storyline in next Mk...i know these been overdone, but please read anyway
posted12/29/2006 02:20 AM (UTC)by
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10/01/2006 08:54 PM (UTC)
Note: i made a fantasy character a while ago in the post a fantasy character thread, and in this story he's the main bad guy. If yo haven't read his storyline, read it please before you read this, as it will make no sense. Also, i'll only be putting characters that i think should be in the next Mk. Okay, here we go.

I am Malficus; i was Hell's caretaker while Shinnok invaded earth so many years ago,and he obviously failed. He thought i was a threat, and ordered demons to kill me; they brought me within a inch from death. I survived, though, and i heard that Shinnok was trying to win Armageddon on earth. Over this battle, i grown in strenth over his at least one thousand fold; i waited until he lost and had his portal to hell open, so i could take over the realms.

When he failed, as i knew would, his portal was still open. My sword, reaver, charged at him when he wasn't expecting it; i stabbed him in the back so hard that blood exploded out in extreme gory fashion. As he was falling to his death, he screamed,"damn you, Malficus!", and as he said this, i decapitated him. His portal was becoming smaller, because he was dead, and would be gone in seconds; i jumped through just in time.

I apparnetly landed in the world of Outworld. I saw a female named Tanya i believe fighting a princess, who was named Kitana; Tanya was losing, i waited behind a bush to see who was the victor; the princess threw a fan like object at Tanya, and decapitated her, and crimson spewed over the ground, and Tanya fell, dead. Kitana picked up her fan, and started walking away from her; i wouldn't let her leave. I sped up to her at impossible speeds and put my sword against her neck, at such a strength that when i wasn't trying ot choke her i was. I gave her a chance to follow me; even if wanted to join me, i'd kill her anyway; i don't need anyone to help me. Still, she said," I'm tired of fighting, living, destroying evil; i need to be with my family; besides, you will be killed like all other evil, even if i persih."

"I see how it is, then," i said as i siltted her throat; she cried in great pain, as blood flowed from her neck like a fountain. Every time she breathed, blood erupted from her neck; right before she died she screamed,"Gods why have yo forsaken me?" and at that, she fell. Blood was covering my fac so much that i couldn't see; i washed my face in spring water, and kept on my path through Outworld.

I, Liu Kang, was in Earthrealm, and I regained my old form by defeating the evil spirit from within. As I was meditating, Kitana came to me and said, Liu Kang, my love, i have been slain by a man named Mailficus; he now resides in Outworld. So good did come from him though, as Tanya is dead, that trairotus bitch! Anyway, Onaga is like a pon compared to Malificus' strength! You must assemble all thr light in the world to combat him.

"Yes, Kitana, but what does he want?" I asked. "He wants to take over the worlds, and he will destroy any world that dosen't bend to his will; now go, and assemble your heavenly fighters."

With that, she vanished; her words rang in my head though. I must assemble all the good in the world and then we must combat this evil.

That's all for now, everyone, but if anyone wants me to, i'll write
Well as a fellow idea man i must say that your idea is pretty good.Keep up the good
About Me

12/29/2006 02:20 AM (UTC)
Nice job on the storyline man.wink
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