The I called it game
posted04/23/2015 10:29 PM (UTC)by
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01/18/2015 05:35 AM (UTC)
So with the up coming MK games there is a lot of speculations going on, with this people have come to a lot of early conclusions, like most recently (Chapter 7 spoiler)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
the death of Ketz

So I thought of a cool idea. Let's play a game to see how many of our theories and speculations hold true. For every theory you get right, you get a point. At the end of the week of Mkx's release the person with the most points wins...a giant plate of cyber kookies and braging rights.

Rules, it has to be something worth discussing, nothing easy like, "I predict there is going to be at least 3 blue eyed characters."

I trust you guys to be honest and keep your own score.

I shall go first...

I call it, Fujin will be in MKX as a playable character.

I call it, Goro will die in the comics.

I call it, Ferra and Torr are chaos realmers.

I call it, Erron Black will be a playable character in MKX.

I call it, Bi Han has been separated from Saibot.

One more thing, you may call the same thing another has called, everyone who called it will get a point If they are right.
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02/17/2015 10:42 AM (UTC)
Mokap will make a cameo.

Just as MK9's story mode ended with a sequel hook, so will X's. In this case, the reveal that Raiden's actions have not changed the timeline, but have caused it branch out into countless variations.

Sindel will, however nonsensically, still be OP as fuck in cutscenes.

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02/17/2015 11:00 AM (UTC)
I know a few pepole have called it, but I'm saying it nonetheless;

Sub-Zero will be both Bi-Han and Kuai Lang. Bi will be the primary costume we've seen in promo stuff and the second costume will be Kuai in his comic costume.

Other stuff;

EVERYONE will get a playable story mode chapter. Reptile, Quan Chi, Ferra/Torr, EVERYONE has a playable chapter.

Alternate costumes will have unique dialogue with other costumes. E.G. Sub Zero alternate will have unique dialogue with Scorpion's primaty.

Will post more when I think of more.
02/17/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
I'm calling it MKX will flop like a fish out of water tonguegrintongue
I call it that reiko will NOT be the boss or even in the game period.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/17/2015 12:39 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi, Shinnok, Goro, Mileena, Johnny Cage, and this could be one or the other or both...Raiden/Liu Kang, Sektor/Cyrax will die by the end of MKX's story mode.

Rain will be in the game.

Takeda will be playable.

We'll get at least three 3D era characters.

Kitana convinces Goro to turn on Mileena at some point.

Baraka is one of the characters in the Kombat Pack.

Tanya and Shinnok are unlockable characters.

Sub-Zero Mirror Match Intros will feature them arguing about which is the REAL Sub-Zero.

Shang Tsung, Bo' Rai Cho, Havik, Fujin, Reiko, and Smoke will be playable characters either initially, or by the end of DLC/release of Komplete Edition.

I'll form some new theories and speculations as time goes on.
02/17/2015 12:44 PM (UTC)
I call it, people will end up trolling around this thread even though it's a great idea.

I call it, Takeda will be important to the story could even be the next Liu kang.

I call it, Cassie Cage will end up being a lesbian(Nothing wrong with that)

I call it, The way they will explain the dead characters coming back will be something along the lines of "Ohhhh they were restored to life because... they are nice people" sad

I call it, Even though they said they are using this time to improve on the game instead of making a demo build for the public the game will end up having bugs making their excuse pointless but nobody will bat an eye. sleep

I call it, Goro WON'T die in the comics.

I call it, Predator is one of the guest characters.

I call it, Shinnok will be playable in Mortal Kombat X. confused

I call it, If Reiko ends up being playable in mortal kombat x he will have Shao Kahn Wrath Hammer either in a variation or in all three.
02/17/2015 12:57 PM (UTC)
Azraelthelastangel Wrote:
I call it that reiko will NOT be the boss or even in the game period.

I call it, Reiko WILL be the main boss of MKX.
02/17/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:I call it, Even though they said they are using this time to improve on the game instead of making a demo build for the public the game will end up having bugs making their excuse pointless but nobody will bat an eye. sleep src=emoticons/mk-confused.gif>

You're delusional if you think any game will ever ship with absolutely no bugs. There will always be glitches and kinks to work out, however small they are.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/17/2015 01:12 PM (UTC)
I Like this game. Reminds me of Fox's "BOLD Predictions" segment on their NFL Pre-Game show.

-I also call Reiko being playable with a variation dedicated to Kahn's Hammer. In fact, I technically "called it" 2 weeks ago on Feb 5th in the Variations WishList thread, b4 chapter 7 was published.

