The casual fan debate. What can MK do to draw more fans?
posted01/12/2010 01:44 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
I was just curious what people thought about MK's future. Since the fighting genre rose to the top and then waned, we've seen fewer fighters come out in the last decade or so. 2009, however, in many respects, marked the year of the fighter's return. Tekken 6, Blaze Blue, Soul Calibur 4, Street Fighter 4 and others all came out to positive reviews and presumably decent sales.

Does this mean that the genre is returning to some level of prominence? How can the MK team draw off of this possible momentum (if you think there is any to be drawn from) and how can MK draw in more fans?

Will the MK team ever draw as many fans as they used to?

I only ask because, while I love being a hardcore fan of MK and being catered to as a hardcore fan, I also want to see my favorite game do well, primarily so that I can have more sequels of that game, but also so there are more people both locally and online to play against.

Shock and awe:

Would it take something incredibly shocking? I'm guessing that won't happen considering Midway's new owner, fear of the dreaded AO rating and the fact that most people have seen the envelope pushed pretty far now in terms of in game violence under the M rating.

MK might have been shocking back in 1992, but since then, we've seen Manhunt, GTA, God of War and other games take the brutality that you see on screen to a whole new level.

That said, i doubt we'll ever see the fabled nudality lol.

So if it might not be controversy (and that's debatable, certainly), what else could lure in more fans?

Cover your bases:

The last few MK games have taken this sort of "fun for everyone" stance and included several minigames that were presumably an attempt to get people that had no interest in the actual fighting product to sit down and play.

To me, this is inherantly backwards. No casual fan is going to buy Mortal Kombat so that they can play a kart racing game. If they want to play a kart racing game, they have plenty of choices to choose from in that genre. Better choices.

They certainly won't hurt a games sales (unless fighting fans get angry because alot of times those modes might come at the expense of more fighting oriented modes). Can you be everything to everyone? Would it even matter if you were?

Best Game Possible:

Or will it simply be a matter of making a game with a great fighting engine, supurb graphics, great online and (perhaps most importantly) a great marketing campaign?

We've seen great games get great reviews, great word of mouth, even great marketing and yet still do little in terms of sales. Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil and basically every Oddworld Inhabitants game are testaments to this issue.

Sure, making a great game means that it's more likely the sales will be there, but it's no mortal lock by any means (sorry for the bad pun, it was unintended, I promise you lol).

So what would it take? A combination of all of these things? Some totally new idea that none of us have considered?

Can lightning strike twice for this series? Does it need to?

01/11/2010 10:47 PM (UTC)
Me personally, I would just ditch the cartoonness of the game and turn it back into a serious game.

I think it lost that back after MK3 came out, after that, the series just turned into a joke. Yeah, Deadly Alliance was cool, and everyone possibly did believe the game was serious when they killed of Liu... but here we go, okay, here we go... Deception, BOOM he comes back to life once again.

I wouldn't mind seeing the seriousness return to the game. Have them promise us a fighting game that will give us something to be proud of when we see that character of ours performing one of the goriest fatalities that came into existence.

I just say bring back its seriousness.
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01/11/2010 10:52 PM (UTC)
I'm a little torn between how I feel, and what I think is going to happen, so i'm going to state both.

Honestly, I don't think there is a possibility of the the MK fanbase growing that much, or at least not enough to revive the series. Most of the MK fanbase has grown up or lost hope that they would ever be as good as it once was.

With MK vs DC, they tried to open up to a new fanbase and possibly get future purchases from them if they liked MK vs DC. But i'm sure that most comic book fans felt the same way that most MK fans did, so I can't imagine comic book fans would buy a sequel to a game they didn't like, minus their super heroes.

When it comes to a second strike of lightning, as you called it, I highly doubt it. Every MK game that comes out, it seems that for every 1 fan they may gain, they lose 3 fans they already had.

I've noticed that people that used to come here for years, don't come on here anymore. Those are the avid fans that they are losing by putting out poor products for the past 5 years.

However, on the other hand, there is a slight possibility that the MK team could surprise us under WB's supervision. With more time, more money, and the right people, they could revive the series. Don't hold your breath though.
Historical Favorite
01/11/2010 11:05 PM (UTC)
In the short term, the best way to revitalize the brand would be to once again court controversy. MK has grown comfortable over the years with a certain level of violence and gore. The series needs to make it's players and it's detractors uneasy again. To ask "How far is too far?"

In the long term, it's all about quality. It may take a number of years, but gamers will flock to a franchise that has a proven pedigree. Look at the positive reception given to Street Fighter 4.
01/12/2010 01:37 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat needs to look at itself and they need to take it seriously.

Some of the stuff they were able to get away with in the past but it won't fly in this new one.

Keep some of classic character's and come up with some really good ones and take them seriously make them have some personality.

Also they need to have every character play diffrently.
In Armageddon every character felt exactly the same.

Have a lot more depth in the gameplay like Tekken.

No crossover.

Each charater have 2 fatalities and a Hara Kiri and make the fatalities more sadistic.

CGI endings.

Make Mortal Kombat have a darker feel to it and don't make the characters look like plastic. They need to have a dark gritty feel to the game.

They also need to make each character stick to a certain fighting style and make them feel like i'm actually playin another character also there each character needs to have their own personalitiy come out during a fight.
01/12/2010 01:44 AM (UTC)
firesnake Wrote:
Also they need to have every character play diffrently.
In Armageddon every character felt exactly the same.

I couldn't agree more with this statement than anything else about Armageddon.
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