Sub - Zero, Noob (MKSM like story)
posted12/13/2008 06:03 AM (UTC)by
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07/26/2004 07:48 AM (UTC)
It would be nice to see the whole story of how Sub-Zero killed Scorpion and then was killed by Scorpion. Also how he made his journey to the brotherhood of shadows.

Then showing how Sub-Zero's brother learnt of his brother's death and decided to take revenge on Scorpion, however Scorpion wins and shows mercy on the brother realising that he not the Sub-Zero that killed him.

Also the story of how Sub-Zero and Smoke tried to escape from been turned to cyborgs.

Then the story of how Noob finds the deactivated Smoke and reprogrammes it to his advantage.

Then in the end battle Noob would fight Sub-Zero, if Noob wins we see the MKD ending of him and Smoke ripping Sub-Zero apart. And if Sub-Zero wins we see a peace thing of them making up and Noob becoming human again or Sub-Zero kills him because he is no longer his brother.

Sub-Zero and Noob both have very good storys that can be made into a whole game, i would like to see it, i enjoyed MKSM and would love to see a sequel

your views....
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12/08/2008 05:27 PM (UTC)
Sub Zero's and Noob's endings have always been my faves from deception and i really liked that story.

I wouldnt mind seeing it as its own game a bit more fleshed out tho with other storylines happening too.
12/08/2008 06:10 PM (UTC)
That would be heaven. I always loved Sub Zero mythologies (I still own it on N64) it still has to this day one of the best mk stories in my opinion. As interesting as most of the characters are in mk not many of them can sustain a game on their own.

Mksm kind of proved this. I love that game, but the story was sliced and diced for the purpose of the game engine. And lets be honest, Liu Kang and Kung Lao were not the thing people enjoyed about the game. It was exploring outworld and fighting the other characters as bosses.

Few characters have the depth or story possibilities as Sub Zero and Noob. Maybe Sonya. In fact after Sub Zero and Noob as a package, Kitana's history would make a great game.

The original Sub Zero was always my favorite character. I have loved him ever since. I was bummed out the first time I read Sub Zero's bio in mk2 and learned it wasn't him. I still love Sub Zero but I really loved the original. He just was so much more of a bad ass.

Human Smoke kind of became my favorite character with Reptile and Sub Zero close behind. When I beat mkd with Noob Smoke I was completely blown away to find out that Noob was the original Sub.

I think that that revelation was the coolest thing done with the story since mk3 and introducing Quan Chi in Sub Zero mythologies. And it was so simple.

I would love nothing more than to have the Sub Zero/Noob/Scorpion/Smoke/Quan Chi dynamic explored more. I would settle for it to be explored in mk9 but another mythology game like you suggest above would be even better.
12/09/2008 01:08 AM (UTC)
seanay Wrote:
It would be nice to see the whole story of how Sub-Zero killed Scorpion and then was killed by Scorpion. Also how he made his journey to the brotherhood of shadows.

Then showing how Sub-Zero's brother learnt of his brother's death and decided to take revenge on Scorpion, however Scorpion wins and shows mercy on the brother realising that he not the Sub-Zero that killed him.

Also the story of how Sub-Zero and Smoke tried to escape from been turned to cyborgs.

Then the story of how Noob finds the deactivated Smoke and reprogrammes it to his advantage.

Then in the end battle Noob would fight Sub-Zero, if Noob wins we see the MKD ending of him and Smoke ripping Sub-Zero apart.
And if Sub-Zero wins we see a peace thing of them making up and Noob becoming human again or Sub-Zero kills him because he is no longer his brother.

Sub-Zero and Noob both have very good storys that can be made into a whole game, i would like to see it, i enjoyed MKSM and would love to see a sequel

your views....

These two should continue the rivalry between them. They're both my favorite characters and I think that the whole rivalry should continue in future games. If Sub-Zero is mentioned to be in the next game, then that means Noob will continue to appear as well.

Well he's got no other choice, he is Boon spelled backwards, ha ha ha! (But that's not a reason though)
12/09/2008 06:55 AM (UTC)
You could easily make an adventure game of Sub-Zero's story. I would advise against portraying him seeking revenge during MK2. He was looking to finish his brother's mission and vengeance seeking is very tired anyway.

I wouldn't see the point of Noob Saibot though. We already saw how he killed Scorpion and what led to his death in Mythologies. And when he got turned into Noob Saibot, he was Shinnok & Quan Chi's slave following orders. He didn't regain his free will until Deception.

I'm honestly not at all interested in the potential Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot feud. It really doesn't do anything for Sub-Zero...except waste his time...and if Noob comes back, I think a feud with Scorpion and/or Sareena would be much better.
12/12/2008 06:41 AM (UTC)
I think we've already seen an adventure game with Sub-Zero as a playable character, actually if you want to consider Shaolin Monks that would be two games.

I want to play as something more interesting, and I know Sub-Zero is one of the more interesting characters of Mortal Kombat but I would love to see a game starring Shang Tsung.

I want to know Shang Tsung's origin, how he became a sorceror, was he Earth born? Is he really a demon? How did Shang Tsung become recruited by Shao Kahn? What warriors did he meet while competing in the Mortal Kombat tournaments? How did Shang Tsung recruit Goro? All of these questions could be answered in one game.

I think it would be awsome to see Shang Tsung with his morphing ability back. I'd make this game a 3-D Platform game with fighting elements and RPG elements too. What comes to mind is the Legacy of Kain games when talking about a really bad guy being the protagonist in the story.

It would be neat to consume souls to regain your health, punch stronger, practice magic, strategize, and all of that.

This game could get you in the head of one of Earth's greatest threats and I think a majority of the fans will really get a kick out of it. You can go back in time to see the original Kung Lao who was living way before Liu Kang and Kung Lao were even born.
12/13/2008 06:03 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
I think we've already seen an adventure game with Sub-Zero as a playable character, actually if you want to consider Shaolin Monks that would be two games.

I want to play as something more interesting, and I know Sub-Zero is one of the more interesting characters of Mortal Kombat but I would love to see a game starring Shang Tsung.

I want to know Shang Tsung's origin, how he became a sorceror, was he Earth born? Is he really a demon? How did Shang Tsung become recruited by Shao Kahn? What warriors did he meet while competing in the Mortal Kombat tournaments? How did Shang Tsung recruit Goro? All of these questions could be answered in one game.

I think it would be awsome to see Shang Tsung with his morphing ability back. I'd make this game a 3-D Platform game with fighting elements and RPG elements too. What comes to mind is the Legacy of Kain games when talking about a really bad guy being the protagonist in the story.

It would be neat to consume souls to regain your health, punch stronger, practice magic, strategize, and all of that.

This game could get you in the head of one of Earth's greatest threats and I think a majority of the fans will really get a kick out of it. You can go back in time to see the original Kung Lao who was living way before Liu Kang and Kung Lao were even born.

Yes, a character that we would never see the day of having a game based on that character would be a great success in my opinion.

But still, yes we had a Sub-Zero game, but if they were to have another Sub-Zero adventure game, let it just focus on the rivalry between the brothers and the tournment interfering with their shit.
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