The Poisonous Snake and the Bandit Tomboy
posted07/18/2014 07:28 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/16/2014 08:30 AM (UTC)
I know, I KNOW! Many of you hate Kira and especially Kobra! And probably with good reasons.
- Looks like Ken from Streetfighter and dresses like Eminem or a wanabee, or whatever that is called.
- Uses the moves from both Sonya Bland AND Kano... only because those two weren't in the game it looked horrible.

But I actually ENJOYED their cute little story together, I mean, they have to compete together to earn the place as the right-hand member of Kabal, pretty original story among all the vengeance and jealousy!!!

If you just take the problems of Kira and Kobra by the roots, and change Kobra's appearance and Kira's abilities, then maybe, just maybe you can change them into something less hated, and maybe, yes maybe even bring them to the status of Kenshi and Havik.

Just remove the Eminem-wannabe/Ken looks from Kobra, but keep the blonde hair, give him AWESOME snake tattoos and make him the NASTIEST criminal out there, extremely agressive and a hooligan extremis.His fighting style is hard and cruel, he is also insane like the guy from the Halloween movies, a true emotionless killer, he rarely talks, but when he does it's like a cobra's acid spit, only to hurt others, his conversations with other characters would be very hateful and he crushes their souls with his poison words.
Kira could use some new abilities, I prefer a whip weapon on her together with her two nasty blades, the red glowing whip would be a weapon/treasure/relic she stole on the outworld market, all her moves could revolve around the whip in one style, and about her two twin knives in another.

Kira would be very trickster-like, dressing up as man, but also being able to seduce men with her charms when she dresses like a girl. Growing up as a poor girl, tortured and used by her hateful bandit father, Kira became a very harsh woman herself, using looks, magical weapons and tricks to "earn" the money she needs, Kira however is addicted to her collection of valuable weapons and relics, and rather steals those than money.
Kira was sold to the Red Dragon as young teenager by her greedy father, but instead of payment her father got brutally slaughtered by his angry daughter, her first mission for the Red Dragon Clan. Now Kano is searching for new blood for his new and improved Black Dragon clan, Kira was send to corrupt the rebirth of their rival clan by imposing to be a new member, so she could get close to Kano and kill him, the problem is however, she started to grow on Kano.

Kobra being one of the most chaotic and agressive humans on Earthrealm, and high on the list of criminals that Sonya, Cassie, and Cyrax search for, got the attention of the chaos priest Havik. Havik sees in Kobra the perfect tool to spread more chaos on earthrealm, he connects Kobra with Kano's search for new blood for his clan so he may eventually control the entire clan of Kano which is pretty much based on chaos. Havik also gives Kobra chaotic powers over his own body, he can animate the tattoos/paintings on his body for example.

Kano wants only the strongest as his right hand, and so the their original storyline is back, but this time with Kano and not Kabal (who died in 9)

Kano turns into a cybernetic God-like character, being able to destroy a very powerful outworld smith (the same smith from Kabal's ending) Kano has enhanced his body for maximum power, with this power he destroyed Sonya.

I know most of you probably hate this because its TOO different from the original storyline and stuff like that.
But I just can't help liking Kira and Kobra a little bit after I had this day-dream about them.

What would it take for you to like Kobra and Kira? What would you do with them? (and if you want to delete them forever, that is fine for you, but there are 10.000 topics about that already, we know you hate them, now only people that want to change them must reply)
07/16/2014 01:08 PM (UTC)
In Kobra's winning pose he will summon many of his tattoos from his body, the cobra on his arm will wrap around his arm, the inky wolf on his leg will jump next to him, and inky scorpions will craw over his body. The black dragon tattoo on his face will also move. Kobra is also very speedy and fast, not as fast as Kabal tho, and he won't steal any of Kabal's moves. His fatalities will deal mostly with his different tattoos, and he has a lot of weapon/animal/whatever tattoos to choose from.
07/16/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
I agree with you on Kobras style change. If he were to come back, I would want him to be a sick, depraved bastard .... a sociopath. The tattoo idea is a little on the anime/comic book side of thinking, but if done correctly, it could look really creepy, possibly even beautiful. If the tattoos were in the style of Noobs attacks (black ink looking), I could really get into it.

