Supernatural Powers
posted05/21/2007 06:28 AM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

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03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
We all love Mortal Kombat for it's lust for blood and violence, but another big feature that made the MK franchise so popular was the fighter's supernatural powers. (Shang Tsungs ability to change into other characters, Sub-Zero's ability to create ice, Ermac's telekenisis) So since we all know that most of the characters will be killed off for the next game, and be replaced with new faces, why not fantacize or just throw out ideas for what kind of powers these characters may posess? Hmmmm. Well that would be an interesting topic now would it? Here's one of my ideas for a power or an ability that a new face may posess:
The Ability to control Gravity-
Let me explain. When I say the ability to control gravity, I mean that the character would have the ability to increase gravity or decrese it. For instance, if he/she wants to decrease it, then thier opponents would float in the air giving them a free hit or do as much damage as possible within a certain period of time. (maybe 5 seconds) If the character wants to increase gravity, then if they throw a punch or decide to slam thier opponent to the ground or against the wall the force would give it more impact and also become faster. So what do u think? If u have any ideas, please post them. Don't worry I will have more...wink
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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05/01/2007 07:50 AM (UTC)
Found a few vids....


1. Earth
A.) 10min FanVid Excellent example for if they ever make an "Earth God" character.

2. Wind
A.)Until about 5min is "Air"

3. Water
A.)2 min. Fan vid

4. Fire
A.)3:30min vid
There's better than that but I got lazy.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/17/2007 06:38 PM (UTC)
Another idea for a supernatural power would be a Character that could change bodies with you. How would this work? Well I'm glad you asked lol.
Now let's say you are fighting against this character who posesses such powers. Anytime during the mactch that fighter would be able to switch bodies with you and become, well YOU. This would be a good move in a situation where you are getting beat and are losing the match. If you feel that you are getting too weak, you can switch bodies with your opponent and then u will have the health of that person while he/she suffers with your injuries. (lol) But this would only last for a couple of seconds then you would change back into yourself, so the idea is to deafeat your original body before that happens. Probably not a very good idea, but just a thought.
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05/17/2007 06:46 PM (UTC)
Cut down on the DragonballZ kid.

Note that oriental elementalism recognizes five elements, not the classic Platono-aristotical four. Instead of fire, water, earth and air there is Fire, Wood, Ore, Water and Air as I recall. May vary, some eastern mysticisms skip elementalism altogether.
05/21/2007 05:52 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Cut down on the DragonballZ kid.

What he's talking about is 100% true.

Superpowers are definitely a popular feature of MK. Scorpion with fire, Sub-Zero with ice, Shang Tsung with Sorcery, and my Sindel will all her screaming, flying, and whipping.

Jade, Noob, Rain, Reptile, etc. Most kombatants have super powers and that's what makes them extra interesting and excited. Plus it fits with the fantasy theme of MK and it enforces the whole comic-booky feel of the characters and stories even further.

Now whatuknowaboutMK, I don't have any ideas from future powers. It seems like if MK has already used them all up. Some I can think of, but I don't see how they would work in the gameplay.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/21/2007 06:28 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Note that oriental elementalism recognizes five elements, not the classic Platono-aristotical four. Instead of fire, water, earth and air there is Fire, Wood, Ore, Water and Air as I recall. May vary, some eastern mysticisms skip elementalism altogether.

Something told me to find the vids of the "Swamp Tribe". Same cartoon, and they are of the Water orientation, but they "bend" plants and so on. They're like a bridge between the earth and water-benders..

As far as "Ore", the blind girl "Toph" in the earth link takes care of that at the end of her video. She's the only one who can bend everything from rock to metal.

I would love to see some of the qualities taken from that cartoon and put into play in Mortal Kombat though. All of the action is choregraphed by real martial artist so it would'nt be much of a stretch. At least for our future elemental characters anyway.


What about a true cosmic being on the roster in the future? I think Shinnok failed terribly. I'm thinkin' time or atom manipulators...idk

Didn't think that one out....yet.
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