The real reason there was no adventure game this year!!
posted07/11/2007 02:29 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
I know for a fact that Boon and company did not forget about adventure games.

We were told that there would be a fighting game every 2 years, and an adventure game every off year.

So what are the real secrets as to why there wasn't an adventure game this year?

Outside pressure groups pressuring Midway not to make an adventure game?

What do you really think happened? POST HERE!!!
06/16/2007 01:21 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
I know for a fact that Boon and company did not forget about adventure games.

We were told that there would be a fighting game every 2 years, and an adventure game every off year.

So what are the real secrets as to why there wasn't an adventure game this year?

Outside pressure groups pressuring Midway not to make an adventure game?

What do you really think happened? POST HERE!!!

Hey outworld222 how's it been?

Well, I am not sure. I think they really want to focus their energy on MK8, which is what I am hoping for. It's going to be a bland year or two (who knows) without MK, but it's for the better imo.

Midway probably wanted the MK team to get MK8 done this year, because they are always rushing them.

I do hope in the future that there will be many MK adventure games. Possible RPGs, etc.
06/16/2007 01:40 AM (UTC)
Most likely Midway was finishing up the touches (what few there were) for the Wii version of MK: A and are now having to start from scratch for the MK8 game for the new systems. Most likely there will be another non-fighter MK game after MK8.
06/16/2007 09:41 AM (UTC)
Maybe they didn't expect Shaolin Monks to be as good and successful as it was and didn't bother contacting the guys who developed the game to do a sequel.

Or maybe its a case of PS2/Xbox/Gamecube are on their last legs and they couldn't take a risk on developing something for the current generation.

Hopefully a Shaolin Monks style game will come out for the next gen.
06/16/2007 10:56 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Maybe they didn't expect Shaolin Monks to be as good and successful as it was and didn't bother contacting the guys who developed the game to do a sequel.

Shaolin Monks was developed by ex programmers of Paradox Entertainment (Shaun HImmerick and Co),and now they work for Midway,so i dont see what's the problem with a new adventure game coming out if Himmercik and Co can work separately on that game with some supervision from the MK Team (as in Shaolin Monks).
06/16/2007 03:02 PM (UTC)
with all the respect Midway never said
"we'll make a fighting game evry 2 years,and a action-adventure game every year".
Midwat said a game per year.
And in this 2007 we'll have wii version of Armageddon and surely the DS game.
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06/16/2007 07:57 PM (UTC)
I don't remember the fighting game every 2 years, but I'll take your word for it.

As I remember, they said that they were to release a Mortal Kombat game every year. Now that they released Armageddon on the Wii, that is the game for the year. The reason they released it on only Nintendo's current generation system is because that was the easiest system to port it over to without having to update graphics and redo all the physics and what not.

Now that gives them the rest of this year and next to work on MK8. Oh well, hopefully MK8 will redeem my interest in MK again. After Deception and Armageddon, it has been slowly decreasing.

Oh yeah, but the reason they didn't release an adventure game this year was because they already had plans for MKA for the Wii to be this years release.
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
06/18/2007 05:55 AM (UTC)
Lets just say the mafia hates MK adventure games......

And Ed Boon likes having non-broken legs......
06/18/2007 10:03 AM (UTC)
GrotesquetheBeast Wrote:
Lets just say the mafia hates MK adventure games......

And Ed Boon likes having non-broken legs......

please i'm very stupid....can you explain me the meaning of this sentece?
06/19/2007 02:57 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
GrotesquetheBeast Wrote:
Lets just say the mafia hates MK adventure games......

And Ed Boon likes having non-broken legs......

please i'm very stupid....can you explain me the meaning of this sentece?

The mafia (aka the mob) is old school organized crime. It was (and maybe still is) a 'tradition' that if you didn't do something the local mafia didn't like they would either break your legs/kneecaps or have you fitted for cement shoes before dumping you in the nearest river or bay. If you happen to have seen or heard of the 'Godfather' movies you get the idea.

All the old mafia/mob movies seem to center around Chicago and many still believe it to be the US mafia capital. Unless I'm mistaken, Midway either started out in Chicago or their headquarters is or was there as well.
06/19/2007 12:36 PM (UTC)
thanks Ladyrayden,i already know what mafia is.
My answer was:what the hell the mafia have to do with Midway.
but thanks to you now i understand.
So Midway in Chicago...Chicago the leendary capital of mafia....
yes very low witticism
06/19/2007 01:57 PM (UTC)
Ed said that there would be A Mortal Kombat game every year. MK Armageddon for the Wii was released THIS year. He never said a NEW game would come every year.
06/19/2007 05:58 PM (UTC)
nastynate Wrote:
Ed said that there would be A Mortal Kombat game every year. MK Armageddon for the Wii was released THIS year. He never said a NEW game would come every year.

Thank you.
07/11/2007 12:27 AM (UTC)
That may have been what Ed said finally, but, back when Shaolin Monks was being developed, I also remember someone from Midway(I want to say Ed Boon) saying something to the effect of, 'An adventure one year and a fighter, the next.' I don't think the topic creator was mistaken.

Maybe Boon said that originally and then changed it to one MK game a year. Just thought I'd put my two into this.
07/11/2007 02:29 AM (UTC)
That may have been what Ed said finally, but, back when Shaolin Monks was being developed, I also remember someone from Midway(I want to say Ed Boon) saying something to the effect of, 'An adventure one year and a fighter, the next.' I don't think the topic creator was mistaken.

Maybe Boon said that originally and then changed it to one MK game a year. Just thought I'd put my two into this.

Besides which, there are 2 MK games this year. Not just one. MKDS and MKA for wii.
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