Tell me your thoughts on my ideas! Edited
posted12/24/2007 10:19 PM (UTC)by
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12/14/2007 12:52 AM (UTC)
The arcade mode has to have all the characters .Each character has two fighting sytles with one fighting style has a taunt, the other a niejin(power up), and a weapon and some characters can impale again. Each character has their own unique fatality(ies), and animalities. And definitely have stage Fatalities. Two characters can share a style (for example Nitara and Sindel both can have Fu Jow Pai, Liu Kang and Johnny Cage can both have the nun chaka.) The ninjas can all have a choice of sword along with Kenshi and Shang Tsung with his straight sword. Characters may have a choice of weapons. Some have moves that regain some health (like Nitara's neck bite and Shang Tsung's soul steal). This means alot like Deadly Alliance and earlier games. Also once you beat the arcade with any/all characters, save that ending in the kontent section so you can see it again and not have to climb the ladder again if you don't want to, not like MKA. You also have practice, and vs.. Also in the arcade mode the difficulty levels should be different, the computer fighting better, not just always blocking and then throw a punch or two or or rare occasions a combo.
The konquest mode can be (instead of a square mile) an actual world where you might walk, or get a horse, car, boat, or even a plane to get to your next mission. You find a fight to earn koins to rent a horse or car, or to buy a ticket. But unlike Deception your fighter is random like after you finish the MKD konquest. You have side quests and are free roaming. Not like MKA in a straight line and just do the same thing over and over. (I thought MKDA was better than MKA). You can go back to any relm to finish the rest of the side quests. And as you go through the konquest you come across other fighters and train with them. This I means alot like Deception. You find treasure chests, some with money, some with those cards they like to hand out, and obviously Krypt keys. And NOT 12 am on the first day of the month. A user of MKO "deadlydisastor"s idea of Good vs Evil allainces is a good idea.
The krypt will be bigger (more koffins) to spend your money on along with the forementioned krypt keys. Twist you have to find the master key to even get into the krypt. And as you get koins let the programmers make it to where you earn the koins you need. Not have 19465 of red koins and 605 of blue koins when you need 4000 blue koins to unlock something.
One mini game ( got this idea from someone else on MKO and reformulated it) I'm not trying to steal his idea it was just a really good one. A football game but instead of half your team dying, a mk fight breaks out. For example a linebacker goes in for the sack, the lb character you picked mk fights the qb character of opposing team; if the qb wins the fight he escapes the sack, but if your lb wins the fight you get the sack. It's alot like the chess game in Deception, but I'd prefer the chess game back,but if not I always have it on MKD.
The only thing I'd put in from Armageddon is the kreate a kharacter. Or maybe (just thought of this) you collect all the relics and that is the main krypt key.
If they have to put it on two discs, one for the arcade functions and the other for the konquest, krypt, and mini game. It works just fine on Final Fantasy 7-9. I would definitely buy this game but I'm kinda partial. One or two or more discs. Well tell me what you guys think. smile
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12/20/2007 06:36 PM (UTC)
All the ideas sound pretty solid. I would also add that the fatalities should not suck butt like they did in MKA hehe Real fatalities please. A well thought out and convienient Krypt/Konquest like you suggested would make me very happy. Also I would hope that the Kreate a character option would be much deeper and more fun.

On the mini game idea that you borrowed. There is a game for the NES called Base Wars that used this same type of premise, only it was a baseball game and they were robots. Same type of concept on the rules though and I loved it. I would think this could be a pretty fun idea for M.K.

Very good ideas and insight all around, it sounds like you know you M.K.
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12/20/2007 06:49 PM (UTC)
Yea, pretty good.

But I want a Bowling mini-game instead of football.
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The reverse side of beauty is dyed by filth, flith lies in the beauty...

12/20/2007 07:37 PM (UTC)
Mmm, your ideas sound very promising. But what I personally think is that MK needs to focus more on gameplay and the amount of "fight" you get. For me the fights aren't very satisfying at all. Of course there was the brilliant idea of an endurance mode in Unchained, which is a must to be included in the next game. More new combos would be nice.
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12/20/2007 07:51 PM (UTC)
As long as they turn out fun, they sound pretty good to me.
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12/20/2007 10:46 PM (UTC)
Hmm, I like your konquest, it reminds me a bit of my fav strategy, "Heroes of Might and Magic"... Yeah, I think gaining higher levels of experience on something other than just dumb fights will be a healthy change. KAK, yes (with more than one slot, dammit).

