The battle of Fighter vs Adventure & Konquest mode
posted05/11/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)by
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04/19/2006 02:12 AM (UTC)
The more anticipation and speculation about future MK titles that happens, the more I see a trend starting to happen. We still have a strong desire for a follow up to MK: Shaolin Monks as well as the obvious desire for a fighter.

My question to you, what would you think of both returning? How? Konquest mode.

Since MKDA, we have seen a progression of better and better adventures. First through utilizing the fighting engine itself in MKDA, then adding a complete adventure in MKD with the option to punch or enter full fighting engine battles. Then in MKA, we had a fully capable battle engine as well as the fighting engine battles.

With the peak of these experiences(gameplay wise) arguably being MKSM, a void has been left. We know that NRS now has a much better back bone and schedule with WB in comparison to a drowning Midway. Could we possibly see a return to Konquest mode in a future game?

If this NRS mystery countdown is indeed a new MK, would you like to see strictly a fighter? Strictly an adventure? Both with the adventure mode being somewhat of a "Konquest" in place of "Story Mode"? Would you rather an adventure experience return in the form of a separate game completely? Do you feel it would be too much quantity and not enough quality? Would you be willing to wait longer for a spectacular, deep product? Have you waited long enough after Injustice?

Any and all opinions. What would you respect, desire or want to avoid?

-Casselman / (@LockUpYourBones - In the midst of an identity transition)
05/11/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)

I would love to see konquest return, along with chess kombat and
05/11/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
I'd rather have an adventure game than having half of a fighting game turn into something completely different. The only time I'll consider having conquest back if it's like Deadly Alliance's conquest. Sure people could argue back saying, "If you want to practice a certain character, there's practice mode." But at least they gave you more depth about the character. And that's something I like to see more of.

An adventure game really wouldn't hurt if it's to be the next game.
05/11/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat VS Injustice aka MKvsDC Universe 2

Gimme some more of that Heroic Brutality!!
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