Story-Sensitive Tag Team Mode
posted02/18/2010 09:33 PM (UTC)by
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I'm assuming that a little more than 2 years goes into each MK game, and since that's true, none of these ideas I'm posting could ever happen unless that changes. It would be nice though, so I'm putting them down anyway.

Capcom has been doing tag-team gameplay for more than a decade now, but so far I don't think they've ever implemented it in a way that heavily involved the story. I'm suggesting that MK should have a tag team mode where:

1) Every pair of fighters has their own story. This would lead to conflicting scenarios, so obviously none of it would be cannon except for a select number of pairs (Li Mei - Bo Rai Cho/Shang Tsung - Reptile/Subzero - Smoke/Liu Kang - Kung Lao/and so on...)

2) There would be unique moves exclusive to select pairs. Example, a certain move may only be possible if using Baraka and Mileena. Some may go a step further and have dual-fatalities unique to each pair, but I wouldn't rally for that. Fatalities grow old after two weeks for me, so I would just spare Boon the work on that one.

3) This would all be an addition, not a replacement, for a the main story. Players would have the option of using only one character to view the actual story, but there would be gameplay features to compensate for the lack of assists/swapping in versus mode if chose just one character (let's assume that tag-team or not, each player only gets 2 life bars). Perhaps there are some large-scale moves that are only available when using one character exclusively (like a hyper combo... damn this is sounding more and more like MvsC ever moment).

Anyway, post your thoughts. I doubt this would ever be feasible, but it would be incredibly fun it it was. I mostly want feedback on the ideas. I don't want to see posts like, "If theyz couldz't give us bioz for MKA, what makes u th1nk dis could eva happen!!1!" I'm not saying it's likely, I'm saying it would rock shit. Now if you hate this idea because you don't want MK to take the over-the-top MvsC2 route, I'm listening.

(anyone else love to see Kenshi telekinetically hurl his fighting partner at the opponent? Me too.)
02/17/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
i like the idea. here are a few combinations that could work on terms of moves.

scorpion/reptile - move idea and fatality. acid flame spit, and acid flame breath.
scorpion pulls off his mask breathing fire onto the enemy then reptile spits out his acid onto the enemy. burning and melting away the opponnet.

cyrax/sektor - cyrax launches a bomb blasting the enemy up into the air then sektor launches his homing missle blasting the enemy in mid air.

quan chi/kung lao - quan chi does his slide kick poping the enemy up into the air then kung lao throws his hat at the opponnet doing a two hit tag combo.

baraka/sindel - sindel screams at the enemy causing them to lift up while baraka shoots his spark at the fighter.

tell me what you think. if you like i'll post more tommorrow.
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02/17/2010 03:14 AM (UTC)
Temp, isn't this also a lot like the last few Dead or Alive games? With the stock tag moves for when any characters team up, but special tag moves for when certain characters team up together like Tina and Bass for example.

So in that sense, I like the idea, but now you're putting on the added layer of having a story go with this? I guess I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The story wouldn't be canon, but would it at least support the character's story at all?

In other words, maybe they find a way to make it so you get more background on the character, their motivations, who their enemies are and why, not just the sort of, glossing over one particular feud/what if ending that we're accustomed to.

For example: Maybe in the next game, Sub Zero is focused on Noob and that's where his single player story goes, but maybe if he's a character in tag mode, the cut scene either between battles or right before a battle that has Frost or Scorpion or something like that, Sub Zero might talk about them, revealing information on what's currently happening between them.

If this could happen, and really be something that brings gamers more REAL info on the characters and not only supply endings that may or may not happen, well, I'm obviously in favor of it.

Plus, I'm in favor of a tag mode regardless. I could see getting something like:

4 more special moves that are dual character oriented: ie, two characters both shooting their projectiles at the same time and the nontagged character jumps back out.

4 moves that tag in the other character: ie, one character uppercuts another and the other character swoops in for an air throw if they have one.

4 specialty tag moves: In other words, team up Milleena and Baraka and you get to see a ground roll in to a blade fury. Or they could be totally new special moves that are only accessible in tag mode.

I love the sound of all of this, but my question to you temp, is how exactly would you want to implement the story aspects? Between match cut scene? Before match talking? Why do you want to make it non-canon? I mean, sure, the endings wouldn't make sense, but you could still provide info and detail to flesh out the characters, couldn't you?
02/17/2010 03:36 AM (UTC)
That would be awesome! I also have tag team fatality ideas.

