The future of MK?
posted06/19/2007 05:45 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2007 02:17 AM (UTC)
Well me being the newbie, I have desided to make my first thread and post here, don't pwn me...yet.
So to begin, who here thinks the future for MK is very bright or is doomed to be mauled by game creators who make failures out of a great series.
MK, for me will always have a great future...unless someone screws up on a MK game. Take for example the way that the F.E.A.R. series did amazing on the 360 and PC, but failed on the PS3.
So with that in mind what do you think?
06/07/2007 05:59 PM (UTC)
first off welcome MKO, and to answer your question I think right now the fate of MK is up in the air. It all depends on how the next game does. If it does good than it might continue on, but if it is shit then it will be the final nail in the coffin for the MK series, and I think the MK team knows this and thats why they're not releasing the game until 2008. But who knows what will happen in time.
06/07/2007 07:16 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure to be honest.

On one hand, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon have been commercially successful, despite their flaws.

But ask Sega how long you can go with out addressing flaws in their titles, before the public says no more. Poor Sonic.

I, personally, don't think the next MK will make or break the series. I think the game afterwards might have more of a say. I'm not going to say MK8 will be a success, but fans will play it and people will pick it up because has online play (probably). But if this title doesn't address the flaws from DA, D and A then MK9 will flop.
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
06/07/2007 07:21 PM (UTC)
If MK8 sucks, I'm leaving the francise for good.
06/07/2007 08:46 PM (UTC)
new system, new engine, same team...of course it will flop mechanics wise..on the other hand, it will still sell. how many times do we have to be let down before we give up hope that, "just wait the next mk is going to be great, i think they are going to fix the gameplay and infinites.." of couse i quit wishful thinking years ago...........
06/10/2007 03:04 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I'm not sure to be honest.

On one hand, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon have been commercially successful, despite their flaws.

But ask Sega how long you can go with out addressing flaws in their titles, before the public says no more. Poor Sonic.

I, personally, don't think the next MK will make or break the series. I think the game afterwards might have more of a say. I'm not going to say MK8 will be a success, but fans will play it and people will pick it up because has online play (probably). But if this title doesn't address the flaws from DA, D and A then MK9 will flop.

YOu can't really compare Sega because they were bought out. NIntendo would be a better one. Look at all the Mario Parties: It's one rehash after antother
06/16/2007 06:12 PM (UTC)
hello im a newbie so can we get on
06/16/2007 07:10 PM (UTC)
LiuKangFighter Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I'm not sure to be honest.
On one hand, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon have been commercially successful, despite their flaws.
But ask Sega how long you can go with out addressing flaws in their titles, before the public says no more. Poor Sonic.
I, personally, don't think the next MK will make or break the series. I think the game afterwards might have more of a say. I'm not going to say MK8 will be a success, but fans will play it and people will pick it up because has online play (probably). But if this title doesn't address the flaws from DA, D and A then MK9 will flop.

YOu can't really compare Sega because they were bought out. NIntendo would be a better one. Look at all the Mario Parties: It's one rehash after antother

But Nintendo don't even develop the Mario Party games. Hudsonsoft (The Bomberman guys) do.

Just because Sega were bought out by Sammy doesn't mean they can pump out a game that clearly needed more time to be finished. Hell its not even like they are in the red any more.
06/16/2007 11:39 PM (UTC)
billyrage Wrote:
first off welcome MKO, and to answer your question I think right now the fate of MK is up in the air. It all depends on how the next game does. If it does good than it might continue on, but if it is shit then it will be the final nail in the coffin for the MK series, and I think the MK team knows this and thats why they're not releasing the game until 2008. But who knows what will happen in time.

I think the whole scenario of a good game = MK continues VS bad game = MK dies off is excactly the situation we find ourselves in today.
06/17/2007 03:49 AM (UTC)
Everything depends on Mk:8. Whether the franchise will go down completely, or will fans recognize greatness. Mk:A ended the way it was sapposed to, but now its time to wait and see if this whole franchise can be brought back. In think their really getting busy this time. I hope so.
06/18/2007 01:10 PM (UTC)
MKA could be the last game, so don't cry if the future's planing to Kill MK.sad
If my idea seems too screwedup, go ahead and ignore me.sleep

I have an idea on a Marvel Ultimate Alliance-ish spin off incvolving the cast of MKA.
As it turns out, the true threat was in the KAKs.(Note: Not that I hate them, but a legion of people are being unoriginal and copying from other series, which I absoultely HATE!!furious). The Original Kombatants (the real ones) manage to kill them all. then, they have a Christmas party and go off to a deep slumber...(think hibernation). When they wake up decades later, they find out that :
1)Violence is now outlawed in any games, especially shooters and fighting ones.
2)America is now slave to Anime, and seem to be the only violent games out there.
Therefore, the Kombatants swear to eradicate Anime and return America back to its normal self.
Fun Points:
-Every kombatant from MKA is playable, and event those who haven't appeared end up cameo roles.
-Other fighting games appear to take vengance with them.
-It's Anime Killing!
-Each Kombatant gets different costumes from other games (or even new ideas!), as well as an interview!
Play Style: (Refer to Marvel Ultimate Alliance)
-Endings for every fighter, and they actually are cutscenes!(although this has nothing to do with the MK canon)
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