street fighter IV and new mk
posted02/10/2009 09:20 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/12/2006 10:18 PM (UTC)
is any body getting it plus they already announced dlc dam that was fast the games not even out yet lol ps cant wait for the new mk im so hyped
02/09/2009 03:30 PM (UTC)
I am interested in the new street fighter but i will have to rent it before i decide to by it. Its looking good though!!! But i have to say that street fighter isn't as exighting to play as mortal kombat.
02/09/2009 05:39 PM (UTC)
Only ever a casual fan of Street Fighter, but SFIV looks sick. I think I'm going to be getting that.

The announcement of the next MK only filled me with indifference and vague dread. They have a long way to go before I get remotely interested or excited.
I have had SFIV pre-ordered for a while now. Im stoked. SFII was definitely my first fighting game ever. I love how they kept the 2D spirit with amazing 3D. Something I wished MK would do since MK4.
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02/10/2009 05:16 AM (UTC)
I'd be curious to see what MK could do if they simply abandoned the 3D movement.

You know, kind of take a cue from SF 4 and make the backgrounds 3D, the characters 3D and add in some amazing special effects and a huge coat of graphical polish. You give the illusion of 3D, but you're still fighting in 2D. You take the old formula, add a good deal of depth, and then modernize the entire package.

I wonder if the MK team could pull off something like that. You know, each character has ten or more special moves, maybe even signature standard moves for each character and something akin to super moves etc. You basically take the old MK1/MK2 formula, and you modernize the graphics and account for new gameplay innovations in terms of fighting systems, and you basically take the old games and extrapolate on them.

It would be like saying, okay this is the pinnacle of a fighting game on a 2D field, almost as if 3D movement never occured in the history of fighting games. You just take the old MKs and you give them the best technological coat of polish that this current generation of systems will allow for.

Would that be a good game? To me, that looks alot like what SF4 is, and I could see an MK game like that being awesome.
02/10/2009 09:20 AM (UTC)
thats what we need a 2d rated m for mature mk gget it back to its mk2 days that would be awsome fck the 3d mk
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