Sub and Scorp in MK8
posted11/12/2006 05:42 PM (UTC)by
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10/08/2006 08:55 AM (UTC)
okay so we pretty much know that sub-zero and scorpion are going to be in the next MK. my question to you is, what role do you think they will play and what role do you want them to play. examples: normal selectable characters, super secret unlockables, bosses, host the next tournament? those are just a few ideas give me yours.
10/23/2006 05:07 AM (UTC)
I hope the rip each others head off and that be the end of it give us back the hatred between them so they can rest in peace and become legends like they should have been.
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10/23/2006 05:51 AM (UTC)
I think they'll be back, but their biographies will be vague. Upon defeating the game with said characters I'd like to discover that Scorpion is ACTUALLY Scorpion's son who's seeking revenge against those who killed his father, and that Sub-Zero is ACTUALLY another Lin Kuei cryomancer who's working for a now old and decrepid Sub-Zero.
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"Time's up! Let's do this!... LEROYYYYYYYYY JENKINSSSSSSSSS!"

"You always screw up the plan Leroy!"

"At least I got chicken."

10/23/2006 06:47 AM (UTC)
I'm hoping the Sub/Noob hybrid is the boss in the next game.

As for Scorpion, i'm sure he'll be in there somewhere.

10/23/2006 02:04 PM (UTC)
"I hope the rip each others head off and that be the end of it give us back the hatred between them so they can rest in peace and become legends like they should have been."

i don't think you know what you're talking about. why would you kill off two of MK's LEGENDARY fighters. if they weren't, they wouldn't be around as long as they have, plus sub-zero wouldn't be as big of a badass in the story of MK as he is now, now would he? what, is sub-zero being a good guy, and trying to help things not cool enough for you?

why would you want them to hate each other again?!?! that would just make the story more f*cked up than it already is. think man think. you'd be ruining two of mk's top fighters.

besides, the hatred between sub-zero and scorpion is still there. noob knows he is the original sub-zero, and he knows scorpion killed him, you think he just forgot something like that?!?! the story nor hatred is gone, it's still there. it would be insane to make the younger sub-zero hate scorpion too, that would be over-hauling it waaaaay too much.
10/24/2006 12:48 AM (UTC)
You are right maybe they shouldnt have been killed off back then they WERE essentail for people for some bizaar reaason. We are at a point in the MK history where they need to establish itself as the enterprising video game industry it once was. They need to convince me that they can turn it up a notch and do more then they have ever done b4 If the next game isnt th baddest hard-core beat'em up gore-game ive ever seen in my life. Or it's time for me and this series of video games to bury the hatchet. I love the old, now they need to convince me to love the new.

They had me once hook line and sinker but it looks like this might be the series that got away. Every video game fails in the end. But the great ones only become half dead.
10/24/2006 01:54 AM (UTC)

Kinetic: I think they'll be back, but their biographies will be vague. Upon defeating the game with said characters I'd like to discover that Scorpion is ACTUALLY Scorpion's son who's seeking revenge against those who killed his father, and that Sub-Zero is ACTUALLY another Lin Kuei cryomancer who's working for a now old and decrepid Sub-Zero.