Kitana and Jade- Kitana uses her fans to slice the opponent's arms without them having to fall off first. Then from behind, Jade shoves her staff into the enemy's butt through the shoulder. As that happens, that's when the arms start to fall off.

Sindel and Shao Khan- Sindel screams at the opponent, partially skinning and dismembering the him/her first. After the scream, the enemy remains standing until Shao Khan uses his hammer to smash the victim into pieces.

Baraka and Mileena- Baraka does his Blade Lift fatality but this time impaling the opponent from the back to the chest. Then, Mileena does her Sai Fury, stabbing the victim at the abdomen and groin. After that, Baraka kicks the enemy off his blades.

Tanya and Onaga- Onaga does his flame breath move at the opponent, burning him/her up. Then, Tanya shoots her fireball at the enemy, making the victim explode into pieces.

Sonya and Jax- Jax grabs the opponent with a chokehold and punches him/her at the gut a few times. Next, with the chokehold, he tosses the enemy to the ground, across the arena. Then, Sonya jumps up and stomps on the head, crushing it in the process.

Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei- First, Bo Rai Cho does his farting fatality from MKD and then Li Mei kicks the opponent into pieces.

Kira and Kobra- Kira throws her knives at the opponent's feet, impaling them in the process first. Then, Kobra does his flaming punch, which rips the enemy in half.

Quan Chi and Shang Tsung- First, Quan Chi rips out the opponent's leg and hits him/her off his/her foot with the leg. Then, Shang Tsung, grabs the enemy by the neck and lifts him/her up, stealing the victim's soul (MK2 style).

Sub-Zero and Scorpion- Subby freezes the legs of the opponent and kick sweeps the legs, shattering them in the process first. Then, Scorpion does his Toasty fatality at the upper body of the victim, incinerating him/her up.

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02/17/2010 04:40 AM (UTC)
Wow sadistic, that's progress. Only one mention (each) of the words groin or butt in your entire fatality post.

Some of those sounded pretty cool though, outside of the back front door/back door violations.
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02/17/2010 05:08 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Temp, isn't this also a lot like the last few Dead or Alive games? With the stock tag moves for when any characters team up, but special tag moves for when certain characters team up together like Tina and Bass for example.

So in that sense, I like the idea, but now you're putting on the added layer of having a story go with this? I guess I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The story wouldn't be canon, but would it at least support the character's story at all?

In other words, maybe they find a way to make it so you get more background on the character, their motivations, who their enemies are and why, not just the sort of, glossing over one particular feud/what if ending that we're accustomed to.

For example: Maybe in the next game, Sub Zero is focused on Noob and that's where his single player story goes, but maybe if he's a character in tag mode, the cut scene either between battles or right before a battle that has Frost or Scorpion or something like that, Sub Zero might talk about them, revealing information on what's currently happening between them.

If this could happen, and really be something that brings gamers more REAL info on the characters and not only supply endings that may or may not happen, well, I'm obviously in favor of it.

Plus, I'm in favor of a tag mode regardless. I could see getting something like:

4 more special moves that are dual character oriented: ie, two characters both shooting their projectiles at the same time and the nontagged character jumps back out.

4 moves that tag in the other character: ie, one character uppercuts another and the other character swoops in for an air throw if they have one.

4 specialty tag moves: In other words, team up Milleena and Baraka and you get to see a ground roll in to a blade fury. Or they could be totally new special moves that are only accessible in tag mode.

I love the sound of all of this, but my question to you temp, is how exactly would you want to implement the story aspects? Between match cut scene? Before match talking? Why do you want to make it non-canon? I mean, sure, the endings wouldn't make sense, but you could still provide info and detail to flesh out the characters, couldn't you?

Almost exactly like DOA. The biggest difference would be that the single-character player would be augmented with a exclusive abilities to compensate against assist attacks. One example would possibly be an updated version of Klose Kombat, but not quite so crappy while also incorporating special moves.

As for the story, the previous restrictions would apply: the events wouldn't be canon (most of the time), but the indulged information would be considered factual. If Subzero says comment x about frost's history, then that comment would be considered factual. It sounds like you have the right idea, just imagine a cinema structure of introduction/intermission/pre-boss cinema/ending, with the introduction explaining the reason for the grouping.

