Still no news.......What are your thoughts?Are we gonna get MK9 after all?
posted04/03/2010 07:49 PM (UTC)by
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03/09/2010 01:07 AM (UTC)
Yeah,I know...somebody's gonna say to wait longer or that it's still early.But I don't know why, I'm afraid that we'll have to wait MUCH LONGER..and maybe like early July or something like that. Despite what Boon says (news and teasers before May, MK9 in November etc.) I think that there are so many unsolved issues in this company right now with the takeover by Warner Bros,that releasing a new MK is still not their high priority.Hell ,we don't even know the specific name for the renamed midway studios (It's not like "WB games Chicago" or some shit like that)..a total mess I should say.So, what are your thoughts?
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04/03/2010 02:27 AM (UTC)
Let's be patience, MK9 will come out very soon and the news of it will be coming shortly this month, I guaranteed that.
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04/03/2010 02:54 AM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
I'm afraid that we'll have to wait MUCH LONGER..and maybe like early July or something like that.

that's a bit extreme. I'd say even May is out of the question for breaking news. We're definitely getting something in April.

The question is what. It may be as simple as a Dragon Logo with "Fall 2010" beneath it, but if that is the case, they'll also let us know some gameplay details, the development goals, and the roster approximations. Or perhaps it'll be as drastic as a video montage featuring a large portion of the cast.

Frankly, I think the latter is a much more likely. This is an important installment. It's the first REAL MK on next-gen consoles. They're not going to dick with the presentation.
04/03/2010 02:58 AM (UTC)
So there's no news no.

Big deal.

I'm not going to not buy a game because news isn't out yet. It takes a while.
04/03/2010 03:22 AM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
Yeah,I know...somebody's gonna say to wait longer or that it's still early.But I don't know why, I'm afraid that we'll have to wait MUCH LONGER..and maybe like early July or something like that. Despite what Boon says (news and teasers before May, MK9 in November etc.) I think that there are so many unsolved issues in this company right now with the takeover by Warner Bros,that releasing a new MK is still not their high priority.Hell ,we don't even know the specific name for the renamed midway studios (It's not like "WB games Chicago" or some shit like that)..a total mess I should say.So, what are your thoughts?

Okay, first off, calm down. It's not like the news will never be given out to the public.

If we have to wait by July to get something, then we'll wait. It's not like they're not working on this game.

Everyone needs to give the news release some time and really start worrying about other things than a sneak peak.
04/03/2010 03:37 AM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
So there's no news no.

Big deal.

I'm not going to not buy a game because news isn't out yet. It takes a while.

Look dude,you misunderstood what I said.Did I said that I won't buy this game because of no news yet?NO.I just have my worries because when we were waiting for the 3 previous MK's to be released, we knew something from like February and they were released in November.Boon says this one is also going to be released in November, and guess what,we don't know nothing and we have Ed Boon joking with us(not only in april fools day)smileWe dont even have a teaser pic.What teaser do we have?"MK:Attack of the dogs"?lol.nuff said.

P.S:It's absolutely logical to not be patient when someone is a big fan of a franchise and can't wait for a new game to be released!
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04/03/2010 03:55 AM (UTC)
patience its on the way, games being fine tuned for its revealing.
This game is very important to warner brothers to use as a launch pad for a movie.
Im hearing this is the biggest budget the mk team has ever had for a game.
Its going to look fantastic and be extremely violent.
04/03/2010 03:56 AM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
So there's no news no.

Big deal.

I'm not going to not buy a game because news isn't out yet. It takes a while.

Look dude,you misunderstood what I said.Did I said that I won't buy this game because of no news yet?NO.I just have my worries because when we were waiting for the 3 previous MK's to be released, we knew something from like February and they were released in November.Boon says this one is also going to be released in November, and guess what,we don't know nothing and we have Ed Boon joking with us(not only in april fools day)smileWe dont even have a teaser pic.What teaser do we have?"MK:Attack of the dogs"?lol.nuff said.

P.S:It's absolutely logical to not be patient when someone is a big fan of a franchise and can't wait for a new game to be released!

Ah, I read that as "Are you buy MK even though there isn't any news yet" Sorry. I retract that statement.
04/03/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
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04/03/2010 04:02 AM (UTC)
I don't think it's unreasonable to be perturbed by the lack of updates. When you're waiting for your food at a restaurant, and 3 hours passed, you make some noise, right?

The forums are the megaphones of the fans. If developers can't/won't keep our attention, that's their failure. They should be giving us reasons to be excited.

