the next mortal kombat game mortal kombat jugement war
posted03/01/2010 06:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/27/2010 04:16 AM (UTC)
i thought of my own mk game called mk judgment war with heaps of new characters and arenas it will be a big improvement on the mk series SO THEN !!!!!! LETS BEGIN


SEPPERER (zombie with dangiling flesh)
BLIZZARD (a blue version of blaze that uses ice)
DRAGON (a master in all marshal arts)
SHE DRAGON ( the female version of dragon)
SHINE (a ninja of lite dressed in white)
NITRO ( a male vampire with short blue hair)
DR CYBER (an idea from some one else that i changed to make him in a robo suite) SEKRO (a green cyber ninja with 4 gatlin guns on the end 4 extra arms) METAL ( a demon from the under world apers as a horned winged flameing skeleton ) ZAN TSU (a robotic mechine of death in a green cloak idea by shaanan5 from twiter ) BLUE WONDER ( a misterreyis woman wearing blue Armour with long blue hair covering her whole head )
AIOTA (1 of 2 bosses a average size character with a black cruised mark on the side of his head and a big one on his back )JEFFERSON JONES (a milatery croperal an idea from someone else i changed ) ETC

this is takeing to long !!!!!!!!!!!!! so ill just say name of all my ideas and say about them latter
She Dragon
Dr Cyber
Kubagse (boss)
mk creator (forgot name )
Human Liu Kang
Human Smoke
Non Evil Raiden
Non Blind Kenshi
Black Butcher
Kaged Liu Kang (not literally)
Aiota (boss)
Omega Lizard
Jefferson Jones
Shoker Claw
Blue Wonder
all characters from the free online game dragon fist 3
in 3d of corse
Zan Tsu
Trag Do
Fei Lee
Human Reptile
Original Ermac
Cyber Smoke
Kyame Kinto
and thats them all now its your turn to comment
02/27/2010 07:03 AM (UTC)
This is a sock, right?
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
02/27/2010 07:06 AM (UTC)
Welcome to MKO. Your opinion is valued and I am sure you have great ideas to post. You maybe want to read the community faq before unleashing the fury. It is respectful and professional to not post a vast majority in ALL CAPS like so. Also be sure to search for topics before posting to keep similar threads to a minimum.

Interesting ideas. If you have any questions. Feel free to ask anybody.

02/27/2010 07:51 AM (UTC)
You might want to review your name choices I think they're a little off tongue
02/27/2010 10:02 AM (UTC)
I don't know how old you are but regardless I'm glad your not apart of MK9.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
02/27/2010 11:39 AM (UTC)
This isn't sonding very creative at the moment especially given the names. You need to be alot more constructive with your ideas and more detail on these characters as well as your overall ideas for the story etc. will be needed in order to appreciate them and pass a fuller judgement.
Also, please don't post so heavily in caps. You should edit them out and check out the Community FAQ. Welcome to MKO.
thanks for the welcoming every one maybe i should list them in smaller portions so i can say more information

ok then time to be more descriptive of my characters all show at least 5 for now

FEARON an idea i got from some one else that i changed to my likeing infact i got the idea from this site in my version he is a blue cyber ninja instead of a multi i race thingy like the original but one idea i did stick with from the original was the futreistic hellbird now that was a good idea

as you know there are 2 froms of smoke i think there should be 3 because non human smoke starts of as a cyber ninja and then in Armageddon he just a puff of smoke with clothes see what i mean

RABLOCH a ninja that's not blue not red but brown he controls earth and nature just like scorpion uses fire he is peaceful and works for no one not scorpion i mean rabloch

and that's enough for now
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
02/27/2010 10:33 PM (UTC)
ScorPEINISawesome? Wow, that's the worst spelling I've ever seen for ScorpION's name. I seriously thought it spelt Scorpenis Awesome.
There is a huge problem with your character selection bit. At least have some story to explain why you want so many variations of the same character over and over again, and please come up with some better, more innovative names (Black Butcher is boring and sounds like he's either a butcher who is black, or a guy who butchers blacks). Fix these issues please.
Oh yeah, next time, edit the caps out of your post, and don't write in caps please.
i know that some of them sound silly but i was running out of ideas for names so give me a break would you ill try better next time and maybe change some ther names
p.s you suck jarrod
ill accept feed back from every one accept jarrod