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12/21/2007 03:46 AM (UTC)
So basically your ideas mainly revolve around taking the best parts of the last three MK games and putting them into the sequel.

I could see why some people might want this, but there were a LOT of problems for me with the way the last three MK games played. For one, the "styles" weren't even styles in the traditional fighting game sense of the word. It was basically a few 1-2 moves, some dial a combos that had awkward button presses (way to many 3 hit combos used 3 different buttons, and many of the longer 7, 8, or 9 string kombos invloved the use of triggers which just felt off....Plus the fact that dial a combos suck in general which is why no other fighting franchise except Tekken still uses them).

But my overall complaint was that every style played exactly the same. You're going to tell me that someone who specializes in judo can only use 3 or 4 throws? Other fighting games give characters a style and then give them about 100 to 200 moves where 90% of them are fun to use or can at least be built into logica, user friendly combos. Not the last three MK's. Every style fights exactly the same, which is why they were so interchangeable between characters.

To me, a martial arts style should be connected to a character. In Mk, that just wasn't happening. As for the weapons, can we get a little ingenuity? Give all the ninjas swords? How about tri fold staffs? How about long ball and chain weapons (like Go Go from Kill Bill vol 1), How about more weapons that fit with individual characters like Sub Zero and his Kori blade? I was pissed after seeing the render of Scorpion and the flaming sword in MK:D, only to find that it wasn't actually in the game. Why the F isn't it in the game? I could keep going here, but my main point is this:

No more interchangeable styles, gimmicks, or other BS. Characters should be unique and defined in a way that gives them a true identity beyond just what kind of special moves the character does. To me, one size fits all kombat styles and unique special moves sounds alot more like the 2D games of the past than anything that top of the line fighting franchises are doing these days.

I do like the idea of a konquest mode where your character levels up, I'm just not sure how rewarding a mode like that could be. In most games where a character levels up, you don't have a main mode where several characters would be "maxed out" or have their full abilities. I just don't know how excited I'd be to find out that my really weak fireball does 10% more damage if there are 20 characters in the main fighting game that already have fully powered attacks.

Overall, I'm not in favor of konquest mode at all. I just don't need extra modes like that. I'm fine with a story mode or even the kreate a kharacter mode because they all involve only fighting. I don't want any more chess or test your whatever modes. They're not fun, they're not as well done as other games (kart racing in MK is terrible in comparison to other kart racers). If MK wants extra modes, they should create a game specifically with those modes like a mario party style of game. Is it too much to ask to have a fighting game that actually looks like the programmers focused on the fighting first?

As for the krypt, I say junk it. The krypt in the past few games has been filled with alot of items that should be available as extra content anyways. Developer interviews, pictures, even extra or alt costumes are standard now in fighting games. Why do I need to pay for this stuff? Now I COULD see a krypt that pertained to the kreate a kharacter mode. If the KAK mode had a TON of stuff, But even then, I'd rather just have a store so that I could see what I'm buying. If I want to find a cool teleport move for my character or the right hat or whatever, I don't want to have to open 50 koffins of fireballs, boots, eye colors, weapons etc before I finally find what I originally wanted to begin with.

I do like the idea of keeping the koins to buy this stuff, and also for wagering in matches offline or online, but as far as the krypt goes, bury the secrets in the game like before and give us the kontent that most games give away for free anyways.

I'm not trying to bash your ideas and I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm curious what other ideas you have. I may not agree with alot of what you want in an MK game, but I think it's cool that you submitted your ideas for public scrutiny. I personally would like to see MK go in a new direction and I'm hoping that Boon and company, after wiping the slate clean, can come up with a big winner.
12/21/2007 05:39 AM (UTC)
I agree with you on my topic of the new MK8 game, I think instead of wiping the slate clean (forgetting it) tie up all the loose ends by combining the best of the last three games making them into one perfect game.. Then start in a whole new direction if they want to.
MKDA and MKD (especially) is the greatest game ever. Can't say that enough.

