The dresses of the female in the future mk games.
posted04/19/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)by
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01/09/2005 07:48 PM (UTC)
well i dont realy like the way they are dressed in mkda, mkd.
they look like strippers. what you guys say, mk team should change the clothes of females in a appropriate way. some just look like they are wearing a bathing suit or underwear. And I don't realy wana see this in future mk games. we want them to look more serious and more like fighters(like in MK2 appropriate dressing ) rather then a hooker.
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04/04/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
yeah but the scantly clad ninja look is part of what I think makes mortal kombat so appealing. Women who can fight will wearing very little rock. Besides ashrah was dressed up showing no skin and well... Her costume kinda sucks...
04/04/2006 12:52 AM (UTC)
Well, they're trying to appeal to male gamers, and I'm sure it helps. You don't have to take them out, but some of the characters should look more respective. Sindel is a Queen (and old) so she shouldn't be dressing so... inaproprately. Kitana is a princess and neither should she. But the rest, do you really think they care what they dress like?
04/04/2006 02:26 AM (UTC)
Sonya is a female, and she dresses fine.
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04/05/2006 12:10 AM (UTC)
Yes sonya does dress fine not showing much skin but her clothing is very tight
04/07/2006 11:34 PM (UTC)
Sonya is by far the only female who dresses sexy yet DECENT in all the games, unlike the many others who parade around half naked when it doesn’t really make sense/fit the character. Sonya can wear a thong and show her waist and still keep her pants and top on. She looks tough and sexy without a silly swimsuit (and I hope that’s the way it will always be with her).

I actually don’t truly care how they dress because they look awesome, but some really need to get new outfits, mainly Kitana and Sindel.

Princess and Queen of their realm walking around like...well, lets just say strippers doesn’t really make sense. It fitted Sindel in MK3 because of the whole evil-resurrection story, but in MKD she should had gotten some sort of cool dress. Others like Ashah shouldn’t be showing her legs or part of their bust, since she looks sort of royal and mysterious, her alt just didn’t make any all.

Jade can get away with it, same with Tanya (who looked amazing with that strange dress in MKD) and Nitara (vampires are always associated with sexiness and sex, but I guess it would be awesome to see a sort of elegant Nitara with a dress, her outfits were amazing in MKDA, but it wouldn’t hurt to see a change) .

Mileena (specially in MKD, she looked brilliant!!! Best ninja/slutty costume ever!) and Sheeva (trying to look sexy while being grotesque at the same time is just perfect) are the 2 only “slutty females” from the “stripper clan” I consider to be perfect with their outfits. It fits their personality and their overall aspect. They are perfect the way they are.

Kira also looks good in her revealing outfits, they are design in cool fashion and fits her character anyways, though I would had loved to see her in that male costume she used to disguise with.

Another female that looks as ridiculous as Kitana and Sindel is Li Mei. She looks weird half naked, it just doesn’t suit her at all! She looks PERFECT in MKDA (primary) but just silly with her alt, and in MKD she looked AMAZING with her alt. Li Mei showing so much skin just seems odd since she has this young noble warrior spirit (picture her when fighting Kano for her people), so being half naked makes her look a bit silly, though the costumes are cool.

Frost looks cool with her primary, suits her better then the alt. And finally, Sareena is someone I cant say much about yet but even though she looks like a tripper I guess it suits her well.
04/09/2006 02:45 AM (UTC)
Yeah, most of the characters are really just down and dirty, it suits their characters all too well. Sonya, Kitana, and Sindel are the only ones who should dress properly. Ashrah also needs too. She just doesn't seem the slutty type to me. Jade, even though she is Kitana's bodyguard, looks damn good in her outfit and still fits her Amazonian type figure. Tanya, Mileena, Sareena, Kira, etc., the sluttiness just suits them.
04/09/2006 03:25 AM (UTC)
I think Kitana and Sindel dress fine. Just because in our lame, stick-up-our-ass society Queens and Princesses dress "proper," doesn't mean its the same for every other society. I commend Edenia for not comforming to archaic, small-minded views of "decency."

04/09/2006 07:15 AM (UTC)
yeah thats kool
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04/09/2006 04:21 PM (UTC)
I really liked Nitaras Alt. Costume in DA the whole exotic feel to it fit her better rather than the Brooklyn hooker look she had for her main costume
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04/10/2006 02:37 AM (UTC)
You say that Sindel and Kitana are royal and should wear frumpy dresses to show it, but if you think about it in their spare, garden party time they probably would, but if they were going out to do a bit of running around and amazing martial arts and flying and somersaults then some tight, revealing spandex would probably be the most suitable thing. Although, Sindel levitating in a massive really long dark dress would look awesome. But anyway, to conclude, shhhhh you silly old women, chicks in bras beatin' on each other SELLS
04/10/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I think Li Mei should have her MKDA Primary, and her MKD Alt. in MKA. The half naked one doesn't work well.
04/17/2006 05:29 PM (UTC)
Nitara: her alt costume was great, it suited her perfectly with the tatoos and all, vampires should be sexy, its what they are all about

Tanya:her dress thing in mkda was soo cool, she looked great, but i hate her alternate,

Sonya: she managed to be real sexy in her alt costume in mkda, while still being covered up. i never liked her wearin a baseball cap in mk4, but i liked her green outfit in mk3

Kitana: i like her outfit, i hated her alt in mkda, it was awful

Sheeva: i cant really imagine her wearing a dress, or something elegant, might be funny though, her mk3 costume fit.

Frost: i liked her alt costume, it wasnt too slutty, but her ninja costume was cool 2

Mileena: i like the arabian theme, she should stick with that, her alt costume in MKD was abit ott

Sindel: i liked her alt costume in mkda, it suited her, seemed kinda royal no?

Arhrah:slutyness doesnt suit her at all, she kinda reminds me of a nun?
Lie mei: dont really care bout her 2 b honest
04/19/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
Li Mei lol she looks like she was chillen on the beach or somthing. her dress i dont like still.
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