Stop Motion In 3D
posted07/10/2006 08:00 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/05/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
mortal kombat was different from other fighting games when it first came out one was obviously the ultra violence & blood & gore
second was the fighters were real people stop motion was a big part of mortal kombats success i've always wondered what would happen if they improved on the stop motion ther is already alot of technology to use 3d
i kinda wish they would try stop motion 3d as a side project and jus see how it turns out
Br>Edited - As Darklord_Xel said, don't capitalize every word. - krsx66
07/07/2006 10:46 AM (UTC)
You know, you don't have to capitilize every word. And anyway, I think the motion-capture stuff's the closest anyones gonna get to doing digitized graphics again. Digitizing actors creates flat characters (in that their clothing has no depth, since its just a picture.)

Maybe superimposing a real face on a character model (as was done on MK4) will happen, but thats the closest your really gonna get.

FYI 'Stop motion' is a technique in which objects are posed in different positions and single shots are taken. In MK this technique was only used on Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, and Sheeva.

Another name for this technique (but using clay and plastic) is 'claymation.'
07/08/2006 09:00 PM (UTC)
Capitalizing Every Word Is A Habit.....
I Kne I Had The Wrong Wording
But Everyone Is Tryna Make Games Look More & More Realistic
Mk Kinda Already Had That Realism I Woulda have Liked To Have Seen
Them Stick With That & Seen Where They Went With It
07/09/2006 01:58 AM (UTC)
The graphics for next-gen systems look very promising. Some of the faces on the people look real. Hopefully MK goes in that direction.
07/10/2006 08:00 AM (UTC)
It is definitely possible to create a game using scans of actors to create texture maps they do that all the time in movies. Also other games from midway like Stranglehold use that technique to bring real actors like Chow Yun Fat to the game and they could do the same sort of thing in the next gen Mortal Kombat.

Back when Mortal Kombat was brand new and I first saw it I doubted it was a real game because the characters looked real to me because of how they digitized some live actors into the game.. I would like to capture that feeling again in a new Mortal Kombat which hasn't happened yet starting with MK4. Ever since MK3 it has gone downhill in regards to that sort of thing.

Although the last two MK's where a step in the right direction in terms of style... I'd just like to see the characters start looking more real.

BTW, the only characters that used stop motion in the original MK's where Goro, Kintaro and Motaro. It was actors for the rest.

The game that was all stop motion was Primal Rage.
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