Now, Kira ..... If she were to be redone, I would like to see her as a middle eastern assassin. Highly trained in hand to hand combat with an affinity for knives and poisons. She would be more of a stealth killer than anything. Now D'Vorah, I know how you absolutely despise "human" characters, so we'll give Kira a little twist. Lets make her part djinn, with the ability to alter reality.

07/16/2014 04:10 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
I agree with you on Kobras style change. If he were to come back, I would want him to be a sick, depraved bastard .... a sociopath. The tattoo idea is a little on the anime/comic book side of thinking, but if done correctly, it could look really creepy, possibly even beautiful. If the tattoos were in the style of Noobs attacks (black ink looking), I could really get into it.

Now, Kira ..... If she were to be redone, I would like to see her as a middle eastern assassin. Highly trained in hand to hand combat with an affinity for knives and poisons. She would be more of a stealth killer than anything. Now D'Vorah, I know how you absolutely despise "human" characters, so we'll give Kira a little twist. Lets make her part djinn, with the ability to alter reality.


I'm not really fond of your Djinn idea, mostly because i'm not a fan of djinn in general, I do like the poison part tho, I can see Kira poisoning her foes! And I don't hate all humans silly, just the bland boring ones such as Sonya Bland and Stryker. :-p
I would like Kobra with my tattoo idea as he then has something special going on for him then, and Kira has red hair, i'm in love with red hair in characters, I dunno why!

Kung Lao, Jax and Kabal are humans too, but I do like them as well.

And yes the tattoos of Kobra would be much like the tar/ink from Noob Saibot, all the moves he could have with those.

Kobra could also be the one with Darrius claw-like weapons, I think he could work with such glove-like weapons.

Maybe the tattoos should only be about snakes/constrictors/cobras and other such snake creatures.

07/16/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
Maybe it should be one large, body wrapping tattoo of a king cobra, or maybe a naga. While he fights, the tattoo moves around his body, wrapping around his back, chest, arms and legs.
07/16/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
ok... slap me but i liked cobra in mkd. only the fatalities were meh. but overall i liked his look. the idea with the tattoo is really awesome. could make him way more interesting!
07/16/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
Maybe it should be one large, body wrapping tattoo of a king cobra, or maybe a naga. While he fights, the tattoo moves around his body, wrapping around his back, chest, arms and legs.

Or a hydra :-p
07/16/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Maybe it should be one large, body wrapping tattoo of a king cobra, or maybe a naga. While he fights, the tattoo moves around his body, wrapping around his back, chest, arms and legs.

Or a hydra :-p

Or Jormungand!
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07/16/2014 06:45 PM (UTC)
Or none of them ever appear again.
Historical Favorite
07/16/2014 07:35 PM (UTC)
Good ideas in general, just not for Kobra specifically, who's already perfect in every way.
07/16/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
@D'Vorah I like a couple of your ideas here, Kira using a red whip, Kobra becoming far more like a serial killer type, but I seriously wish you'd ditch your bitchy attitude towards the human characters, MK is always going to have them- take your own advice that you dish out in the opening of this thread and post useful ways to improve them rather than just being hateful for the sake of it.
07/16/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
I'd be disappointed if Kobra came back and wasn't made MORE like Johnny Lawrence from Karate Kid. That's really the appeal of the character, the fact that he's a throwback to the MK1 days when everyone was based on something from a classic kung fu movie. The problem is that most people weren't aware of the reference because they didn't go heavy enough. He LOOKED like Johnny, and like Ken from SF, but he didn't SAY anything and his gameplay was completely generic.
What I'm sayin' is, get him a body bag, so he can Sweep The Leg, because there is no fear in his dojo.
I also wouldn't mind if they embraced the Ken part too and gave him genuine Shotoclone moves.
07/16/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
@D'Vorah I like a couple of your ideas here, Kira using a red whip, Kobra becoming far more like a serial killer type, but I seriously wish you'd ditch your bitchy attitude towards the human characters, MK is always going to have them- take your own advice that you dish out in the opening of this thread and post useful ways to improve them rather than just being hateful for the sake of it.