BLACK HAWK originally called black butcher he is a ninja that does not were a ninja suite he wears a black knight suite with red bands tied around his arms and one tied on the throat piece of his Armour p.s ill get the story for him done latter
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
02/28/2010 04:33 AM (UTC)
scorpeinisawesome Wrote:
p.s you suck jarrod

And you blow, at spelling, at story-telling, and if this is how you react to criticism, you'll continue blowing in life. smile
With that being said, you started it, so I'm ending it. Don't derail your own thread by insulting anyone else, as we're all entitled to our opinions as long as it doesn't lead to insults. If you want people to tell you what's wrong with your story so that you can fix it, don't complain about them giving you advice and don't take it personally if someone doesn't like your work. Use the anger to make a better story to prove guys like me wrong.
Now more advice; running out of ideas for names means you're running out of ideas for uses of characters. MK is known for its story, you must have a good reason for a character's existence. You can't just throw someone in without a reason. The best characters in the MK story fill a niche, they have a purpose (Sub-Zero, Raiden, Sonya, etc), while the worst have no definable reason and are just there (Chameleon, Mokap, Meat). You need to know your characters and define them, otherwise they're all just pointless. 100 one-Dimensional characters < 10 three-dimensional characters.
02/28/2010 05:08 AM (UTC)
scorpeinisawesome Wrote:
p.s you suck jarrod

Next time, make sure you don't insult someone who can literally ban you from the site. And is the actual user not some made up name. ;-D

With that said, these character's names are HORRIBLE.

Non Blind Kenshi? Not evil Raiden? Original Ermac? Ermac ehh... never changed so.

And all characters from Dragon Fist 3? So guest characters I'm assuming? It's like another Marvel vs. Capcom! grin

And, do you have a story that goes along with this and why there's like over 15 characters for this game idea? Cause right now, it's not looking like I would be interested in playing it.
hey jerrod this has got nothing to do with your cridasisim that i dont like its the fact that you make fun of my spelling its not funny

and if im not abille to inpress eneyone enough to get them to support me then wy dont i just give up what a waste of time
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
02/28/2010 07:09 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
scorpeinisawesome Wrote:
p.s you suck jarrod

Next time, make sure you don't insult someone who can literally ban you from the site. And is the actual user not some made up name. ;-D

With that said, these character's names are HORRIBLE.

Non Blind Kenshi? Not evil Raiden? Original Ermac? Ermac ehh... never changed so.

And all characters from Dragon Fist 3? So guest characters I'm assuming? It's like another Marvel vs. Capcom! grin

And, do you have a story that goes along with this and why there's like over 15 characters for this game idea? Cause right now, it's not looking like I would be interested in playing it.

while we're at it. Lets include midway characters since we are so loose. I think we shoulda include the Wheelman. Ive always wanted to see vin diesel in a ninja outfit.

hahaha jk. No guest characters in any mk please.
nice joke casselman lol !!!!!!!!!

and what i mean by original ermac is that in mka ermac looks just to different
to when he first started of in the series he doesn't even look like a red ninja anymore
02/28/2010 08:18 PM (UTC)
scorpeinisawesome Wrote:
nice joke casselman lol !!!!!!!!!

and what i mean by original ermac is that in mka ermac looks just to different
to when he first started of in the series he doesn't even look like a red ninja anymore

Despite he "hides in the shadows," and acts like a ninja, Ermac is not technically a ninja if his biography in Deception clearly tells us that he was made from dead warriors' souls.

And, Ermac still looked like a ninja in Deception/Armageddon.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
02/28/2010 09:01 PM (UTC)
Ermacs look in MKD is one of the ebst I have ever seen. I hope they just make it a little darker red and more gritty looking eyes.

He was easily top5 in terms of visual and character presentation.
oh well
03/01/2010 06:09 AM (UTC)
The thing is, man, you're trying to write, but you're not really using effective language skills or being concise with your ideas. People can't read your mind, so saying "Original Ermac" is going to confuse people. Now I am not trying to make fun of you for your spelling or any of that; I can understand that it's just not something some people get -- but perhaps writing is not going to be the best use of your time?

