The Females. Hair. Skins.
posted05/29/2015 04:49 AM (UTC)by
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05/28/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
I don't like to nitpick because there are so many graphical positives with this game, it's a bloody beautiful looking game. Just wondering why NRS seem to have problems with hair? Does it have to do with the many finishers, that could possibly glitch with the hair?

It's such a shame about the hair situations regarding variety of lengths and styles; they are either tied up, or shoulder length. I also don't remember the hair looking so plastic in MK9. Especially Sonyas hair in MKX, it looks so odd (more work was obviously put into Cassie, as she looks pretty much perfect... that alternate hair though). I actually quite liked Kitanas in MK9, I didn't mind that is went crazy, it added diversity which is lacking in MKX.

Another thing... I'm quite disappointed that some of the females have lost their sexuality. They look amazing don't get me wrong, it's just strange that the female Edenians wear pants, after so long.. Goro is showing more skin and many of the other males?!

I'm not saying they have to be nude, it's just that alternate skins could have been used more effectively to showcase the other side to their personality at least that have been seen for years. Mileena and Sonya basically have the same tournament and alt skin. Why not give Mileena a skin that resembles her well known and appraised Deception look? It was hella sexy and dangerous.

Why are ALL the females short as well? It takes away, for me, that trill of playing as them. Some of the decisions they made are really unusual. I like change, but some of the things they changed made some of the characters not feel like the same characters.

Anyway nitpicking over.
05/28/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
The hair in MK9 was absolutely terrible. It looked like play-doh. NRS is still working the kinks out with hair -- this game's hair is still not great, but it's better, and clearly they have an easier time with the short haircuts so that's fine by me. They went with enough different styles that the women still look distinct.

As for the sexuality in costuming, you can blame MK9 going so striperriffic that the series became a laughingstock. This game is an admirable attempt to pull themselves back from that ledge they went soaring over.

I think the women look better than ever in MKX, personally. Their outfits are sexy but functional. Mileena and Kitana still show tons of skin, so that complaint feels off to me. Kitana's showing off her boobs and thighs. Mileena's Kahnum and Tournament alts let you see her panties whenever she falls down. Jacqui's alt has a very low-cut tank top. Ferra is wearing a thong into battle. D'Vorah is nude. Are people really mad that Sonya doesn't have bare tits under kevlar anymore? Because that was absurd.
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art by blacksaibot

05/28/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
Do you really want the goofy ass stripper outfits again? I'm so glad that they got rid of that.

D'vorah shows a lot of skin at least haha
05/28/2015 03:38 AM (UTC)
No not at all I wasn't a fan of the stripper looks. Kitanas in MKX are pretty good, but just seems odd that Mileena who was known for showing a little skin seems more covered up?!

I do love the most of the skins (even if some look the same only minor differences etc) and agree the females look the best they ever have. Just that some of them don't feel the same. I know they have to grow up at one point or another.

I'll have to pop in MK9 and compare hair again (haha I need a life). I just remember liking the differences between styles.
05/28/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:
Do you really want the goofy ass stripper outfits again? I'm so glad that they got rid of that.

D'vorah shows a lot of skin at least haha
05/28/2015 04:29 AM (UTC)
I thought the women looked great, especially Mileena; I could actually take her seriously as a leader to a degree (granted, she still has Spaghetti-Os for brains).

Not to mention, this is the best Sonya has looked design-wise since the Hoskins era.
NRS ate a lot of shit for the stripper party that was MK9 and rightfully so.
05/28/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
I certainly miss the tits from MK9...just give me back my DOA titty monsters plox.
05/28/2015 05:40 AM (UTC)
The women look great in MKX, better than ever. BUT I do wish some had longer hair.

They still do it though. Kitana has long hair in her alt. Sindel has her trademark long hair and we have tied back longer hair for Sonya. Many of the girls would have looked better with longer hair like Tanya and Jacqui especially.
05/28/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I certainly miss the tits from MK9...just give me back my DOA titty monsters plox.

Now MK is gonna be known for big titties now? I thought that was DOA only trademark lol
05/28/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
Definitely feel the same about Tanya's hair, even though she's looking much better... I actually would have preferred the short hair from the concept art strangely I thought it fitted a more mature aged Tanya. Maybe the next game?
05/28/2015 06:28 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I certainly miss the tits from MK9...just give me back my DOA titty monsters plox.

Haha brilliant grin
05/28/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I certainly miss the tits from MK9...just give me back my DOA titty monsters plox.

Now MK is gonna be known for big titties now? I thought that was DOA only trademark lol

Why not?! The more titays the bettah, MK should be that game you're ashamed to walk into the game store and buy

Be all like "Uh-u-u-u-mmmm yeah i'm here to pick up my copy of MKX Beach Volley Ball....IT'S FOR MY COUSIN I SWEAR!"

