The All-New Mortal Kombat stylistical and conceptual analysis
posted06/22/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)by
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07/18/2004 09:40 AM (UTC)
Here are my tidbits about the new MK.

Yes, I watched it. And so far, I have liked what I have seen, but could not shake the feeling that this could either be a grade-A rebooting of an outdated 90's leftover that basically brought nothing conceptually new.... or it could put the abomination of Legend of Chun-Li to shame. I will not drag around the issue let me start:

The visuals: bloom and dim, everything is a shade of black, white and blue. Essentially the trailer looks like The Dark Knight, which I have to admit is not easy on the eye. Visually this is realistic, but could get disinteresting. The Batman reboots biggest failure are hand-to-hand combat scenes, especally in the first one.

The design: photorealistic, and highly anatomic. You could see the sinews and opening on Baraka's arms. Not shy on the gore and disturbia department either (the harlequin ichtyosis stock-footage was of the recently born, now dead kid - - - that takes major balls to put on screen). The Sub-Zero concept was nice.

The fantasy factor: yes, it is present. Sub-Zero's mask freeze-framed (boy, what a pun) looks solid, and ...well, there is aproximately 0.0% chance of surviving harlequin Ichtyosis. None. Inflammatory contaminations kill you from out-to-inside. But granted the suspension of disbelief, a cannibal freak is close to the representation of what Reptile is. Also, this means that Baraka is not a mindless goon, who somehow managed to gain scheming intelligence in Deception. Kudos.

The beard: Shang Tsung... ehh.

The Cage: haha, cigar decapitation fatality. I immediately laughed how close that would be to the original Johnny Cage.

The Kang: no Kang so far. This is positive.

so on... so far a mixed message.... Now, this can go either way. If for some reason they pull up with the supernatural, then I can infact see Sub-Zero freezing, Shang Tsung shapeshifting, and Baraka through plot demands turning into a monster. Infact, given the visuals...

...this could turn out to be a -attention- stylistically realistic supernatural horror, that pays homage to the original without being essentially a kids fantasy in the 90's. No Liefeldization thank God.

...or it can turn out as Chun-Li. But even with this, it looks promising as it already juggles the original material BETTER THAN that piece of shit. And it looks classy so far.

...WE HAVE GORE. NOT overly SILLY GORE, realistic gore which rather implies, and does not overwhelm you.

Conclusion: very different in tone and style, but conceptually close to the original (for example: making Baraka a deranged surgeon but keeping him a berserk freak is stylistically different, but since the character core is still essentially the same, conceptually it is very close)

This is a repackage. Even more jarring than the recent Evangelion remake.

VERDICT: DO IT! BY ALL MEANS DO IT! Sure, there will be idiots complaining about how there is no skull flame, or that Sub-Zeros granddaddy wore different shades of blue but...

Fuck those people with a searing hot tire iron. With that kind of attitude nothing gets done. MK from 1993-200..uhh, now is done. It had a long and excruciating run, but you can get so far with the 90's formula. It really lacked substance in both style (around Deception it came to a halt) and niveau.

Also, this is for the rabid core-fanbase: realize, that MK is not your personal flight of fancy and that it somehow has to satisfy you, or that the new will somehow travel back in time and destroy the original with it's merits and flaws since MKDA (lately only flaws IMHO).

If anything being here at MKO and being a big fan of Hideaki Anno I have learned that MK is for us, and we do not have to defend, be obliged or be obsessed about what we like. Stop being otaku, or otherwise geek nerds. People seriously have to let go some stuff (debating wether or how the plotlines were screwed on the long run is utterly pointless)


Hehe, Raiden the electrician....

06/08/2010 09:04 PM (UTC)
Man, I really want this to be real....but as time goes by, the more fake this vid is starting to be.

Are movie trailers, allowed to steal scenes from youtube vids? Also the sub-zero face was found on website dedicated to modeling. The mk team's post on twitter dont seem to confirm the credibility of the trailer.

oh well.
06/08/2010 09:04 PM (UTC)
Well put and I fully agree! grin

I'm also putting in my note for ugly whore Mileena the street tranny!!
Great post. I read everything you had to say and I agree with you.
06/08/2010 09:06 PM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
Man, I really want this to be real....but as time goes by, the more fake this vid is starting to be.

