. He was still alive. Raiden ripped his head off.
04/20/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
Fist of all, hi to everybody!
Long time lurker here. Decided to finally post something here and give my thought about some things in some posts.

Thank you Garlador for this read, I remember your articles from long time ago and this one was as good and funny like those before. Good job and I'm eagerly anticipating the others. smile

Now considering Shinnok, I thought that were are just joking, but in case that your not then I must respectfully disagree with you.
I hate logs quotes on forums so I will explain one point of your last post at the time:

(sorry for long amount of text)

In a matter of fact in this rebooted time line Shinnok is in fact the master manipulator above Quan Chi, and actually IS the direct architect of the events of MK3.
The whole idea of invasion of Earthrealm, Sindel's resurrection even the fucking giant soulnado (which I'm not really fond that they took that away from Shao furious ) were all brought to Shao Kahn and executed by Quan Chi, and as we see at the end of MK9 were part of Shinnoks's plan actually.

He organized that event to make Earthrealm and Outworld pummel out (for the first time outside of tournament) and inflict real losses to each other, while in process he bolsters his army with the great champions. And it worked great...
Only events of MK1 and MK2 weren't influenced by him and were solely Shao Kahns work. (Actually idea for MK2 was Shang Tsung's apparently. :P Boy I hate that the made SK incapable of any real plan...)

One big lesson: don't ever measure a MK villain's (or in fact any fighting game villain's) effectiveness by playable fighter's body count.

Shang Tsung MK2 and MK3 Saho Kahn and Onaga killed how much playable charaters by themselves during the respective stories? That's right : ZERO, zilch...
(Motaro killed Johnny and Raiden blew up DA and himself at the beginning of Deception)

Only ones who actually did some respectable slaughtering were the Deadly Alliance and MK9 Sindel (which was a really poor way to do it). MK9 Shao Kanh killed only Kung Lao and by very bitchy move (very disappointing , as a SK fan I expected at least fatality murder after a straight fight).

Onaga even returned the dead back to life.. Sense something familiar here...? smile
Shinnok could easily kill all the old-timers in SF camp by one big blast from his hand, but he didn't. Why : because writers wanted the to show up in future stories, so he just knocked them down. And that's about all the logic there is in MK.

In short, Shinny was away from the event's for about 90% of the damned story mode, but if we want to count off-camera deaths, than next tho Shao absorbing earthrealmer's souls in MK3 I guess that unleashing the hordes of oni and demons on Earth at the begging of the MKX story certainly produced massive slaughter of civilians, which we didn't see because of very lame way story was presented (not talking about pure production values).

As for Cassie, I was bummed that Sub and Scorpion didn't finally get to be protagonists and beat the main villain at least ONE time, but I think that they choose the real successor to Liu Kang successfully. But, again because of LAME presentation this was done not as good as it should.

I'm (generally), OK with the whole " Green energy " thing, after all they had to pull something out of their ass to make someone a new protagonist. But that should be more than just : "My beloved is in danger! Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds (and gods) !!!!" confused

With no REAL explanation I decided to go with my head-canon that Jinsei in the chamber (still not corrupted totally), awoken by act of self- sacrifice added its power of the whole planet's life-force to and amplified "Cage Green energy" to the point that she's able to withstand Shinnok's death-based attacks.
Yeah, I pulled that out of my ass, but that's the only reasonable explanation that I can come with. grin

Than you if you managed to read all of this. I wish you everything best!
04/21/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
LOL and i agree About Shinnok being a horrible villain! He just seems so underwhelming and well....not scary grin every sub boss and main boss always strikes a 'fear' or oh shit feeling in me, but Shinnok just makes me feel like im fighting a really weak female kombatant lol
04/21/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
kennytwerking Wrote:
LOL and i agree About Shinnok being a horrible villain! He just seems so underwhelming and well....not scary grin every sub boss and main boss always strikes a 'fear' or oh shit feeling in me, but Shinnok just makes me feel like im fighting a really weak female kombatant lol

Absolutely not. Do you consider Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars weak?

