the next mk game should be...?
posted03/11/2009 06:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/09/2009 02:08 AM (UTC)
a wrestling style mk game. here are the details of my idea.

mortal kombat has been banished by the elder gods, and in order for the earth realm fighters to continue their ways, they begin a fighting academy that portrays wrestling. instead of the wwe or tna style, ITS REAL. real fighting. 5 years later shao kahn breaks elder god rules and sends minions to earth to take on earth's kombatants. now the fight is in the ring, and in front of an audience, all to be named mortal kombat champion.

fighters would include all mk characters plus new... use your imagination. a create a kombatant. and now you can create your own finisher that is your own set finishers. not armageddon style. (2 fatalities 2 finishers 1 friendship 1 brutality 1 babality)

ring styles would include wwe style (square), tna style (6 sided), and octagon. they can be roped, barb wire roped, cages. or surrounded by fire.

match types include normal 1 on 1, 1 on 2, tag 2 on 2, 3 on 3, inferno, cage, cell, deathmatch, weapon match, and ultimate battle royal.

match descriptions. cage is surrounded by cage. cell, ring is surrounded by a cell with a roof. inferno, ring is surrounded by fire. deathmatch is a match where you fight to the death. weapons match would have all sorts of weapons... swords, blades, axes, etc., ultimate battle royal features every kombatant. 6 in ring at a time. when 1 is fatalidied another kombatabt replaces him/her until only 1 is left.

story mode would have you choose a character or your own created character, and go through a never ending career. unless your killed.

if you choose created character, rayden and shao kahn attempt to get you to join their realm. good or bad. the difference. rayden helps teach you. he tells you your button combinations for special moves and finishers as you progress. he keeps telling you them until you learn them. shao kahn may lie to you about them. not always but he wont repeat them. plus he promises immortality if you suceed him.

there is also another choice. neutral. like scorion, and sub-zero. to become neutral you must make friends with them. at any point in gameplay you can turn sides.

in any normal match you must win match via finisher and pin fall. (Not a fatality) in death match you can only win by using your fatality or brutality. at any point in a match (after you fill up your mnomentum meter) you can attempt your finishers. (friendships, fatalities, finishers, babalities, and brutalities.) friendships and babalities and finishers are used in normal non deathmatch type. u must win by pinfall. battle royal, deathmatch, and any match selected to end by fatality end only in death. (fatality or brutality.)

after performing a babality, that character may not be used for 10 matches. after fatalities and brutalities, they are not selectale, or usable for 20 matches. (this allows time for the elder gods to ressurect their souls.)
friendships uppen the chances of making friends. using friendships on opposite teams including neutrals) can eventually change your side, as well as performing fatalities on your own side kombatants.

after fillingyour meter you can perform any finisher that is accesible (dependeing on match type) however the opponent may reverse or dodge your finishers and fatalities. which may result in you landing a fatality on a crowd member. which depletes the good sides moral, and strengthens bad sides mmoral. no moral is added or depleated from neutrals.

let me know what you think about this game idea and you may even add some details. or ask for more details from me. thanks.
03/10/2009 03:18 AM (UTC)
I know you must have put into heavy thought into this, but this idea is just too silly to even come alive.

First off, WWE games and Mortal Kombat games are two different genres of fighting, not to mention, both are made by differnet game companies, I'm pretty sure if Mortal Kombat was developed by the same people who makes the WWE games, THQ I think, Mortal Kombat would suck!

I love the WWE games, but the controls suck ass!

Why do we need to fill a meter to do a fatality? Even better, why does it need to rely on what kind of a match is needs to be?

Cage matches? Inferno matches? Yikes!

No with the friendships and babalities, they were the crappiest finishers.

Never ending career? That would seem boring. Games do end, GTA ends when you're done with all the missions. WoW is done when you hit the maximum number and play nothing but Battlegrounds. Yeah, that should be fixed.

A character not being used for 10 matches after being transformed into a baby... that's giving up my right to play that character then. No, I don't think I've ever played a game where I couldn't play a certain character because something happened. No, that's not even... I don't even know what to say about that. Being killed takes 20 matches? So technically you're saying, if I'm playing my favorite character and some how I die via fatality, I can no longer play that guy unless I play 20 matches? No, that's ridiculous.

Now this is completely dumb, no offense... People can reverse a fatality... and sometimes they will lead to where you perform a fatality on an innocent bystander... yeah...

The thing is, you completely changed this whole game into a wrestling game, only that, the wrestlers are Mortal Kombat characters. You're making it sound like we don't have the freedom like we normally do in all the other MK games in this. We can't perform certain fatalities because of a match we're playing. We can't use certain charcters for a long time if we somehow died... That's basically making it sound like we shouldn't even pick up the game.

You just basically created a wrestling game that literally kills. And I know I seem pretty harsh here but I just think that this whole idea is nothing but... silly... It's just another wrestling game, and we already had a Midway Wrestling game, which was fun to play by the way... though this... this is just... bad. And I mean it, in no mean way though.

I see that you had deep thought in this, but it's not good. Sorry.
03/11/2009 06:29 PM (UTC)
i appreciate the comment. you didnt like it, but when i said you cant use a character for a certain amount of time i meant in career mode. you wouldnt face that opponent for that amount of time. and to build up certain meters to do a finisher would only be so that when the match started your opponent wouldnt quickly hit you with one. now i know for a mk game a wrestling style control would suck, thats why it would still be mk style controls just with added wrestling style moves and irish whips for a new rebound attack system. and it would not include wwe or tna wrestlers, just mk characters. now you would be able to enter an ultimate tournament, where you can fight and those killed by fatalities would not be usable for a certain time, but that would be for the ultimate mk fighter lover. you have exhibition matches where you fight 1 on 1 regular kombat arena. or a career mode, which would be in the wrestling arenas, but its still mk style fighting. just picture it, and help with ideas that would actually make this game fun and awesome at the same time. we could work out all the kinks in it. and it be something new, not just the same old NEW MK game. with the only difference being characters on the game and their finishers. and well maybe 1 new technique.
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