Sub-Zeros gonna die soon
posted08/18/2005 03:13 PM (UTC)by
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08/17/2004 12:47 AM (UTC)
too be honest...i like sub-zero..hes 1 of the best chars...hes a classic..never boring but, hes gettin old from that amulet.

hes either gonna age to death soon...or somebodys gonna kill him...

if somebody has to kill him, i hope its sektor, otherwise hel be kinda screwed for story,...or how bout

In the red corner....the big red machine....SEKTOOOOOR!!!!
(and the tekunin)

and in the blue corner....the ice man SUUUUB-ZEEEEROO
(and the lin kuei)


i think mk7 should have multiple storys...

like...scorp v quan chi (if hes alive)
sub v sektor
kabal v movado
ashrah v ermac...unless her ending was true
hotaru v darrius
dark raiden v fujin..LMAO
kahn v onaga

08/13/2005 08:20 PM (UTC)
I hate to say that but Sub-Zero will be in MK forever. All the endings in MKD arent true because you cant know what will cannon on MK7. Maybe MKD Noob Saibot ending is true( He killed Sub-Zero).
08/13/2005 09:09 PM (UTC)
I don't know how Sub is too old for you, by that logic anyoen who wasn't an MK champ like kang would eb all old and dead by now. Subs cna't die, I was hopin he would win an Mk tournament, his D endings sucked like shit. I hope in the next game, there are two cannons fights, scorps versus noob and sub versus noobs.
08/13/2005 09:16 PM (UTC)
sub-zeros my best guy but he realy must die but not leave kinda like scorpion make sub zero a good specter u have noob the evil specter scorpion the nutral specter how about sub-zero the good specter dont bring lui kang in this hes a zombie or johnny hes hangan out with the elder godsgringrin
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08/13/2005 11:37 PM (UTC)
He might but I hope he dosent, because hes my favorite ninja sad
08/14/2005 02:46 AM (UTC)
Alright, now...even though what I'm about to say is more or less has a great deal of common sense to it. I hope you'll be able to understand and I hope this will help.

Now, Sub-Zero was probably around his late 30s - early 40s when he defeated Sektor and wielded the powers of the Dragon Medallion. The Dragon Medallion enhances his physical strength and his fighting skills. Since he has the powers of ice, the Dragon Medallion amplifies them as well. However, Sub-Zero had to sacrifice his youth or least like like 5 - 10 years. He doesn't really look THAT old, but he kind of looks like he'd be in his least from his MKDA look.

We move on to MKD when he dons the armor of his ancestors and such. I'm not sure if this was purposedly done or not, but haven't you ever noticed that Sub-Zero doesn't look wrinkled or anything? Granted, he has white hair, but aside from that, he actually looks YOUNGER.

My theory is that Sub-Zero's aging process will SLOW down and that he'll live a longer lifespan than most of the other main heroes. First of all, he has Outworld ancestry from his father's side and people from Outworld are known to have much longer lifespans than beings from Earthrealm. Now, I know that it's been a few generations or so to when Sub-Zero was born and that he doesn't have as much of that trace of cryomancer as his ancestors. But still, I believe that him having cryomancer ancestry will make him live longer than a normal human can.

Also, he wields the powers of the Dragon Medallion. Not many can truly be able to wield its powers, but Sub-Zero can because of his strength and discipline. In addition, his ancestral armor supplies him with even MORE power. Imagine how powerful he is! wow

And also, the way you seem to be describing Sub-Zero as if he has a decrepit body which is so untrue because he is clearly MORE powerful than he's ever been. I think he'll probably be a bit like Wolverine or Mr. Freeze with the age thing slowing down as I've mentioned earlier.

I hope you will take this into account. We'll see how things go with his MK7 storyline. I hope they'll add even more to him and will continue to have him in MK games as Boon stated he would.
08/14/2005 03:04 AM (UTC)
Kitana's 10,000 years old, what the fuck?

Kitana's eons old, so are Shao Kahn and Sindel. And on top of that, there are plenty of restorative magics in the MK universe (i.e. Shang Tsung).

Not that he's a favorite, but I seriously doubt they'd write off one of their flagship characters.
08/14/2005 03:25 AM (UTC)
Sektor13, sorry but subzero not going to die. long as Ed Boon has some say in the matter both subzero and scorpion will be in every mk game. neither of them are going away.
08/14/2005 04:59 AM (UTC)
nnnnnno in normal mk3 scorpion isnt in it ha i am the mk champion on an mk Knoledge test i scored 83% knoledgewowgringrinwowwow
08/14/2005 06:37 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
nnnnnno in normal mk3 scorpion isnt in it ha i am the mk champion on an mk Knoledge test i scored 83% knoledgewowgringrinwowwow

*rolls eyes...*

To KaizuDragon and ScorpionKing2003: You're both right. Sub-Zero and Scorpion are basically the staple characters of MK. It would suck if they weren't in an MK game. I may not like Scorpion as much as I used to, but he's still a favorite of mine. As for Sub-Zero, there's so much more for him in his storyline.
08/14/2005 10:01 AM (UTC)
Nope they won't kill sub zero and even if they did he'll come back some how. They always do in MK.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/14/2005 01:44 PM (UTC)
no my friend.....sektor will die soon...haha j/k

anyway...sub zero dying is a long shot. while it was kind of disturbing to see him die in like 3 endings, i believe only pieces of those endings will be canon(i.e. noob being the original sub zero**which could lead to an awesome feud**). i also agree with sub the 7th... sub zero is VERY far from old and decrepit...i mean, his ending may have sucked, but it was meant to show how powerful he has truely many warriors could've survived a small fleet of tarkatas, let alone kill every one of them?
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08/14/2005 06:07 PM (UTC)
The odler Sub-Zero was 32 when entering MK1. if his brother is at least born in the same year or plus minus one year, he is now at 40-45.
08/15/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
It is undetermined what age the younger Sub-Zero is. As for Sub-Zero his age limit has halted when he became Noob Saibot.
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08/15/2005 07:46 AM (UTC)
Well, Sub-Zero will always be in MK. I think they may bring back the original Sub-Zero, but as a bad guy and looking quite different than the younger Sub-Zero. But, of course, there could always be an even younger brother, but I doubt that.

I think bringing back the original Sub-Zero would be a cool idea, but keeping in Noob Saibot at the same time. Maybe even have the MK1 Sub-Zero costume as Noob Saibot's alternate, or make a brand new Sub-Zero outfit for Noob's alternate. I think they could also change the freeze move to how it USED to be from MK1-MK4, but just for the Noob Saibot/Original Sub-Zero. There are endless possibilities for the whole Noob Saibot-Sub Zero combination.

We'll see what happens.
08/18/2005 02:50 PM (UTC)
Nah, not gonna happen, simple as that. Sub is not gonna die anytime soon. The fact that he has been built up towards something over the past couple of games shows you that midway has somehting in mind for him. I say he is gonna be the next hero of mk, and that the netherrealm brawl involving sub, noob, quanchi, scorpion, sareena, smoke, ashrah, and possibly frost and a couple oni is going to happen in mk7. Every single one of the main players there are tied to each other somehow. Watch out for it. Sektor is not even a threat at the moment. Sorry.
08/18/2005 03:13 PM (UTC)
Subzero will never die!

I wouldn't be surprised if he was granted to become an Elder god. Just imagine, an elder god with ice powers, as if subzero isn't a powerhouse already..
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