-Ryu will be the Iconic Guest. (Now that's Bold)

-Shinnok will be the boss of the 1st "act" of the storyline, but will NOT be playable.

-There will be at least 1 Alternate Character Skin in the game, despite Himmerick saying on Twitter that there will be NO ACS's. (ie: Frost for SZ, Kintaro/Gorback for Goro, Sonya/Jaqui for Cassie, Taven for Daegon, Kia/Jataaka for Sareena, etc.)

02/17/2015 01:14 PM (UTC)
I call it Noob and smoke will combine to make a new Noob Saibot with both move sets!!

I call it no Sonya, cage, Jax, Liu kang, Shang tsung or night wolf

I call it Reiko, Tanya in and playable
02/17/2015 01:21 PM (UTC)
I call it either my boy fujin, lui kang, or takeda will make it in.

02/17/2015 01:27 PM (UTC)
I call it the big bad will be king reiko and queen Mileena, tag team style
02/17/2015 01:51 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:I call it, Even though they said they are using this time to improve on the game instead of making a demo build for the public the game will end up having bugs making their excuse pointless but nobody will bat an eye. sleep src=emoticons/mk-confused.gif>

You're delusional if you think any game will ever ship with absolutely no bugs. There will always be glitches and kinks to work out, however small they are.

Exactly my point, any game will have bugs so why not do a demo build anyway since you will never be able to fix all the bugs...
02/17/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
NickScryer Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:I call it, Even though they said they are using this time to improve on the game instead of making a demo build for the public the game will end up having bugs making their excuse pointless but nobody will bat an eye. sleep src=emoticons/mk-confused.gif>

You're delusional if you think any game will ever ship with absolutely no bugs. There will always be glitches and kinks to work out, however small they are.

Exactly my point, any game will have bugs so why not do a demo build anyway since you will never be able to fix all the bugs...

Why do you need a demo that bad? April is not that far away
02/17/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
NickScryer Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:I call it, Even though they said they are using this time to improve on the game instead of making a demo build for the public the game will end up having bugs making their excuse pointless but nobody will bat an eye. sleep src=emoticons/mk-confused.gif>

You're delusional if you think any game will ever ship with absolutely no bugs. There will always be glitches and kinks to work out, however small they are.

Exactly my point, any game will have bugs so why not do a demo build anyway since you will never be able to fix all the bugs...

Why do you need a demo that bad? April is not that far away

Because I'm getting it on PC and I want to make sure it's not badly optimized confused
I want to make sure I can run it, although I already know I meet the req specs but I have to be sure. lol
02/17/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
I call

Fujin in the game as playable

Reiko in the game as playable

Goro "dies" at the hands of Kotal Kahn in the comics, only to be revealed to be alive hence Goro lives on the preorder

Quan Chi is holding Moloch's head and has Drahmins skull in his armor.

Cyrax or Sektor will make both make it one shipped one DLC

Taven, Daegon, Shujinko, and Tremor make comic book apperances.

Shang Tsung is the final boss

Raiden's redemption will come in the form of his death.

Roster will be 28 characters not including DLC

Kuatan Palace, or some variation of it will return.

The Beetle Lair will return in some form

Every character that has been playable will at least get name dropped in the comic or game. Not including non-MK character's.

There will be a new character from Netherrealm and one from Chaos.
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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

02/17/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
My calls:

Fujin will be on the roster.

Shinnok will be a sub-boss.

Goro will be disarmed in the comics.

Liu Kang won't be the one who kills Raiden.

Ermac will become Ermac Kahn in his arcade ending.

02/17/2015 02:30 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:Exactly my point, any game will have bugs so why not do a demo build anyway since you will never be able to fix all the bugs...

They can't fix ALL the bugs but they can and are using the extra time to iron out some of them.

Assassins Creed Unity was a buggy mess when it first released, within 2 months they fixed pretty much all them. If Unity had those 2 months extra development time, it wouldn't have released so buggy and it wouldn't have gotten the awful press that it did.

They are obviously trying to make it the best it can be, and taking valuable time away to make a demo would hurt their goal. You never know, they might make a demo available AFTER release.
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02/17/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
Awesome thread idea, OP! Love it. Hope it sticks around until release.

-I call it: Jaqui Briggs will not be in MKX, but her death in the comics will lead to Jax being playable in MKX.

-I call it: Noob will appear in the story, but we've seen all of the "ninjas" that'll be playable, except for one. This one will either be an old one that's never been playable or a brand new one.