Are you a good artist? You've obviously got these ideas in your head about what is "cool," but you don't seem to have a good grasp on naming or writing the particulars of the story without violating some major rules of writing. If you've got some good visual ideas, perhaps you should sketch them down, and show someone who is a good writer, and they can create a good story for them that doesn't have too many characters floating around, and doesn't have five-twenty guys doing the exact same thing with the exact same motivation.
03/01/2010 06:55 AM (UTC)
scorpeinisawesome Wrote:


SEPPERER (zombie with dangiling flesh)
BLIZZARD (a blue version of blaze that uses ice)
DRAGON (a master in all marshal arts)
SHE DRAGON ( the female version of dragon)
SHINE (a ninja of lite dressed in white)
NITRO ( a male vampire with short blue hair)
DR CYBER (an idea from some one else that i changed to make him in a robo suite) SEKRO (a green cyber ninja with 4 gatlin guns on the end 4 extra arms) METAL ( a demon from the under world apers as a horned winged flameing skeleton ) ZAN TSU (a robotic mechine of death in a green cloak idea by shaanan5 from twiter ) BLUE WONDER ( a misterreyis woman wearing blue Armour with long blue hair covering her whole head )
AIOTA (1 of 2 bosses a average size character with a black cruised mark on the side of his head and a big one on his back )JEFFERSON JONES (a milatery croperal an idea from someone else i changed )

I'll just give you some constructive criticism on these ones.

The name is really...weird. It's an assault on the eyes, and takes a few takes to actually pronounce it in your head as I think you intend it to. A neater name would do the character well. Sepra, maybe? It's much shorter, and it makes me think of lepers, haha. The actually concept of a zombie in Mortal Kombat isn't really needed, though. We already have Liu Kang as a zombie, Meat as a creature of rotting flesh, Drahmin as an Oni, Baraka with his mutant-skin, Mileena with her demonic face, Havik with his thing going on, etc. Do we really need a guy whose story is that he/she is a zombie?

Now, if you created a really good visual for this character, then maybe I'd change my mind. A zombie fighting without any sort of purpose creates...mystery. I liked that about Liu Kang's story in Deception, with the only flaw being that it was way too early to bring Kang back to the story. Something like that could have been done with Meat; but he is a joke character.

You don't think this would make Sub-Zero somewhat redundant? Yes, I know we have fire used a lot as a weapon in Mortal Kombat, but there's something less pigeon-holing about that than ice. You give that to more than one character, and I think you are asking for trouble. This is just going to warrant comparisons to Glacius from Killer Instinct and Iceman from Marvel Comics. I can't think of a compelling reason to bring this character in. Sub-Zero will do. Leave Blizzard on the cutting room floor.

I'm sure in your head Dragon is a really cool character, with a really cool name; but he seems so amateurish from another person's perspecitve. Why is he named "Dragon?" You are aware that we have had Dragon fighting styles, a Dragon King and that it is accepted as an English word. We might as well call him "Hedge" or "Steve." Also, the concept, again, is probably good in your head, but a lot of characters in Mortal Kombat have mastered many martial arts. Shujinko and Bo' Rai Cho come immediately to mind. You can't really make knowing how to fight a character's "thing" in Mortal Kombat.

I admire you for trying to get the ladies involved, but no offense, this makes Dragon redundant, and vice versa. Having a female equivalent of a character is just asking for trouble. Her name is also pretty bad. My guess is that you're inspired by a sort of Hulk/She-Hulk thing? The thing you have to keep in mind there is that the changes that occur to Jennifer Walters when she becomes She-Hulk. It's not so much a journey as a sudden transformation with a new public identity attached. The Dragon concept needs some work, but you'd have to choose between him and She-Dragon, I feel.

Not a purely bad idea, although I would definitely revise the "ninja" aspects of the character. Ninjas are meant to be stealthy. I can't imagine a shiny ninja being hard to spot. That's a sort of contradiction that I think would make the character pretty hated pretty fast. A character that uses light to their advantage would be interesting. Many thought that Ashrah would turn out this way, if I recall. The character needs some work, but I'd revise the ninja aspects. Maybe this character actually hunts vampires, and uses light to combat them? But then you've got a storyline clash with Ashrah. See, it's not easy, is it?