When you're not sarcastic and mean in the start of your forum-carriere, you will fade away into nothing. wink

Anyway, I know some people like Kobra already like he is, but most people dislike him, so a drastic change is good for him.
07/16/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
StrykerKombat Wrote:
@D'Vorah I like a couple of your ideas here, Kira using a red whip, Kobra becoming far more like a serial killer type, but I seriously wish you'd ditch your bitchy attitude towards the human characters, MK is always going to have them- take your own advice that you dish out in the opening of this thread and post useful ways to improve them rather than just being hateful for the sake of it.

When you're not sarcastic and mean in the start of your forum-carriere, you will fade away into nothing. wink

Anyway, I know some people like Kobra already like he is, but most people dislike him, so a drastic change is good for him.

I agree with you, Kobra does need a change and I think the one you proposed was great, he should be gormless and have the sinister blank stare of a true serial killer and live up to the evil guy he's meant to be, I actually like the idea of him having a Kobra tattoo that can magically strike out from his chest and bite his opponent, some sort of black magic/tattoo ink.
07/16/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
Kira is back, I like her as an expert in firearms, after all she is an arms dealer, as the Assassin Spawn (Jessica Priest, who is now also the Murderer in comics).

In this game, it will not be, but if it were, it would be interesting to enter the Netherrealm armies of sucking and having a lifestream.
07/16/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'd be disappointed if Kobra came back and wasn't made MORE like Johnny Lawrence from Karate Kid. That's really the appeal of the character, the fact that he's a throwback to the MK1 days when everyone was based on something from a classic kung fu movie. The problem is that most people weren't aware of the reference because they didn't go heavy enough. He LOOKED like Johnny, and like Ken from SF, but he didn't SAY anything and his gameplay was completely generic.

What I'm sayin' is, get him a body bag, so he can Sweep The Leg, because there is no fear in his dojo.

I also wouldn't mind if they embraced the Ken part too and gave him genuine Shotoclone moves.

it's tricky with MK because in some areas they try and keep it martial arts themed which is why I believe they based Kobra on Johnny Lawrence, but in other areas they introduce Vampires and other supernatural elements and it can be tricky merging it all together and it working, but that's part of what makes MK great, seeing how Kobra has been labelled as too generic, they really should give him some special ability or powers to make him stand out, they also need to make people see and feel how evil he is, he'll never be taken seriously as an evil wannabe, he has to prove his worth by showing us what a murderous psychopath he is.
07/16/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
When I think about Kobra, I see a emotionless killer that likes to test his skills on helpless little girls and old women, beating them to death for fun, feeding on their dying screems.

Kobra's ultimate wish is to snap Kira's (in his eyes) weak neck. Kira can't use her female charms against Kobra, as Kobra is immune to love and sex.

His magical ink/tattoo powers he can receive from Havik, who used chaos powers on Kobra's skin. Kobra and Havik enjoy eachother, Havik loves the chaotic evilness Kobra spreads and Kobra enjoys the cruelness and insaneness Havik possesses.
07/16/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
they really should give him some special ability or powers to make him stand out, they also need to make people see and feel how evil he is, he'll never be taken seriously as an evil wannabe, he has to prove his worth by showing us what a murderous psychopath he is.

Well that's why I like the idea of embracing the Ken Parody aspect and giving him a literal Hadoken, Shoryuken, and Hurricane Kick for his moves (as well as a Super-Leg Sweep like Rain's Super-Roundhouse, for the Karate Kid reference)

Kobra's story is that he's this, like, karate student from the city, like your typical spoiled brat American who takes lessons at a "my parents paid for my black belt" McDojo, who's never been in a real fight in his life and doesn't know what it feels like to hurt people, so he's got this sociopathic obsession with finding out and starts going out on the streets and picking fights and gets a taste for blood until he turns into a serial killer.