Best villain always hides their enormous strength being (seemingly) weak facade.

For me that "old pervert" guide is more creepy than some silly big ass buffed monster...
04/21/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
SKHammer Wrote:
Absolutely not. Do you consider Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars weak?
Best villain always hides their enormous strength being (seemingly) weak facade.
For me that "old pervert" guide is more creepy than some silly big ass buffed monster...

Well, Palpatine had a screen presence Shinnok can only dream of, let alone being the unchallenged Emperor of the galaxy-destroying Empire crushing planet after planet with decades of ruthless invasion and control.

His authority is firmly established by his tight grip on Star War's number 1 villain, Darth Vader, who fears and respects him. His power is on a level far beyond anyone else in the entire series (sans Yoda, perhaps), and only his own arrogance leads to his demise, because he could kill Luke at any point but relished the idea of torturing him.

Even the prequels firmly establish how much of a physical threat he is by killing Mace Windu (the "badass" Jedi) and then going the distance with Jedi master Yoda, all while he directly and joyously ruins the lives of every single person in the series with decades upon decades upon decades of abuse and persecution.

Shinnok doesn't have anything on that scale.
04/21/2015 08:36 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
SKHammer Wrote:
Absolutely not. Do you consider Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars weak?
Best villain always hides their enormous strength being (seemingly) weak facade.
For me that "old pervert" guide is more creepy than some silly big ass buffed monster...

Well, Palpatine had a screen presence Shinnok can only dream of, let alone being the unchallenged Emperor of the galaxy-destroying Empire crushing planet after planet with decades of ruthless invasion and control.

His authority is firmly established by his tight grip on Star War's number 1 villain, Darth Vader, who fears and respects him. His power is on a level far beyond anyone else in the entire series (sans Yoda, perhaps), and only his own arrogance leads to his demise, because he could kill Luke at any point but relished the idea of torturing him.

Even the prequels firmly establish how much of a physical threat he is by killing Mace Windu (the "badass" Jedi) and then going the distance with Jedi master Yoda, all while he directly and joyously ruins the lives of every single person in the series with decades upon decades upon decades of abuse and persecution.

Shinnok doesn't have anything on that scale.


In original trilogy, Palpatione didn't even show up until last 15 min. of the last movie, didn't kill anyone and all the work and "bad things" we saw were done by his minions, just as someone else we are discussing. tongue

But we all knew he's bad-ass. smile

That somebody else is also unchallenged ruler of infinite hellish dimension full of worst terrors imaginable.

From there he is orchestrated events of MK3 , prepared MK4, (in previous timeline he even got the heaven and murdered some of the Elder Gods) and he even united Army of Darkness for Armageddon, all time sitting comfortably in his chair.

Real bad guy doesn't need to get his hands dirty to accomplish things.

Also, prequel trilogy Palpy defeated (but not killed) Yoda after a long struggle, Shinnok crushed Raiden with one move of his wrist.
And yeah, he is also defeated only because of his arrogance : He's constantly gloating over enemies instead of vaporizing them the moment they arrive. Sense a pattern here? smile

I don't mean to say that he is the same quality of villain in terms of writing or anything else - Palpatine is the legendary archetype. But for MK standards he is close as it could get in this kind of cheesy lore. smile

Yeah he sucked hard in previous games, but now it is rectified, don't let the previous experience blind you.

I'm starting to think that people like to bash Shinnok only because his choice of hats. grin (and even that is mostly fixed now ).

About Me

04/21/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

Worst Mortal Kombat Mother

>not Sonya


This shit is rigged as bad as the Oscars!

Sonya became a general because of her independent workaholic tendencies leading her to choose her career instead of her kid.

She's the first openly deadbeat mom in games, chasing her obsessions while the father has to give up his career to take care of their child!

Now that's some motherfucking EQUALITY right there. grin
04/21/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
04/21/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
I still like Shinnok. I thought aside from him getting bodied by Cassie that he was a pretty badass villain. (Pretty much only in chapter one)

But other than that great read.
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