I actually think this is probably your strongest concept yet. We are very likely to get a male vampire. Him having short-blue hair is a bit weird, but I guess it's not impossible. The name is a bit corny, but I guess he could live on Earth and like to think of himself as a bit of a rebel or whatever. Give him some work, and I think that could work out.

Dr Cyber
Okay, I've got no idea what you mean there. It's an idea somewhat else gave you? How did this idea change? The idea of a guy fighting in a robot-suit is soooo -- Sonic the Hedgehog or something. People reacted badly enough to transhuman ninjas. The idea of a regular guy in robotic armour is going to infuriate them. The name is also so corny. Leave him out.

The gatling guns need to go. Why be a ninja if he is not going to do anything ninjary? The extra arms are also overkill. You're oversaturing what should be a simple concept. He's a new cybernetic Why do we need to replace Cyrax? Sektor? Smoke? Maybe he could have a gun located in his chest, but why not just update Sektor or Cyrax to have that move? Why this new guy? Maybe you have an idea you just haven't posted.

The name is stupid, but kind of cutesy. I guess you are trying to make a heavy metal joke? I could actually see the MK Team trying to do something like that at one point. Characters designed to be pure bad-ass demons like this either really work, or get shit over pretty good. I think people were excited for Belokk, and he sounds like a concept similar to this. But since then, the concept of "demons" in Mortal Kombat have been pretty well established. There are ways around that. One of your better and simpler concepts -- if his visual design is great, and he is given good moves and a great story.

Zan Tsu
I'm not good with Chinese names or anything, but there is something behind this name being attached to a machine that I think it The concept of a machine in Mortal Kombat is pretty dumb, though. I mean, like a pure machine, with nothing behind it. Green cloaks are cool, though. Give that to a different character and you may be fine.

Blue Wonder
This sounds like something straight out of a comic book or anime. It doesn't really fit Mortal Kombat, but it re-enforces my belief that you'd be better in an art department than a story department. And maybe for a more "Japanese" fighter. There are charismatic elements there, though, don't get me wrong. This concept would need some tweaking for Moral Kombat, though. But when you take away her name, and change her appearance, all you really have is a woman.

Something else to keep in mind is that you've already given blue hair to Nitro, your male vampire. Do you see how that sort of takes a quirk one character has, and whores it out a bit? People will then begin to associate those characters together, and the lessening effect of having two blue-haired characters could lead to weak outings for them, as people see them as unoriginal and such.

That name actually has potential, in my opinion. It's not brilliant, but it makes me think of aortas and Ray Liotta. The character design again sounds very anime-ish, and not too original. There is potential there, but why is this concept chosen for the boss role? He'd need a pretty good story to explain it. The name Aiota, with all its soft vowels and stuff seems more feminine than masculine, too. Not a major thing, but for a boss? Maybe Betty from Kung Pow can be the final fight? Another concept that might just need work once you get it visually on paper.

Jefferson Jones
Well, he's got a horrible name. Also, there are so many military characters in Mortal Kombat. You've got Sonya Blade, Jax, with Cyrax and Kenshi having ties. If you bring them all back, people will be pissed off there are too many military characters; and if you leave the established one out for Jeff Jones, even Sonya and Jax fans will be pissed that their favourites got scrapped for that. He should be dropped, in my opinion.

Sorry that seems so long, but it's back and forth regarding a story. It is not a tiny little process. Ideas can be fantastic, but they need development, so you can't be shy about actually writing about them. Especially if writing is a large part of the theme.

You're obviously doing this sort of thing because you like creating stuff, and I hope you don't give that up. But as you get on a little bit, you'll begin to realise that there are rules to follow, some ideas can get in the way of other ones, and that sometimes simple is better. But not so simple there is nothing there. If my theory is correct, and you are a very visual person, then perhaps you best explain your characters with art?

I also got the impression that they are inspired by concepts that are valued in anime. Well, they reminded me of such. Do you watch much anime? If not, you probably should -- seems like it would be right up your alley. I could see you thriving creating characters for that genre. If you find someone else (maybe someone with a more natural strength towards story writing and character development), you could create something pretty impressive there.

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