The New ...ality in MKX..........!!!!!
posted08/07/2014 04:01 PM (UTC)by
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06/27/2014 05:25 AM (UTC)
The only fatality idea that could blow my mind is a fatality that is shown through the character eyes. that being the character who wins.

This would create another level of goriness and give us, the viewers, a different perspective of the action.

This Idea of fatalities would only work in 3D in my opinion because I can not imaging this being posible and successful in 2D.

here is a video that would help you imaging the idea more clearly: from God of War 3 when Kratos kills Poseidon

[ ]

How ever in this case is through the victim's eyes and I meant the opposite.

1-Do you guys think this idea would blow your mind?

2-Do you think people are not ready to see such high level of goriness?

3-This idea sounds lame, here is a better one..................:
This technically wouldn't be a new kind of -ality, though.
08/07/2014 07:25 AM (UTC)
what makes you think that?

eddiesol Wrote:
what makes you think that?

The fact that it's just a Fatality from a first person perspective. Nothing really 'new' about it other than the added gimmick.
Sonya since 92
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08/07/2014 07:35 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
what makes you think that?

Because its still a fatality just in 1st person. Not an idea id like to see them spend resources on tbh.
08/07/2014 07:54 AM (UTC)
so what would you like to see?

what about tag team fatality, two people.

08/07/2014 08:16 AM (UTC)
Im severely hoping for it to be BRUTALITY. I would be perfect...MINUS the exploding character at the end though.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/07/2014 08:31 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
The only fatality idea that could blow my mind is a fatality that is shown through the character eyes. that being the character who wins.

This would create another level of goriness and give us, the viewers, a different perspective of the action.

This Idea of fatalities would only work in 3D in my opinion because I can not imaging this being posible and successful in 2D.

Maybe...just maybe...I don't hate the idea. It could work, hell or just take the fatalities that's created for the game and press a button that will switch it to the victor's point of view. Very easy to implant.
08/07/2014 08:53 AM (UTC)
jdnice11 Wrote:
Im severely hoping for it to be BRUTALITY. I would be perfect...MINUS the exploding character at the end though.

That isn't a new-ality.

And (I really, really, really hope Brutalities are never in the game again.
08/07/2014 09:13 AM (UTC)
Tag-ality (for lack of better name) would be cool. They've been thinking of doing tag team fatalities since MKD, It'd be nice to see that.
08/07/2014 12:09 PM (UTC)
Shame-ality! Lol grin
08/07/2014 12:30 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
jdnice11 Wrote:
Im severely hoping for it to be BRUTALITY. I would be perfect...MINUS the exploding character at the end though.

That isn't a new-ality.

And (I really, really, really hope Brutalities are never in the game again.

BRUTALITY is awesome! I really hope it happens. With the added gore tech it really could be something gruesome. You'd basically just be beating the hell out of the player and their bodies would react to the attacks in a realistic way; (in-game the characters brush off broken jaw's, sword slashes, fire, etc) every injury would stay until the combo ended. It would be so RUDE!

It may have trouble passing the ESRB because it would be WAYYY more violent than any fatality, because a fatality is a structured, repetitive input. Imagine the kind of thing's you could do?

Reptile's acid spit would actually burn skin. Scorpion's swords would actually dismember limbs, X-rays would break bones, etc. Gruesome
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/07/2014 01:00 PM (UTC)
I'm not just sure we'll even see a new "ality". We don't have to in my opinion.

I was not too hapy when I discovered the Babality returned in MK9. But they made it quite better then it was during the classics. If Brutality returns then I don't want it to look the same for all characters. It gets cheesy real soon. So if it returns it better change.

Seeing death from first person view would be interesting though. Reminds me of God of War 3. Kratos destroying Poeseidon when you watch through Poseidon's eyes gave it a great effect in my opinion.
08/07/2014 01:51 PM (UTC)
Banalities, where characters are turned into very boring versions of themselves. Baraka becomes his MK: Legacy self, Motaro his MKA one, Shokans lose their lower arms and become blandly human, Bo Rai Cho is turned into a Pai Mei-like character, Johnny becomes one of the generic Shaolin monks from MKM, Kobra is unaltered, etc.
08/07/2014 02:15 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Banalities, where characters are turned into very boring versions of themselves. Baraka becomes his MK: Legacy self, Motaro his MKA one, Shokans lose their lower arms and become blandly human, Bo Rai Cho is turned into a Pai Mei-like character, Johnny becomes one of the generic Shaolin monks from MKM, Kobra is unaltered, etc.

Since we started giving weird ideas, here's one: gender-benderality.
The loser changes gender
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08/07/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Thread title's a tad misleading. Not sure about a gory, first person fatality. Seems like it would be right down NRS alley and something they'd theoretically try to do, so I guess it could fit so long as it was fast and not some drawn out process.

As for brutalities, they were basically just ultra combos from KI that ended in explosions. Not sure why people are so hyped to bring these back. I guess the damage part could look cool, but again it feels like it'd take too long and again, aping another franchise's signature move is pretty lame.
08/07/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
I'm strongly against first person fatalities. Mainly because that would require 3D to come back or it would look really awkward and trashy. And I don't want to see another 3D MK unless its a spin-off.
08/07/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Banalities, where characters are turned into very boring versions of themselves. Baraka becomes his MK: Legacy self, Motaro his MKA one, Shokans lose their lower arms and become blandly human, Bo Rai Cho is turned into a Pai Mei-like character, Johnny becomes one of the generic Shaolin monks from MKM, Kobra is unaltered, etc.

Since we started giving weird ideas, here's one: gender-benderality.
The loser changes gender

This would end poorly. I can hear everyone now, GIVE US FEMALE SCORPION!! YOU HAVE THE MODEL JUST DO ITTTT!! MUGHGHGS

That would be horrible. But i like the idea in a theoretical sense.

OP, I like the first person Idea. Again The ESRB may have problems with it. Anything in a game where you are the one dishing out the hurt (1st person) or revamped BRUTALITY they get hesitant.

PS. everyone hating on brutalities; did any of you read what I posted above? I think you all are envisioning digitized assholes exploding. No, we have next gen technology now? ever heard of it? It would be absolutely gruesome and awesome.

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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/07/2014 04:01 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
I'm strongly against first person fatalities. Mainly because that would require 3D to come back or it would look really awkward and trashy. And I don't want to see another 3D MK unless its a spin-off.

That's not how things work. The game doesn't need to be 3D for a Fatality to work. It's nothing but camera placement.
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