Story Mode Player Select Theory
posted02/27/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)by
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GT: Dimitri1033

Member Since
10/17/2005 06:59 PM (UTC)
Just a wonder I had:

In the small trailer we got today, you often see groups interacting with other groups, be it Cassie's Posse (Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda, and KJ), Kotal's Klan (KK, Erron, Reptile, Ermac), and I'm sure others (Even Mileena and Rain working together.)

I'm starting to wonder if instead of just having single character based chapters, we'll have the option to be able to select who we want to fight as. Again, in the trailer, there's a scene where we see Cassie and I believe either Takeda or KJ fighting Sindel and what looks like Kitana, and I thought, "Maybe we'll be able to decide who we can play as? Either Cassie or Takeda?"

I think there were a few complaints of the previous incarnations of story modes where fights either felt forced, and having 5 straight fights as the same character was too boring.

I feel like they're setting it up to where we can choose who we want to fight as in a given story event.

Any thoughts?
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02/27/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
They said that this story mode is structured similarly to MK9 and Injustice, so no.

I would absolutely want to see them try shit like this in MK11, though.

About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

02/27/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
They said that this story mode is structured similarly to MK9 and Injustice, so no.

I would absolutely want to see them try shit like this in MK11, though.

Maybe they meant structured similarly in the sense that it's a cinematic story interspersed with fights, instead of something like Konquest mode.

I mean, when you say MK9 and Injustice story modes are similar, I could disagree and say that Injustice had small QTE events that made it different than MK9.

I couldn't see character selects within the story being that much of a departure from the MK9/Injustice story format, but just enough to make it its own.
02/27/2015 06:29 PM (UTC)
That wouldn't be a good idea, seeing as then you'd miss out on the other options you didn't choose.
I rather that they designate with the character they choose to give you, but instead of having say like 5 consecutive fights with the same character they change it up, like one fight can be Cassie and then the next one could be with another character, be it evil or good.

Kinda like Kung lao is playable and faces off with reptile and then in another scene you'd be Ermac and you'd fight someone, and finally back to kung lao or even someone else, basically something that changes up the people you play as instead of character specific chapters.

I hope that one day we can get a MK RPG game, playing just like TES or Fable with all six fully mapped out realms, Earthrealm could take place in chicago and some rural places that are reminiscent of Shujinko's home town.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/27/2015 06:30 PM (UTC)
When they said "structured similarly," were they referring specifically to the chapter system? I don't remember them being that specific; the way I recall, it sounded more like it might be retaining the same "act" structure. But the characters might change more dynamically -- instead of following just one person around for a while, it might switch every fight.

It would be awesome if you could choose from a team, but I'm not sure how well that would work out. People might just play a favorite every time and never play somebody else.
02/27/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
I'd like it if the story mode divided into factions, and in order to see it all, you'd have to play through all of them. Perhaps only a couple are unlocked at the beginning and others are unlocked via progress. (i.e. play halfway through Kotal's group's chapters to unlock Mileena's)
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

02/27/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
When they said "structured similarly," were they referring specifically to the chapter system? I don't remember them being that specific; the way I recall, it sounded more like it might be retaining the same "act" structure. But the characters might change more dynamically -- instead of following just one person around for a while, it might switch every fight.

It would be awesome if you could choose from a team, but I'm not sure how well that would work out. People might just play a favorite every time and never play somebody else.

I definitely agree with the whole playing favorites, but another thing I just thought of, it would certainly add some re-playability to the story mode. People like me, who tend to be completionists, would play the story multiple times just to see the different angles and dialog.

I dunno, just thought it would be a neat idea. I would like to see them try and do something like this in future MK games.
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02/27/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
Maybe they meant structured similarly in the sense that it's a cinematic story interspersed with fights, instead of something like Konquest mode.

I mean, when you say MK9 and Injustice story modes are similar, I could disagree and say that Injustice had small QTE events that made it different than MK9.

I couldn't see character selects within the story being that much of a departure from the MK9/Injustice story format, but just enough to make it its own.

If the story mode was actually non-linear in the way that you suggest, you can bet your ass it would be important enough to warrant an entire marketing point to itself.

That's not the case, though. I really, really wish it were the case, but it's not.
02/27/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
It will not be 100% like MK9, just have to consider the variations system. I just cannot see a fight starting right after a cutscene, there has to be a way to choose a variation. Having to select a character does not sound far off.
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

02/27/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Maybe they meant structured similarly in the sense that it's a cinematic story interspersed with fights, instead of something like Konquest mode.

I mean, when you say MK9 and Injustice story modes are similar, I could disagree and say that Injustice had small QTE events that made it different than MK9.

I couldn't see character selects within the story being that much of a departure from the MK9/Injustice story format, but just enough to make it its own.

If the story mode was actually non-linear in the way that you suggest, you can bet your ass it would be important enough to warrant an entire marketing point to itself.

That's not the case, though. I really, really wish it were the case, but it's not.

Ohhh no no no, I'm not suggesting that the story have multiple branches! It would still be linear.

Like for example, in the trailer we see Cassie and Takeda fighting against Sindel and what looks like Kitana.

Before the fight starts, you're given the option to fight Sindel as Cassie, or fight Kitana as Takeda. The story progresses the same exact way, except you might miss out on the fight dialog that occurs before a round starts. After the fight is done, the story progresses as normal.

There could even be moments where after your fight finishes, it turns out the other teammate that you didn't pick has been defeated, and you have to fight their enemy before progressing the story.

I understand where you're coming from though, a non-linear story with branching paths would be too divergent from the formula, but that's not what I'm theorizing.
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