No feelings hurt at all, that's the very reason I made the thread. I agree with the differing weapons, I just said ninjas all have swords is if for some reason someone at midway see this, it would be easier on them. I just thought MKA sucked big time. smile
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

12/21/2007 07:17 AM (UTC)
honestly, i say forget about the konquest mode. i've hated it ever sence it became something other than a tutorial. the mini games are a fun diversion, but save the adventure modes for a new shaolin monks type game.
12/24/2007 08:14 AM (UTC)
finalfreak1 Wrote:
The arcade mode has to have all the characters . Each character has two fighting sytles and a weapon. One fighting style has a taunt, the other a niejin(power up), and some characters can impale again. Each character has their own unique fatality(ies), and animalities. And definitely have stage Fatalities. Two characters can share a style (for example Nitara and Sindel both can have Fu Jow Pai, Liu Kang and Johnny Cage can both have the nun chaka.) The ninjas can all have a form of sword along with Kenshi and Shang Tsung with his straight sword. Some have moves that regain some health (like Nitara's neck bite and Shang Tsung's soul steal). This means alot like Deadly Alliance and earlier games. Also once you beat the arcade with any/all characters, save that ending in the kontent section so you can see it again and not have to climb the ladder again if you don't want to, not like MKA. You also have practice, and vs.

Also in the arcade mode the difficulty levels should be different, the computer fighting better, not just always blocking and then throw a punch or two.

The konquest mode can be ( instead of a square mile) an actual world where you might walk, or get a horse, car, boat, or even a plane to get to your next mission. You fight for money to buy a ticket or rent a horse. But unlike Deception your fighter is random like after you finish the MKD konquest. You have side quests and are free roaming. You can go back to any relm to finish the rest of the side quests. And as you go through the konquest you come across other fighters and train with them. This I means alot like Deception. You find treasure chests, some with money, some with those cards they like to hand out, and obviously Krypt keys. And NOT 12 am on the first day of the month. "deadlydisastor" idea of Good vs Evil is a good Idea.

The krypt will be bigger (more koffins) to spend your money on along with the forementioned krypt keys. Twist you have to find the master key to even get into the krypt.

And as you get koins let the programmers make it to where you earn the koins you need. Not have 19465 of red koins and 605 of blue koins when you need 4000 blue koins to unlock something.

One mini game ( got this Idea from someone else and reformulated it) I'm not trying to steal your idea it was just a really good one. Sorry I can't find your thread to give you proper credit, but you know who you are. A football game but instead of half your team dying, a mk fight breaks out. For example a linebacker goes in for the sack, the lb character you picked mk fights the qb character of opposing team; if the qb wins the fight he escapes the sack, but if your lb wins the fight you get the sack. It's alot like the chess game in Deception.

The only thing I'd put in from Armageddon is the kreate a kharacter. Or maybe (just thought of this) you collect all the relics and that is the main krypt key.

If they have to put it on two discs One for the arcade functions and the other for the konquest, krypt, and mini game. It works just fine on Final Fantasy. I would definitely buy this game but I'm kinda partial. One or two or more discs.

Well tell me what you guys think.

First Off, what about Survival Mode? There's no load screene and I can kill my opponent in one kill, instead of having multiple rounds [and yes, I KNOW there is a setting where you can make 1,3,5 rounds. I'm not stupid].

Next, why not escapes? We need those! Those are fun to use....sorta...
Also, you forgot about parries and breakers. I think they should scrap the idea of parries altogether because the concept in MKA is SERIOUSLY FLAWED. However, they should keep breakers. Oh yes. And make therm unlimited. Three breakers per battle is just not enough, don't you think?

The problem with sharing movesets and styles is that it takes away from the authenticity of each character. Ok? Johnny Cage and Liu Kang having the exact same weapon would suck because it would be likeusing the same character...

Good Idea for Konquest. I like it. But please, NO KRYPT KEYS! MKD was a COMPLETE failure. I have all but 1 coffins opened. Grrrrr....
Also, one disc is fine. I have a hard time remembering which case i put MKA for the Wii in now. Don't give me more stress...please....

12/24/2007 10:19 PM (UTC)

I stated two characters can have one of the same fighting styles or weapons is so that the programmers don't have to come up with 128 frighting styles, even though there are probably more than that out there. But to say you'd be fighting with the same character is false. What's the same about karate, jeet kune do, and nun chaka; and jun fan, pao chui,and nun chaka? yes they share the same weapon but two different fighting styles. Besides if you replay MKDA, you will find that Kenshi's kitana and Scorpion's ninja sword have the exact same moves, just different names. Same idea here, they just named it different. Making two different characters.

Yes breakers are nice to have, if you can't block quick enough. But me personally I hardly ever use them, like i said I just block, then quick to strike back. Now thinking on it I don't like breakers,because they help the computer, luckily they usually use them up in the first
Some where on MKO I posted a thread on double cycles, going through all three styles twice. And most of the time I get through the 1st cycle, then they break it. Doing that just leaves them with less health, making it harder to accomplish, for lack of their health.furious
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