The direction that MK8 should take.
posted01/03/2007 05:18 AM (UTC)by
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05/20/2003 02:47 AM (UTC)
My Ideas for MK8.

I believe that since they are beginning anew, and not bringing back 90% to 95% of the cast (some characters are essential afterall), they should take the oppurtunity to release some completely new and original characters and species. For instance, I would love to see some of the other creatures, beings etc.. that inhabit the many realms introduced through out the series. I'm pretty sure that there are come very bizzare things roaming around Outworld for example. Or how about Chaos realm? The character possibilities are fantastic from this realm. I feel that Earthrealm should actually be left completely out of the next MK (or at least have very little to do with MK8). They've been the focus since the beginning of MK with Outworld and Edenia having good supporting roles. They should let some other realms they've created (and some of the ones they haven't yet) shine for a bit. Earth has proved itself time and again and will not fall, so it's time for the bad guys to search out new conquests. They spent all this time creating all these realms and we've only gotten to see a fraction of what each realm has to offer. Make it some brand-new realm's turn to fight for it's freedom. Or what if a few of the other realms that have been taken over feel that if Edenia can free itself, then so can they? So many possibilities in starting over. If they're gonna do it, I just want the MK team to take full advantage of the vast world they created and not take the dull and lazy way out and just make a game with all new characters based on (or as complete copies of) the charactes they have currently. Use different realms, and create new and original characters/creatures/gods from those realms. That's all I ask. With MKA and all it's disappointments.. MK8 will have to be an outstanding and highly original game for MK to gain back the fans it has lost and to renew the faith of the last hardcore fans it has hanging on.

Agree or don't, these are simply my views on the subject.
What are yours?

P.S. - Fatalities need to go back to the old way, this is NOT negotiable! lol
12/27/2006 05:28 PM (UTC)
My Idea of how MK should be is to go back to its routes!

The Game should only be fighting like the old mk's! Get rid of of side adventures, minigames, so they can concentrate more on the gameplay, storylines, don't bring back old stages, start all new but if you going to bring back old names of stages make it totally different than a retro stage. bring back the gameplay buttons HP,LP,HK,LK,BLK, and depending on speed of game the run button, or maybe a 3D button like they did in War Gods for more effects in the moves!

i can't think what else at this time but i'll edit if i remember
12/28/2006 01:52 AM (UTC)
birdman1462003 Wrote:
My Idea of how MK should be is to go back to its routes!

The Game should only be fighting like the old mk's! Get rid of of side adventures, minigames, so they can concentrate more on the gameplay, storylines, don't bring back old stages, start all new but if you going to bring back old names of stages make it totally different than a retro stage. bring back the gameplay buttons HP,LP,HK,LK,BLK, and depending on speed of game the run button, or maybe a 3D button like they did in War Gods for more effects in the moves!

i can't think what else at this time but i'll edit if i remember

Those are fantastic ideas! I like them!grin
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12/28/2006 03:08 AM (UTC)
I dig the mini games and konquest. The old konquests were good to TEACH you moves. While the new konquest was put in there to give you a storyline of how everything came to be armageddon.

I think if anything the game should take a turn to factions. Have 4 or 8 members of each factions with minor tournaments to find who goes on to Mortal Kombat. Plus the whole tournament itself has fallen by the wayside ever since MK3. There's not really a point to the tournaments other than to defeat the boss at the end. Logically why would these combatants not just go kill the boss via poison, weapons, assassination, hand to hand combat? Instead of defeating 8 other people for the right to fight the boss.

What I don't like is how they left the questionable gap in there, Daegon and Taven, one or the other would either unleash the absolute destruction of all of the warriors or remove all of their powers.

The removal of all of their powers means that the characters stay alive and everyone's plotting an entirely new game falls through. I am not counting my chickens when I don't even know if the chicken laid any eggs smile
Go back to the roots by making MK a straight up fighting game.

None of this diversion game stuff, except for maybe Konquest and or a Power stone, Marvel Nemesis, Naruto type game. It would be like a different way of playing the main game.

Realistic style or adventure game style.

So, you choose either style and you are given the same game play mode options.



Time attack



Extra mode for adventure type = Free for all or 2 on 2 simultaneous

Konquest would stay the same.

The button lay out could be simplified, and should not revert to the 2D set up.

The 2D set up would restrict the developers too much in what they can do with each button.

MK would do well with something like

Stance = empty hand / Weapon like in MKA.


Punch 1

Punch 2

Kick 1

Kick 2


Stance = empty hand / Weapon like in MKA.

Either one should follow a basic set up, so every fighter has the same type of attacks set to the same basic command. This means stuff like (pop up, low, med, high, strong, weak....) Not the same animations, but the same type of attack with different looks.

Like how every other fighting game does it.
12/28/2006 01:31 PM (UTC)
One thing MK needs is a bit of a revamping for the arcade mode. Basically, they need to do away with the "one big boss guy" thing. In MKD, I thought it was odd how every character, whether they had ties to Onaga or not, had to face him; Ashrah and Dairou come to mind.

So, what if each character had their own boss? For example, Ashrah could've had Noob-Smoke, Dairou could've had Hotaru, etc (though obviously they'd be harder to beat than other regular characters). This way, the story would be more than "everyone needs to kill this guy whether they really have to or not".

And, by the way, Midway REALLY needs to get rid of those goddamn minigames... Chess Kombat was the only good one.
12/29/2006 11:57 AM (UTC)
that's my idea...
photorealistic graphics,Midway had just brought Unreal Engine 3 and is not impossible fit this system to a fighting game.
I have a render of 3D Kano with photorealistic graphic.
If MK Uses a photorealistic graphic will surely make a great game.
i love MK musics,so keep on goin.
however i don't like sound effect from last three mk.
We haven't desperates shouts of pain,like MK3 sheeva's.
WE don't feel the pain for reality like MK3/UMK3/MKT/MK4.

my idea is:the fighting mechanic can be the same of current i want more intense AI and a more competitive enemies.
I also think a special system of combo-throw:you start a throw and you have to push in the right time combination of buttons in the right time.
Just like Resident Evil 4 STE or Farehenit.You have to push the right buttons for attack,instead your enemy have to press the right buttons for defending himself,for block and ducking.

please..bring back the krypt like MKDA.
About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/30/2006 12:11 AM (UTC)
Nice idea... I just want all characters to be new, i want to see what the Team can come up with
01/03/2007 05:18 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
that's my idea...
photorealistic graphics,Midway had just brought Unreal Engine 3 and is not impossible fit this system to a fighting game.
I have a render of 3D Kano with photorealistic graphic.
If MK Uses a photorealistic graphic will surely make a great game.
i love MK musics,so keep on goin.
however i don't like sound effect from last three mk.
We haven't desperates shouts of pain,like MK3 sheeva's.
WE don't feel the pain for reality like MK3/UMK3/MKT/MK4.

my idea is:the fighting mechanic can be the same of current i want more intense AI and a more competitive enemies.
I also think a special system of combo-throw:you start a throw and you have to push in the right time combination of buttons in the right time.
Just like Resident Evil 4 STE or Farehenit.You have to push the right buttons for attack,instead your enemy have to press the right buttons for defending himself,for block and ducking.

please..bring back the krypt like MKDA.

I would like to see this render of Kano please.
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