I agree with you about the MK8 Sub Zero being a younger Sub , and working for the old one(maybe a father - son or grandpa-son relation). But I can definitely see the current Scorpion making it into future MKs. Maybe he does play a part in defeating Onaga in Armageddon and Onaga burns of his 'human" face revealing Scorpion's skull and he is forced to go around looking like that until the Elder Gids feel he should be reunited with his family. Hopefully his MKA ending is noncanon so that this will happen, as it could lead to a better storyline in future MKs for Scorpion.
The -son carrying on the lineage- thing is overdone. The current sub-zero is already the younger brother of the old Sub-Zero, it would just be silly to have him have a son who is THEN Sub-Zero. They should just have Frost carry one in his wake, or let Sub-Zero be Sub-Zero. As for game layout Eye of the Storm will be discussing what I feel about him soon enough, but I hope that not only him, but a Frost-esque female version of him make it into the next game.
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10/26/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
Way ahead of you RedVoodooMan. I've made a female scopion! far from perfect but definitely worth building. ive posted the ingredients for her in the fantasy kharacter thread in the armageddon forum. oh by the way her name is Hornet.
10/27/2006 08:24 AM (UTC)
The Son thing is pretty cliche, now if another Cryomancer that maybe they could just say it was a Clone or something. Sure, clones are overused as well, but since MK8 will probably be set even farther in the future, then it may make since. As for Scorpion's Son, that would suck only because he wouldn't have any of the Specter's powers...and essentially wouldn't be Scorpion at all.
10/28/2006 08:16 PM (UTC)
Ok if i had to want them to do anything it would be. Scorpion get his life back the way it was before quan chi. All this happenes during the hooplaay after armaggeddon and he lives peacfully for many years and gets old and dies. During his life he forged peace with the rivalry clan the lin kuei but then frost's daughter murders sub-zero after the divorce that dis-honored her mother in some sort of ninja coup'e de' gras. Frost takes over the lin-kuei in wake of her husbands apparent death of old age. This is all during the remaining countdown until the next mortal kombat tournament taking place very soon.

Rvert to their old ways and during the tournament plan to kill off the remaining heir to the shirai-ryu and then engage in a clan war with the lin kuei. the assasin sent in to destroy the shirai-ryu is the daughter of one of sub-zero's son given over to the shira-ryu out of wedlock in one of the many peace treaty's and deals made between them. This tick the young tundr off that she and her cryomancing secrets are being given away to the shirai-ryu and they gain nothing in return. So it is her mission to like kill the one person who has been training with her to uncover the secrets. The heir to the ryu must die so yeah something like that. Im sorry for the typos i did this hastily. I didnt want to right it in the first place. I stand by what i said before.
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10/29/2006 03:34 AM (UTC)
Goddammit!! furious i wasnt asking for ideas for thier stories! i wanted to know what you thought they would be character select wise. will they be automatically playable? secret unlockables? or unselectable bosses? dont get me wrong i always love to hear the fanfics i just want this thread to stay on the original topic i intended it for. if you could do that it wood be nice. thanx.
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10/29/2006 09:46 PM (UTC)
They will probably continue the rivalry or finally become an alliance or just stay clear of eachother and continue their own vendettas against other characters those are the only possibilities but most likely their feud will rekindle with that being said they will both be automatically playable because nobody wants to unlock the 2 biggest mk mainstays they are beginner characters so i see them being selectable from the getgo
10/29/2006 11:39 PM (UTC)
I think that Scorpion and Sub Zero will have an alliance in the next game. That is if Scorpions ending in MK:A in cannon, but that's a big if.Non the less with Scorpions clan ressurected and hunting down Quan Chi, and Sub Zero having his own issues with Quan Chi. Then I can see the two clan forming an alliance, to destory a common enemy. Just to make thing more intersting, and to put a strain on the alliance, have Noob Saibot get back into a rivalry with Scorpion. Scorpion would want to finish off Quan Chi's pawns. And Have Sub Zero trying to save his brother. that's the way I can see the story going for them.
11/01/2006 09:44 PM (UTC)
Take it easy noone is talking about that junk Mysty man, dont get flamed after all you wouldnt want to be a flamer. You should have been more clear and said that in the first place. BEcause all you have been getting is ideas for storylines. If anyone locked sub and scorp from the beginning that would be bad joo joo's. People be a gettin angry and start eating their homework. They will be as they have always been. There for the fan boys to practice with...........
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11/04/2006 06:33 PM (UTC)
If you actualy read the opening statement, you'd see that i did specify what i was asking for. those who fail to stay on topic from now on will be ignored. at least by me anyways.
11/04/2006 06:39 PM (UTC)
Yeah sure okay.
11/09/2006 11:32 PM (UTC)
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Scorpion's ending on MKA is he killed Blaze and he is reunited with his family and clan and then Quan Chi appears out of noware and takes his son and Scorpion is pissed off and tells his clan to find and catch Quan Chi nomatter what it takes
11/12/2006 05:42 PM (UTC)
is this the real ending?wowfurioustonguesleep
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