-I call it: Sonya and Cage will not be playable in MKX, but they'll be in the story, and one of them won't make it through MKX alive.

-I call it: Reiko and Fujin will make the roster, Shinnok will not. He'll be alluded to in the story, maybe even as an early boss battle, but he won't make the roster and he's killed off early in the story.

-I call it: A xenomorph (alien) and a Predator will be the two guest DLC characters.

I call it: No character introduced in Deception will be playable, but many will appear in the story as cameos, with Havik having the most to do plot-wise.

I call it: From the GameStop video, Mileena will be playable in MKX immediately, but Shang Tsung will be DLC.

I call it: Liu Kang will be the other classic DLC character.

I call it: MK9 iterations of characters not playable in MKX will be in the living towers so you can still play against them.

I call it: The reviews...

The game will garner positive reviews, but won't get elite scores from the gaming press.

Many will praise:
-Depth of content
-Innovative new modes
-Fun gameplay
-Huge story
-Over the top gore

Many will look down on:
-The plot (they'll poke fun at the story content, dialog etc)
-The music-Uninteresting / not memorable.
-Controls might be too precise or feel kinda clunky.

I'm thinking a lot of scores will be around 8 or 8.5, with some lower and some higher, but very few will break 9 or be lower than 7.
02/17/2015 02:43 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:Exactly my point, any game will have bugs so why not do a demo build anyway since you will never be able to fix all the bugs...

They can't fix ALL the bugs but they can and are using the extra time to iron out some of them.

Assassins Creed Unity was a buggy mess when it first released, within 2 months they fixed pretty much all them. If Unity had those 2 months extra development time, it wouldn't have released so buggy and it wouldn't have gotten the awful press that it did.

They are obviously trying to make it the best it can be, and taking valuable time away to make a demo would hurt their goal. You never know, they might make a demo available AFTER release.

You're blinded to the truth.


MK9 had a demo, the game turned out great.

Injustice had a demo, the game turned out great.

I understand that they don't want to release a demo because they don't want to get things leaked which is a great reason not to release a demo.

but I hate that they lie and say they are using that time to make the game better because a demo build is already done and they use it on Kombat Kast and they used a demo build in E3.

Point is I hate when a dev lies about the reason they are doing things.

They are not releasing a demo because they are afraid info will get leaked which is a good reason not release a demo.

But when they turn around and treat us like morons and say "Ohhh we are not releasing a demo because we want to work more on fixing the game"

that's a big fat lie.

Either way, I'm sure you like other people will still believe them when they say they use that time to fix bugs.

But I personally will always look back at Injustice and MK9 and say "Those games had demos, and those games turned out great"

02/17/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
I call;

Noob will not be playable on main roster, but yet DLC.

Liu Kang is the demon in the comic.

Shujinko is the bearer of the Kamidogu.

Shinnok is on main roster.

Kai is not in MKX.

Mileena becomes Empress once again (playable/main boss).

Tanya, Bo Rai Cho and Havik make the main roster.

Erron Black, Jacqui and Takeda are new comers.

Jax and Sonya or Johnny are classic DLC.

Sonya or Johnny is on main roster.

Reiko will be one of the sub-bosses.

We will get a new main sub-boss.

New prototype cyborg from Red Dragon.

Raiden "dies".

The bow wielding character is a decendant of Nightwolf or an Osh-Tekk.

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02/17/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
Eh, sharefrock, I see it more as a lie by omission rather than an outright deception. I think they would rather devote time to finishing and polishing the game, rather than putting together a demo with some characters that are finished enough and balanced enough and make sure that no one can see anything they're not supposed to.

I'm sure that last part is a big reason why we're not getting a demo, but I'm guessing they'd rather not focus on what they failed at last time and I can't fault them for that, but I do think the time aspect and the preference to work on the game rather than a polished / resource protected demo is also part of it.
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02/17/2015 03:13 PM (UTC)
I call it ; Raiden will seek for the collobaration among the earthrealm defenders and find an unexpected - mysterious ally throughout the journey
I call it ; Mileena, Tanya, Reiko and Fujin will be in MKX
I call it ; The roster will include 28 characters without the guests and DLC's
I call it ; There is a high chance for Shinnok to be the Sub-Boss of MKX
I call it ; The guest kharakters will be chosen from the thriller and horror movies
I call it ; There will be more than one hidden fight in the game
I call it ; The Queen Sindel will be the main villain of the gamefurious
02/17/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
This is now the quote people when they are wrong thread.
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