the new mk game, what stays and what goes?...
posted10/30/2007 01:20 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/29/2007 04:46 PM (UTC)
1st of all guys post what charcters you would lie to stay and some you would like to go... also add a bit of a story to it asweel. give poor old ED some help smile . personally id like to have conquest stay, and a vairied tournement such as in mk3.

some1 plz explain why subzero + scorpion r going? i didnt think scorpion would ever go as he is ed boons fav, and a top fan fav also.

Here are a few story examples iv created, there short and sweet and some r a bt crappy so bear with me.

characters id love to stay:

Noob: he managed to teleport away before the blast hit.

Sub-zero: he encased himself in ice to avoid the damage, can be melted (unlocked) in conquest mode.

Reptile: the carnage didnt kill reptile, but by some unexplained form of magic he was turned back into his former ninja self, unlike the stupid creature they made him into. return to his mk1/2 style, it was the best.

Motaro: the blast made motaro return to his centaur self and seak vengane on the shokans who transformed is race into minotaurs.

Here are other charcters that simply must stay, but u guys can think of the resons why tongue :

Baraka, kintaro, reiko, goro, shao khan (possibly could again be the boss), jonny cage, scorpion, quan chi, cyrax, robot smoke, nightwolf, stryker, ninja rain, drahmin.....

guys ive had enuf of typing, so post ur comment please.

thx freddykrueg3r grin
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10/29/2007 09:28 PM (UTC)
Kitana, Kano, Kabal, and Kira must stay too.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

10/29/2007 10:18 PM (UTC)
Well, preferably, I'd like just about everything to go.
10/29/2007 10:24 PM (UTC)
I'de like everything to go too.
10/29/2007 11:36 PM (UTC)
death traps should stay or be replaced by real time deathtraps, where you could either die at one spot or either get injured and affect your movement as you fight.
subzero, scorpion and reptile should stay too. they are too classic characters to go.
And I think the old fashion chinese concept should leave too. I would like to see a more modern MK that takes place nowadays at 2008. And modern fatalities.
what about breaking a bottle and kill with it your oppenent in a crowed bar?
A bar where you can use objects to hit and injure your opponet. Something like def jam fight for new york but anything goes there. fight until death. Fight in a garage where you can hit your opponent's head at the window of a car or put his head at a door of a car and then shut it down..
or a fight in a cage match with a sub boss (sub boss = goro or something with sharp teeth, an animal like boss).
10/30/2007 01:20 PM (UTC)
sub zero and scorpion are not gonig anywhere dont listen to any rumours until midway realease some official news
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