The Official throw thread,where you can post what kind of throws for the returning characters in MK 7.Post whatever comes to mind.
posted06/04/2005 12:11 AM (UTC)by
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01/30/2005 01:06 AM (UTC)
Here guys i'll give you an example if anyones confused a bit,everyone knows the awesome throws in MK:DA and Deception,for example:Kabals throw in MK3,UMK3,Trilogy was spinning you around with his hookswords,in MK:Deception he turns you around,knees you in the back and then throws you to the ground.

If Kabal should come back in MK7,how do you want his throw to look,what exactly do you want him to do specifically as his next throw,since MK has always had throws.

This applies for every single MK character,anyone you want.Ermac,Kabal,Mileena,Rain,anyone and everyone in MK that you want to see back in MK7.

Here's mine for Rain,i want his throw to be like this in MK7,if he's in it. He gets you in a head lock,except kind of reverse,with Rain facing the opposite direction of his so that his left foot or right (depending on the angle of coarse)is lined up with his opponents head,then kicks him in the face twice then finishes it off with Rain releasing the head lock then just elbowing you down in the middle of the back for a knock down.(kind of like Shang Tsung knocking Lui Kang down at the end of the first movie before Lui beat him.Know what i mean.

Heres how i want Sektors to be,The same way he threw you in MK:Trilogy except for one thing.I want Sektor to have the little mechanical arm or whatever he has to shoot out of his back pick up his opponent,then slam him behind him once,in front of him once,behind him again,and one more time in front of him with a possible juggle opportunity afterwards.

Those are two examples of what this thread is about,so what kind of throws do you want certain MK characters to have in MK 7????

Have fun with the topic guys,enjoy!!!!!.....I'll have more to come,but i have to think about it first.Those are mine for Sektor and Hopefully a moderator can tell me if i can get this thread stickied somehow.This is strickly throws,nothing else.So moderators who see this,please tell me what to do,or if you can post the thread for good.PM me about it,thanks
06/02/2005 08:38 PM (UTC)
OOHH,i have another here,for Ermac i want him to have this throw for MK 7.He picks you up over his head and levitates you and then slams you on the ground for a possible juggle afterwards.

also for For sonyas throw if shes in MK 7,it should be her throw from the second MK film,the part when she throws Cyrax,just like
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art by fear-sAs
06/03/2005 01:07 AM (UTC)
Kabal: Kabal's throw should be a spin off of his MK3 throw. He could grab you with his hookswords, then spin you around and launches you into the air. Then as you come down he does a flip kick and smashes you into the ground.

Smoke (Wraith): Smoke launches his hands into the ground and they disappear in the mist. Then they shoot back out, grabbing the opponent by the head, and slamming them into the ground.

Smoke (Cyborg): An off shot of his wraith form but instea he launches his fist like rockets at the opponent's throat. When they latch on, the rockets reconnect back with Smoke's arms and he choke slams the opponent on the ground.

Jade: Jade does the throw from her fatality in MKD, where she sticks her staff through the opponent's head, only this time, she places the staff under the opponent's chin, swings over, and throws the guy over her back.

Noob Saibot: Noob grabs his opponent by the throat and lifts them into the air. He makes a second copy of himself which grabs the opponent by the legs. The two copys create some distance between themselves and then swing the opponent up and down three times before slamming the opponent with extreme force onto the ground.

Sonya: Sonya runs up her opponent's body and wraps her legs around their head then does a quick spin, driving their head into the ground.
06/03/2005 03:45 AM (UTC)
I'd like for the throw system to be like other fighting games... where you have more than one throw you can use... it adds a lot of replay value. Of course, they'd need to use a new fighting engine for that to work, but to have a good number of throws for each character would be great.

Some could have more, such as power characters like Jax, Hsu Hao and Shao Kahn. Some would have less (but no less than about... 5-7 is average sort of).
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art by fear-sAs
06/03/2005 03:53 AM (UTC)
I think that if they were to extend the throws into combos like DOA or Tekken then that would be much more interesting. Or atleast have four different throws deoending on what side of the opponent you're standing on like in Soul Calibur. But for something like that to happen, the MK Team would need to adopt the 8 way run feautre into the game.
06/03/2005 06:31 PM (UTC)
Because of the massively increased memory of the next gen consoles, I forsee the possibility of Mk having many different throw types.

Throws would be either upper buttons plus each other, or lower buttons plus each other(square + triangle and x + circle on the Ps3; similar to Tekken) There would be versions of these throws from 4 sides of the opponent, this gives an initial amount of 8 thows. Sounds like Tekken?
Yeah, but this could be extended by applying this to the Mk styles.
8 Throws in each style gives us 24 throws! Sounds like a lot to remember, but thats the fun of it! The increased memory would also give us massively increased combos(off topic).

What do you think of that as a system?confused
06/04/2005 12:11 AM (UTC)
Honestly,i don't think that MK should be like DOA or SC,after all,MK is known for being different.Different is a good thing IMO.

What about this idea guys,have the characters have two or three max throws,like MK4,if anyone remembers.Each guy had two throws,well somewhat,more like a bone breaker and a throw.Something like
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