The next game possibility.
posted12/09/2007 05:32 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/11/2004 07:30 PM (UTC)
The first three games were surrounding Shang Tsung and Shao Khan's take over of the Earth Realm.
The Deadly Alliance through to Armageddon was surrounding the Dragon King and Blaze.
I think that the next game should have an entirely different main villain and leave the past behind. The only returning characters will be Scorpion and Sub-Zero only because they are the trademark characters. The rest of the characters should be brand new. Some of them will most likely have moves from past characters as part of their arsenal. An interesting final boss would be Raiden, but not likely that would happen.
The fatality system should return to its normal state, or if they do keep the custom fatality system, revise it with character specific fatal moves.
The backgrounds should return with character combinations to execute some background deaths, while others are still simplified like they were in the past two games. Also the return of Hari Kiri's would be good as it would be a race to see who can kill first.
The fighting system should be two per character. Weapon and hand to hand. The idea with Armageddon having only two styles was a good idea. It should stay in place. This way if the character selection is large, no character will have the same exact style. All will be different.
I also think the character roster should be around Deception size. Not larger then that. It was a good even selection. Of course one to two hidden characters wouldn't hurt.
The mini games should be minimal, this way there is more focus on the fighting game. If they come out with an adventure mode again, make it like Armageddon's. The unlocking system was one of the best so far last game. Multiple ways to unlock the secrets in the game.
As for the last boss being playable, that can go either way.
A creation of your own character would be still a cool extra, but not needed for the next one.
12/01/2007 06:50 PM (UTC)
"I think that the next game should have an entirely different main villain and leave the past behind."
I agree here. The major threats of the old era should end with it. New bad guys and new threats.

"The only returning characters will be Scorpion and Sub-Zero only because they are the trademark characters. The rest of the characters should be brand new."
Disagree here. That would be a waste of several newer characters who have great potential but only a game or two to realize it. Sareena, Havik, Nitara, Hotaru, etc. There are also a handul of older characters I think should be kept around because they have some life and keeping some familiarity with the old Raiden, Mileena, maybe Kitana. I do agree that the majority of the current cast...especially the older characters from MK1-3...should be killed off or retired, but they should keep a handful of them.

"Some of them will most likely have moves from past characters as part of their arsenal."
If they do this, it should be done with only one...maybe characters and very carefully. Replacement characters rarely go over well with fans. The only way I can see it working is if said new character's story is connected to the previous say Sonya's daughter has her moves. Or someone who was trained by Kung Lao has his moves. But like I said, it should be done in very small doses and very carefully if at all...because otherwise you're only going to get fans demanding the older character return.

"An interesting final boss would be Raiden, but not likely that would happen."
I don't think it's that unlikely. However, I don't think he should be the boss of MK8. I would suggest building him up for the role...having him in the background of MK8 and MK9 up to something before finally becoming the boss. If they rush, it probably won't work. And again...they should go for NEW threats in MK8.

"The fatality system should return to its normal state, or if they do keep the custom fatality system, revise it with character specific fatal moves. The backgrounds should return with character combinations to execute some background deaths, while others are still simplified like they were in the past two games. Also the return of Hari Kiri's would be good as it would be a race to see who can kill first."
I agree for the most part. I think it would be better though if they made the Deathtraps a little more difficult to get hit into...because some of them in Deception and Armageddon are too easy. I coujld take or leave the Hara Kiri's.

"The fighting system should be two per character. Weapon and hand to hand. The idea with Armageddon having only two styles was a good idea. It should stay in place. This way if the character selection is large, no character will have the same exact style. All will be different."
I think it probably be a good idea to revamp the fighting engine for MK8...and go for something different entirely. However, I know very little about fighting engine mechanics, so I can't say much. If they do keep the fighting style system, I think keeping to one unarmed and one weapon is good. Only think is I think they shoujld make sure the unarmed style has enough moves...becaus ein Armageddon you'd have one style with a dozen combos and another style with only two.

"I also think the character roster should be around Deception size. Not larger then that. It was a good even selection. Of course one to two hidden characters wouldn't hurt."
I think that would be wise and hopefully allow for a more balanced gameplay with no recycled or copied moves.

"The mini games should be minimal, this way there is more focus on the fighting game. If they come out with an adventure mode again, make it like Armageddon's."
I agree here. I liked Chess Kombat, but I though Puzzle and Motor sucked. Having Konquest as a sort of adventure game is good.

"A creation of your own character would be still a cool extra, but not needed for the next one."
Not so sure. If many older characters really don't return, the create-a-character option would be helpful for those who still want their old favorites back. They just need to improve it...more options, special moves, etc.
12/01/2007 09:28 PM (UTC)
I agree pretty much here. OOOOH I'm so excited for MK8. When OH when will we get some news.
12/09/2007 05:32 AM (UTC)
I like your ideas of Raiden turning into a final boss. For a while now I thought he would be GREAT, but I realized that nothing really could be done with him due to the lack of backround weve recieved on him, it JUST wouldn't work....
I really like your ideas tho...
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