The MK universes (Original universe and alternate universe)
posted01/15/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)by
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12/23/2011 01:17 AM (UTC)
Something I thought about the other day was looking at the quote Lex Luthor says in regards to different universes made me think, the timeline where Khan wins Armaggedon is done but is there ever a chance other characters might be able to contact characters from the old timeline in case like maybe Shinnok or another villian is victorious in their conquest? Could the MK universe be stuck in a never-ending time loop?

Injustice had two DC universes working together to stop Superman who was ruling Earth with an iron fist. Could it be the same with characters from the old MK timeline and the new one to stop an even worse reality?

Just some food for thought...
12/10/2013 02:04 AM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
Something I thought about the other day was looking at the quote Lex Luthor says in regards to different universes made me think, the timeline where Khan wins Armaggedon is done but is there ever a chance other characters might be able to contact characters from the old timeline in case like maybe Shinnok or another villian is victorious in their conquest? Could the MK universe be stuck in a never-ending time loop?

Injustice had two DC universes working together to stop Superman who was ruling Earth with an iron fist. Could it be the same with characters from the old MK timeline and the new one to stop an even worse reality?

Just some food for thought...

Unlike MK, DC is known for interactive universes.

I think it is best that that sort of interaction stays within the Injustice series. However, I do feel that there are characters other than Raiden who are aware of the change in timeline, such as Shinnok and Quan Chi.
12/10/2013 03:21 AM (UTC)
The fact that MK is already about different dimensions at war with each other could make introducing the existence of alternate Earthrealms and Outworlds easy, but it could also make it very confusing.

Is opening a portal between Earthrealm-1 and Earthrealm-2 as easy as opening a portal between Earthrealm and Outworld? If so, how do you know WHICH Outworld is attacking WHICH Earth at any given time? "Yay, we just stopped the invasion and Shao Kahn is dead, Earth is free forever!" *five minutes later* "Shao Kahn's invading again?! How can this be? Oh, I see...this Kahn wears blue armor instead of red." Bleh.

And there can't be just one Netherealm where ALL the dead go, there has to be a separate Heaven, Hell, and set of Elder Gods for every universe, so how does the fabric of the universe keep track of which souls go where? If a Baraka from Outworld-2 dies while fighting on Earth-1, does he go to Hell-1, because that's the Hell connected to the place where he died, or does he go to Hell-2 because he's from Universe 2? What if Baraka 1 and Baraka 2 both die in the same battle, does Hell now have two Barakas?

And if alternate timelines are how the MK universe works, if you can't change history, only create a new branch, and Armageddon actually happened in a different universe than MK9...wouldn't Dark Raiden KNOW that? A god should be aware of the nature of the multiverse, so he'd realize that his time message isn't going to save himself or his universe, it's going to go to a different Raiden in a different timeline rather than his past self.
I'm not saying it can't or shouldn't be done...I just think, frankly, what you'd have is a Crossover game, where MK crossed over with itself. It would be kind of silly and probably work best if, like any other crossover game, it wasn't canon so that it couldn't have lasting consequences that would confuse the issue of which realm is which and how many of the same character exists at any given time, just a goofy excuse to have, say, Cyber-Sub and Scarred Kuai Liang in the same game so they can fight each other, or to explore out-there ideas and what-ifs that would never work in the real continuity, like "What if Outworld won the tournament?" or "What if all the good guys were bad guys and vice versa" like the Spock-with-a-Goatee episode of Star Trek or when the Crime Syndicate fights the Justice League in DC.
12/10/2013 04:30 AM (UTC)
I'll lose a lot of respect for Mortal Kombat if it starts screwing around with a "multiverse" concept.

I fell in love with MK for its story. And I can fall out of love just as fast. Shit, I'm already 50% of the way there thanks to MK2011.
12/10/2013 01:10 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
I'll lose a lot of respect for Mortal Kombat if it starts screwing around with a "multiverse" concept.

I fell in love with MK for its story. And I can fall out of love just as fast. Shit, I'm already 50% of the way there thanks to MK2011.

If it's that easy for you to fall out, you're not as in love as you think.
12/10/2013 01:41 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
I'll lose a lot of respect for Mortal Kombat if it starts screwing around with a "multiverse" concept.
I fell in love with MK for its story. And I can fall out of love just as fast. Shit, I'm already 50% of the way there thanks to MK2011.

If it's that easy for you to fall out, you're not as in love as you think.

I was about to defend my position and then I noticed it was you posting. Since I don't expect anything better from you I'll just go my way.
12/10/2013 06:08 PM (UTC)
I don't want time travel in this where we are seeing characters' past selves. Not only would it be confusing, but I feel that several games are doing this and having more time travel stories gets pretty tiresome.
12/10/2013 08:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't want time travel in this where we are seeing characters' past selves. Not only would it be confusing, but I feel that several games are doing this and having more time travel stories gets pretty tiresome.

I'm really hoping that the timeline story arc in MK ends with the next game, in which the point in time where Armageddon would ensue is reached.

In order for Mortal Kombat to truly move forward, that moment needs to be reached and crossed. Once the retelling is done, we can really start seeing new stories, new characters, and new life in MK.
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12/15/2013 10:45 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Yeah all that stuff about Earth-1, Hell-2, and Outworld-1 really fried my brain. Heck even Onaga would be confused, I say keep it one universe.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
12/22/2013 04:37 PM (UTC)
Really good points everyone. I didn't realize how much of a brain screw it would leave fans. I'm just curious to what exactly will happen after MK 9 and go to Armageddon.
12/22/2013 06:42 PM (UTC)
I think mk should not have multiverse concept. But if they did a crossover with street fighter, then I wouldnt mind if there was two earths or earthrealms.
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12/23/2013 02:02 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
I'll lose a lot of respect for Mortal Kombat if it starts screwing around with a "multiverse" concept.

You're 8 years too late, dude.
12/24/2013 02:55 PM (UTC)
It worked for MK9 with the story, but I don't want time travel and going back to change the past to alter the future in every game.
12/28/2013 07:24 PM (UTC)
Already there was a crossover between Mortal Kombat and DC Universe . The Mortal Kombat universe created Mad Clown to replace the Joker in another MK game to not use DC characters . But how would all the DC characters replaced by generic characters ? The answer in this address:
01/15/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)
I think it would be cool to see this played out for one game once the 2011 gains more games in order for their universe to grow a little more in story & characters as well as realms. Then it would be easier to blend the two, but I do agree this should be non-cannon if it is done for this one occasion. If it is to be done it would have to be like a 30th anniversary thing for MK as well just to make the event special. Imagining already how 2011 Scorpion would react to hearing how his Original counter part would speak.

Imagine this Scorpions -

Meeting . . .

This Scorpion -

I think somewhere in 2011's head he will find the original one a bit . . . . . cheezy don't you think.
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