So yeah, we're looking at a lot of story writing and a lot of character animation. The biggest problem would be which character's plotline would dominate per scenario, since some stories are just so distant from each other (say, Hotaru and Nitara). It would take a creative hand, but I think it's doable. I also wouldn't mind if they pursued an humorous route for some pairings so long as the character actions are consistent with their personalities (Johnny Cage and Quan Chi... I smell antics!)
02/17/2010 05:41 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Wow sadistic, that's progress. Only one mention (each) of the words groin or butt in your entire fatality post.

Some of those sounded pretty cool though, outside of the back front door/back door violations.

Thanks. lol wink
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02/17/2010 02:24 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Almost exactly like DOA. The biggest difference would be that the single-character player would be augmented with a exclusive abilities to compensate against assist attacks. One example would possibly be an updated version of Klose Kombat, but not quite so crappy while also incorporating special moves.

As for the story, the previous restrictions would apply: the events wouldn't be canon (most of the time), but the indulged information would be considered factual. If Subzero says comment x about frost's history, then that comment would be considered factual. It sounds like you have the right idea, just imagine a cinema structure of introduction/intermission/pre-boss cinema/ending, with the introduction explaining the reason for the grouping.

So yeah, we're looking at a lot of story writing and a lot of character animation. The biggest problem would be which character's plotline would dominate per scenario, since some stories are just so distant from each other (say, Hotaru and Nitara). It would take a creative hand, but I think it's doable. I also wouldn't mind if they pursued an humorous route for some pairings so long as the character actions are consistent with their personalities (Johnny Cage and Quan Chi... I smell antics!)

Wow, that WOULD take some creative writing on the part of the design team. I could see the use of...sort of... Stock intros to describe why they've teamed up. You know, like:

The unlikely evil team (example, Hotaru and Nitara):

"The two warriors met in secret after learning that their goals for the tournament were in perfect alignment. Though they do not trust one another, they have none the less formed a shaky alliance based on mutual respect and greed."

The unlikely good team (example, Ermac and Sonya):

"Upon learning of Rayden's fall from grace and his subsequent departure from the High Temple of the Elders Gods, these heroes have joined forces in an effort to achieve their common goals and necessities for the tournament. Guided by Fujin, Earthrealm's true protector, they will embark on a journey to Outworld in an effort to find the Thunder God, along the way, their loyalties will assuredly be put to the test."

A likely team (example, Baraka and Mileena):

Tarkatans... A vile and bloodthirsty race that once served at the side of Emporers and kings. Wars faught with Bo Rai Cho and Kitana at the behest of the Dragon King have reduced the Tarkatan army to near extinction. Baraka and Milleena, the last remaining members of their race, have joined forces to destory the powers responsible for the destruction of their people. Though they no longer command an army of thousands, it is believed that these two are even more dangerous when working silently from the shadows."

Now obviously these would be much more fleshed out in terms of what's actually happening in the game's plot, but the basic template could be there to pair a bunch of different or similar or unlikely kombatants together.

So again, while the story might not be canon, the information described about characters certainly could be. Maybe when Kitana and someone else fight Mileena and Baraka, you learn that Mileena killed Sindel or something along those lines.

As for what you were saying about the tag moves etc. I also think that it should be like DOA, only taken to the next level. There should be a TON of tag team moves to really make it feel like this is a separate mode and not just some add on.

There could be throw moves, double projectile moves, double teleport moves (ie, Scoprion does his telport punch, knocking a guy in to the air, followed by an automatic sektor teleport uppercut if you press the tag button while the guy's still in mid air, maybe you can do it again with both of them for a 4 hit combo etc), double special move attacks, triple special move attacks, downed enemey attacks, the list goes on and on...

The key here though would be in keeping everything with a Mortal Kombat flavor. In other words, characters shouldn't do moves that don't look right for MK. You know, Reptile and Sareena teaming up to do a double suplex would look flat out weird. But Scorpion doing his monkey flip throw in to a jax air throw back breaker would look just right.

I dunno, but if they could make a mode like this work from a logistical standpoint, whether it be the story and/or keeping the inherent "MK-ness" of the moves and make it all makes ense, I'd be 110% in favor of it!!
02/17/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Almost exactly like DOA. The biggest difference would be that the single-character player would be augmented with a exclusive abilities to compensate against assist attacks. One example would possibly be an updated version of Klose Kombat, but not quite so crappy while also incorporating special moves.