In all seriousness though can we just get an MK9 costume pack for the ladies and I'll be happy?
05/28/2015 07:45 AM (UTC)
I agree about the hair for a next gen game, sonya's pony tail looks like a block/floaty cylinder.

The hair physics needs to be improved and textures as well, with the majority looking dated and bland, kitana's tournament outfit's hair is atrocious, but why?

Whilst the female face models have been improved I would still say they are below par especially in comparison to other fighting games Tekken and Street fighter , why is it hard for NRS to make feminine looking female faces?

Depending on the camera angle Sonya's face can look pretty to shrek like, the chin to cheek bone area look oddly inflated or swollen.
05/28/2015 07:55 AM (UTC)
DOA may be ott and porny but he girls look great, and I don't see anything wrong in that.
MK has a gritty realism this time round. Could they find a middle ground between these two?
A female skin pack sounds good to me.
05/28/2015 09:17 AM (UTC)
It seems people will always find things to complain. The females look fine. Mileena, Kitana and Sonya have never looked better. Mileena looks like an Outworld empress, Kitana's new assassin look is dope (basically her best costumes ever) and Sonya looks like she does wear a SF uniform and not taking part in a strip show with military costumes.

The only one I don't like is Jacqui. She looks very plain, especially after I saw her concept art. She could easily become a new fav of mine with those costumes and she ended up with the most generic ones.
05/28/2015 10:14 AM (UTC)
05/28/2015 11:50 AM (UTC)
The women look great as is. As is, Kitana and Mileena are still wearing the most impractical outfits ever for fighting in. Sorry, high heels are not good for combat. Tits don't distract your opponent, they offer a target.

Sonya, Jacqui, and Cassie are better for it.
05/28/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
I think all the female hair in this game looks good, the hair that bothers me is Liu Kang's hair. I hate how its so long lol his tournament costume was so close to being amazing until I realized he had that stupid long hair :/
05/28/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
I'm ok with Kahnum and Tournament Mileena wearing a similar attire. They could have been different but I feel like it's just a natural progression, like Mileena wore the tournament outfit after MK9 and when she became the empress she updated it to be more gracious.

Her main costume is the best she has ever looked thought. That's for sure.

You know, I was against the oversexualized costumes coming back, and I'm glad of the changes they made to everyone, but I still think Mileena could have kept one as an alternate. She represents the beauty of Edenia and the rage of the Tarkata. It's ok for her to look that sexy.
05/28/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
It feels odd seeing Mileena covered as I'm sure she dresses that way to deal with her face. It's weird that Kitana is less dressed than her since she wore pants in the movie and was shown with that Purple outfit a lot in the DA-A era. It only makes sense for the Earthrealm ladies to be dressed although I prefer Jacqui's alt.

It also seems strange but welcome to me that the guys from Earthrealm who generally went shirtless are finally covered up even though Johnny and Jax have their Tournament alts and the latter has his revenant form.
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05/28/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I think all the female hair in this game looks good, the hair that bothers me is Liu Kang's hair. I hate how its so long lol his tournament costume was so close to being amazing until I realized he had that stupid long hair :/
He definitely doesn't need the long hair and the long headband
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art by blacksaibot

05/28/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
It seems people will always find things to complain. The females look fine. Mileena, Kitana and Sonya have never looked better. Mileena looks like an Outworld empress, Kitana's new assassin look is dope (basically her best costumes ever) and Sonya looks like she does wear a SF uniform and not taking part in a strip show with military costumes.

The only one I don't like is Jacqui. She looks very plain, especially after I saw her concept art. She could easily become a new fav of mine with those costumes and she ended up with the most generic ones.

05/28/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I think all the female hair in this game looks good, the hair that bothers me is Liu Kang's hair. I hate how its so long lol his tournament costume was so close to being amazing until I realized he had that stupid long hair :/
He definitely doesn't need the long hair and the long headband

Lol I cant tell if that's sarcasm or not but I agree either way, I don't really like Liu with that long ass hair lol
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05/28/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
This shit again?

Right after we agreed the hair physics were a step up from MK9, we're back to saying they're a letdown?

And ffs, military officers shouldn't have thongs sticking out of their pants.

Christ, there should be a stickied "Sex appeal in MK" thread so this shit doesn't show up every. other. fucking. topic.

Seriously hoping the girls all show up wearing full-body snuggies next time out of spite.
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-sig by MINION

05/28/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote: Shadaloo Wrote:
Right after we agreed the hair physics were a step up from MK9, we're back to saying they're a letdown?
Lol I cant tell if that's sarcasm or not but I agree either way, I don't really like Liu with that long ass hair lol
It's not sarcasm, it was an odd design choice on their part.
Shadaloo Wrote:
Right after we agreed the hair physics were a step up from MK9, we're back to saying they're a letdown?
I think people are just lamenting the loss of long non braided hair.
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