Having THE prototypical, directly-Street Fighter-based "this is what everyone thinks of when they think of karate-powers" Chi moves makes the most sense to express that character's background.
Fighting games are no stranger to having characters who ape characters from a rival game, Dan is actually not a parody of Ryu, he's a parody of an SNK character who's a parody of Ryu, lol. Jago in KI is basically a Shoto, too. It's actually kinda weird that so far MK DOESN'T have a Shoto.
07/16/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
He's mostly hated because he's a Ken clone, turning him even more into a Ken copy isn't a wise thing to do, it only makes the fans hate him more.
07/16/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
No, he's hated because he didn't really fit in with the rest of Deception's roster and he was completely boring and lacking in personality or flair.

If anything, the Ken element is the only thing anyone actually remembers him for and finds amusing.
07/16/2014 10:18 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
No, he's hated because he didn't really fit in with the rest of Deception's roster and he was completely boring and lacking in personality or flair.

If anything, the Ken element is the only thing anyone actually remembers him for and finds amusing.

I just think he'd be better received as more of a slow paced but brutal horror-movie style killer than a karate type, Kobra gets a lot of crap for resembling Ken (for some strange reason) so he'd only get people hating on him still for being a Ken rip off- especially if he started to use Kens moves.
07/16/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
Everytime I see somebody post about Kobra, I see them post: that stupid Ken clone, so they really hate him for it. But I know how much you care for the canon-storyline and to keep it intact, so this typically isn't a real topic for you, as i'm really for changing things around for some characters. SOme characters are easy, they don't have many background yet, so making stuff up is a possiblity, others I think they should ignore parts of their canon (old) background stories off. Remember Noob and Smoke were both Scorpion/kano clones in MK2 and 3, so giving some characters new abilities isn't really doing the canon any damage, adding in some new flavor isn't do much hurt as well.
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07/16/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
Kira and Kobra were/are throwaway characters. Can we stop pretending that ALL of these characters need to return to the series? And for what reason...nostalgia? Because it sure as shit isn't for merit.
07/16/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Kira and Kobra were/are throwaway characters. Can we stop pretending that ALL of these characters need to return to the series? And for what reason...nostalgia? Because it sure as shit isn't for merit.

Not all creatures on this planet care only for Scorpions and Sub-zero's, some of us care also about the underdogs.
07/16/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
I just think he'd be better received as more of a slow paced but brutal horror-movie style killer than a karate type

Being a karate guy is his ENTIRE character. Both of his costumes were a gi. His entire backstory revolved around it. Yes, he's ALSO a sociopathic serial killer, but he BECAME that way BECAUSE he was a bully who took karate and wanted to know what really hurting people feels like. (So ironically, as far as story goes he's more like Akuma...)

You might as well create a fresh new character entirely if you're going to remove that, because if you do, you have nothing left that resembles the original except a name, and it's not even a good name, it's just another goofy "let's misspell it with a K like Kombat" name.
The thing is, even people who complain about him being Ken, that's not the REAL reason they're complaining, people hate him because he legitimately sucked in numerous ways, but being a Ken clone is the only obvious thing they know ABOUT him so when they complain about him that's the easiest way to describe him.
The ironic thing is, his resemblance to Ken is mostly coincidence. He's full-stop Johnny Lawrence, it's just that Johnny looks like Ken, and the Devs noticed it too because his temp name during development was "Ben", but it never occurred to them to go all the way with it because they didn't really MEAN for him to be a Ken clone in the first place.
So since they DIDN'T make him fight like Ken, everyone who saw him and thought "Ken clone" because they just saw a blonde guy in a gi and never watched Karate Kid, those people ended up being DISAPPOINTED that the Ken resemblance is so surface-level-only and that's why they're mad. It's not because he's a Ken clone, it's because he's a BAD Ken clone, he feels HALF-ASSED because his moves have nothing to do with anything and being a blonde guy in a gi is where the "homage" begins and ends.
But much like turning INTO the skid to avoid a car accident, if you make a ripoff character more affectionate of a parody, embrace it all the way, then it stops being poorly done or generic and becomes legitimately amusing.
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