As for the story, the previous restrictions would apply: the events wouldn't be canon (most of the time), but the indulged information would be considered factual. If Subzero says comment x about frost's history, then that comment would be considered factual. It sounds like you have the right idea, just imagine a cinema structure of introduction/intermission/pre-boss cinema/ending, with the introduction explaining the reason for the grouping.

So yeah, we're looking at a lot of story writing and a lot of character animation. The biggest problem would be which character's plotline would dominate per scenario, since some stories are just so distant from each other (say, Hotaru and Nitara). It would take a creative hand, but I think it's doable. I also wouldn't mind if they pursued an humorous route for some pairings so long as the character actions are consistent with their personalities (Johnny Cage and Quan Chi... I smell antics!)

Wow, that WOULD take some creative writing on the part of the design team. I could see the use of...sort of... Stock intros to describe why they've teamed up. You know, like:

The unlikely evil team (example, Hotaru and Nitara):

"The two warriors met in secret after learning that their goals for the tournament were in perfect alignment. Though they do not trust one another, they have none the less formed a shaky alliance based on mutual respect and greed."

The unlikely good team (example, Ermac and Sonya):

"Upon learning of Rayden's fall from grace and his subsequent departure from the High Temple of the Elders Gods, these heroes have joined forces in an effort to achieve their common goals and necessities for the tournament. Guided by Fujin, Earthrealm's true protector, they will embark on a journey to Outworld in an effort to find the Thunder God, along the way, their loyalties will assuredly be put to the test."

A likely team (example, Baraka and Mileena):

Tarkatans... A vile and bloodthirsty race that once served at the side of Emporers and kings. Wars faught with Bo Rai Cho and Kitana at the behest of the Dragon King have reduced the Tarkatan army to near extinction. Baraka and Milleena, the last remaining members of their race, have joined forces to destory the powers responsible for the destruction of their people. Though they no longer command an army of thousands, it is believed that these two are even more dangerous when working silently from the shadows."

Now obviously these would be much more fleshed out in terms of what's actually happening in the game's plot, but the basic template could be there to pair a bunch of different or similar or unlikely kombatants together.

So again, while the story might not be canon, the information described about characters certainly could be. Maybe when Kitana and someone else fight Mileena and Baraka, you learn that Mileena killed Sindel or something along those lines.

As for what you were saying about the tag moves etc. I also think that it should be like DOA, only taken to the next level. There should be a TON of tag team moves to really make it feel like this is a separate mode and not just some add on.

There could be throw moves, double projectile moves, double teleport moves (ie, Scoprion does his telport punch, knocking a guy in to the air, followed by an automatic sektor teleport uppercut if you press the tag button while the guy's still in mid air, maybe you can do it again with both of them for a 4 hit combo etc), double special move attacks, triple special move attacks, downed enemey attacks, the list goes on and on...

The key here though would be in keeping everything with a Mortal Kombat flavor. In other words, characters shouldn't do moves that don't look right for MK. You know, Reptile and Sareena teaming up to do a double suplex would look flat out weird. But Scorpion doing his monkey flip throw in to a jax air throw back breaker would look just right.

I dunno, but if they could make a mode like this work from a logistical standpoint, whether it be the story and/or keeping the inherent "MK-ness" of the moves and make it all makes ense, I'd be 110% in favor of it!!

Good Idea. I also have more ideas.

Helping Hand:
There should be a new feature called, "Helping Hand". Since this is a tag mode, characters who are not in the battle field but are waiting can help. For instance, while Kitana is fighting Mileena, the player presses a button and her partner, Jade jumps in the scene and throws her razorang to help her friend or jumps up and whack Mileena with the Bo. You know what I mean. It should also be limited. During the select screen, players wuld have to choose which move the character should perform right after selecting each kombatant. They had this feature in the Marvel vs Capcom series and in King of Fighters 99. Moves that would make good helping hands are:

Jade- 1) Razorang 2) Nitro Kick 3) Jumps up and whacks her staff at the opponent.