Are movie trailers, allowed to steal scenes from youtube vids? Also the sub-zero face was found on website dedicated to modeling. The mk team's post on twitter dont seem to confirm the credibility of the trailer.

oh well.

Movies can buy rights to use footage from various sources for their films.

That modeler has previously worked on a WB game.
About Me

06/08/2010 09:18 PM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
Man, I really want this to be real....but as time goes by, the more fake this vid is starting to be.

Are movie trailers, allowed to steal scenes from youtube vids? Also the sub-zero face was found on website dedicated to modeling. The mk team's post on twitter dont seem to confirm the credibility of the trailer.

oh well.

Or a very subtle case of viral marketing.
06/08/2010 09:30 PM (UTC)
My take

1. Fucking Awesome

2. I really doubt we will see projectiles in this game. Case in point, the disease Reptile has is an actual disease children are born with, and that disease does not include Acid Spit. HOWEVER they could come up with some sort of prosthetic work around.

3. I think the game will play more like a Tekken meets UFC. I think we will see more of a focus on Martial Arts, rather than fantastic fireballs. I think their "special moves" will be more in line with something like and charged unblockable or something like Devil Jin's Eye Laser attack.

4. This game will rock your socks off.
06/08/2010 10:55 PM (UTC)
Consider me hyped.

Looks pretty sweet. Also it looks new, which is super awesome. Will make it really exciting and fresh.

Can't say too much about the actual game from this, but I imagine maybe they'll go a stage further with the motion capture, and "digitise" the actors to get a realistic look like in the early games. I think the technology is available enough to do that well now. The actors playing the characters in the trailers might have their likenesses used for the game, and do some of their own motion capture. The actors kind of look like actual fighters. It will fit with the whole "realistic" reimagination vibe. I don't really have any proof for this. Just a feeling.

I agree with the guy who said Tekken meets UFC style mechanics. That would be my dream game. Consistent mechanics that look and feel "right", but not totally real. Like fights in movies - like fights in this short movie. I wonder whether the "clinch" and "get up game" in the fight between Cage and Baraka in the trailer might make it into the gameplay.

Like I say i'm pretty excited about this. Maybe MK will be able to reinvigorate the whole fighting genre.
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06/08/2010 11:44 PM (UTC)
Sorry to keep posting this everywhere, but we seem to have about 10,000 threads on this teaser video (which makes sense, it's the first real news on MK in over a year) but according to IGN, "His [Michael Jai White] reps told us that White believed the shoot was a marketing component for the game."

Just throwin that out there in case someone missed it.
06/09/2010 12:16 AM (UTC)
My Game analysis:

Dark, Gritty,serious, twisted, atmospheric,realict, modern, fresh, M rated MK with realistic story.
Sub-zero, Scorpion, Jax, Baraka, Reptile, Sonya,Johnny Cage, Shang Tsung playable characters.
Fatalities are in.
Enviroment interaction (see the battle Cage vs Baraka), models based on real actors, slow motion in certain scenes of action (when Baraka hitted by the bottle), bone breakers and maybe weapons taken from the enviroment ( Stick that took Cage).

I think it will be sweet!
06/09/2010 08:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
.well, there is aproximately 0.0% chance of surviving harlequin Ichtyosis. None. Inflammatory contaminations kill you from out-to-inside.

I agree with everything else you said but there is a 26 year old girl alive today with it. Nusrit "Nelly" Shaheen. and she is in good health. Reptile was supposed to be 30 years old so its possible.
06/22/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't care for a game to come out of this reboot, after what I've seen with MK9 at E3 I'm pretty happy.

I'm not against this film if they keep it seperate from the main MK Universe and treat it as it's own thing, a reimagining of the MK Universe.

It looks like it would entertain me but I don't think it would essentially grab my attention for the long run like the games did. If there is a solid storyline and gives me characters that I can stay interested in than by all means it would be a great movie for me.

I wonder who would be in this tournament and if it would be an underground sort of thing, or does this tournament take place in multiple locations?

For the 8 minutes of that video it leaves you thinking and wanting to see more, which is what I feel the production team intended. I can only wait and see what comes out of this.
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