Kitana- 1) Fan Throw 2) Pretty Kick 3) Fan Lift

Mileena- 1) Sky Kick 2) Sai Toss 3) Rolling Thunder

Li Mei- 1) Flying Flurry 2) Carnival Kick 3) Nova Blast

Tanya- 1) Fireball 2) Split Kick 3) Cannon Drill

Sindel- 1) Banshee Scream 2) Star Screamer 3) A new hair whip move.

Sonya- 1) Kiss of Death (Mist) 2) Ring Toss 3) Upwards Bicycle Kick

Johnny Cage- 1) Green Ball 2) Shadow Kick 3) Shadow Uppercut

Sub-Zero- 1) Freeze Ball 2) Sliding Tackle 3) Slide (The one that trips the opponent.)

Scorpion- 1) Spear 2) Flame Summon 3) Backflip Kick

Nitara- 1) Blood Spit 2) Split Kick 3) She jumps up on the opponent and bites him/her.

Reptile- 1) Acid Spit 2) Energy Ball (from UMK3/MKT) 3) New move where he uses his tongue to move the opponent closer.

And etc...

Tag Team Special Moves:

Jax and Sonya- Jax grabs and punches the opponent towards Sonya. Then Sonya does her MK4 German Suplex throw.

Li Mei and Bo Rai Cho- Li Mei grabs the opponent and kicks him/her from behind, drawing the enemy closer to her master. Then, Bo Rai Cho does his Body Slam/Belly Flop throw on the victim.

Kitana and Jade- First, Kitana does her Fan Lift, making the opponent float. Then, Jade throws her razorang at the enemy, making him flip over and fall to the ground.

Sindel and Shao Khan- Sindel uses her hair to grab the opponent at the legs and toss him/her up in the air. Then, Shao Khan smashes his hammer at the falling victim.

Liu Kang and Kung Lao- Liu does his flying kick while Kung Lao does his dive kick at the same time, knocking the opponent of his/her feet.

Baraka and Mileena- Baraka uses his blades to hold the body on each side, almost like a scissor, and tosses the opponent over his shoulder. Then, while the enemy is in the air, Mileena jumps up towards him/her and does a Frankensteiner while landing on the ground.

Cyrax and Nitara- There's a metal gripping thing that comes out of Cyrax's chest and it tosses the opponent up in the air. Then, Nitara flies up to the enemy, grabs him, bites him, and then pounds him, making the foe fall to the ground.

Noob and Smoke- They both do the same power punch at the same time on the opponent like what they did in MKD as Noob-Smoke.

Team Fatalities:

Cyrax and Nitara- Cyrax uses his spinning blade thing he used in his Slice and Dice move and slices the opponent's arms off. Then, Nitara jumps on top of the enemy and starts to chew on his/her neck. After that, she rips out the spine and head.

Nightwolf and Stryker- Stryker uses his machine gun to shoot the opponent while Nightwolf uses her arrows to do the same. The scene ends when Stryker fires at the enemy's head and Nightwolf shoots arrows at the eyes.

Kai and Fujin- Fujin spins the opponent in a small tornado and then Kai shoots a big fireball from above, exploding their foe into pieces.

Kung Lao and Liu Kang- Liu Kang does his Cartwheel Uppercut, sending the enemy up in the air. Then, Kung Lao jumps up and slices the victim into pieces with his hat while in air.

Noob and Smoke- First, Noob throws his shuriken at the opponent. Then, Smoke disappears and rips out the victim's arms and head.

Raiden and Johnny Cage- Raiden grabs the opponent first, shocking him/her and then kicking him/her up in the air. Then, Johnny does his Shadow Kick at the enemy, before he/she hits the ground from falling down.

That's it for now.

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GT: Dimitri1033

02/18/2010 05:47 AM (UTC)
ooo, in some twisted alternate/parallel/coexisting/tangent/mirrored universe, human smoke, and robot smoke team up!!! could happen....hell, we got superheroes didn't we? wink
02/18/2010 05:41 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
ooo, in some twisted alternate/parallel/coexisting/tangent/mirrored universe, human smoke, and robot smoke team up!!! could happen....hell, we got superheroes didn't we? wink

Yeah that could work. I mean look at Seigrfried and Nightmare in Soul Calibur. First, they were just one person then, they turn into two people.
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GT: Dimitri1033

02/18/2010 09:33 PM (UTC)
ohh....i was just being sarcastic....well ok then! haha, midway, i demand tag teaming smokes!
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