If I knew for fact, with complete and absolute certainty, that there was no possibility of an MK8 update today, do you think this would still be the first website I had gone to this morning?
04/03/2010 04:26 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I don't think it's unreasonable to be perturbed by the lack of updates. When you're waiting for your food at a restaurant, and 3 hours passed, you make some noise, right?

The forums are the megaphones of the fans. If developers can't/won't keep our attention, that's their failure. They should be giving us reasons to be excited.

If I knew for fact, with complete and absolute certainty, that there was no possibility of an MK8 update today, do you think this would still be the first website I had gone to this morning?

I agree with everything you say, but I think that Boon says things and doesn't know in reality what is going on..Don't forget,WB has the game in it's hands right know and Boon isn't anymore a high ranked employer to know everything.Things are not the same as they were back in the day when Boon knew everything at first hand...
04/03/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I don't think it's unreasonable to be perturbed by the lack of updates. When you're waiting for your food at a restaurant, and 3 hours passed, you make some noise, right?

The forums are the megaphones of the fans. If developers can't/won't keep our attention, that's their failure. They should be giving us reasons to be excited.

If I knew for fact, with complete and absolute certainty, that there was no possibility of an MK8 update today, do you think this would still be the first website I had gone to this morning?

I agree with everything you say, but I think that Boon says things and doesn't know in reality what is going on..Don't forget,WB has the game in it's hands right know and Boon isn't anymore a high ranked employer to know everything.Things are not the same as they were back in the day when Boon knew everything at first hand...

Boon is still the owner of MK. Just because the company got bought out doesn't mean WB can do whatever the fuck they feel like to the game. They may own the rights but it's still Ed Boon and the MK developing team that has the right to do whatever they please with the game. They have more money, more time on their hands to make this game what they want it to be. Before, they had deadlines, and that KILLED majority of the games that were produced in the past few years.
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04/03/2010 04:39 AM (UTC)
Boon does have knowledge first hand on the game, he is director and creator.
Its just WB decides when the embargo can be lifted it wouldn't suprise me one bit if this game has already been shown at a closed door meeting.
04/03/2010 05:00 AM (UTC)
He surely doesn't know the release date.For example, maybe the WB officials told him they will release the game in November,and suddenly they change their minds and they set another release date earlier or later and they don't tell it to Boon immediately.They are thousands possibilities.....
04/03/2010 05:08 AM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
He surely doesn't know the release date.For example, maybe the WB officials told him they will release the game in November,and suddenly they change their minds and they set another release date earlier or later and they don't tell it to Boon immediately.They are thousands possibilities.....

You're rambling incoherently and it's showing. You're making this such a big issue because there's no news. It's under development does that matter?

How can a developer not know his own release date? That's a bogus thing to say and I'm sorry to say that, but it is.

How can WB not tell Boon about changing a release date? That doesn't even make sense.

There are no thousand possibilities. It's whatever the MK team is doing, let them do what they need to do in order to get the game going. Just because there's no news doesn't mean the game is delayed or anything.

This is why we say "calm the fuck down."
04/03/2010 05:14 AM (UTC)
It is easy to insult someone only behind a keyboard.I wont' do this.I just love to have conversation and I'm calm.End of storysmile
04/03/2010 05:20 AM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
It is easy to insult someone only behind a keyboard.I wont' do this.I just love to have conversation and I'm calm.End of storysmile

My conversation to you is not insulting. I don't know where you're getting this, I'm just trying to show you that what you're saying makes no sense towards me.
04/03/2010 05:29 AM (UTC)
These were just some of my thoughts.If they didn't make sense to you..thats ok.But don't tell me to "Calm the fuck down" when I'm just calmsmile
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04/03/2010 05:48 AM (UTC)
I believe that it was the great Yogi Berra that once said:

"MK9 will be shown when it's shown. It'll be ready when it's ready. Ed's got it under control, and WB will do everything in their power to make sure that this game is a success and a win for them. The public will know when the MK team and WB are both ready to reveal what they want to reveal."

Truer words have never been spoken...
04/03/2010 11:48 AM (UTC)
We wont get MK9...

We will get Mortal Kombat: Insert Vague Sounding Subtitle Here.
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04/03/2010 12:45 PM (UTC)
Everybody sees this as a negative...

Every time we get stuff this early. its because Midway was rushing them to release another game. thus a crappy product and result.

Now they actually have time and funding to release this mofo the way they want and do soemthing great and we are upset. I am GLAD they are hard at work. I dont really need to know anything other than they are making it.

They arent wasting valuble time on doing something stupid until the right time. April-May we will see something. Before E3 to hype it right up going in.

this is a good thing guys.
04/03/2010 03:03 PM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
These were just some of my thoughts.If they didn't make sense to you..thats ok.But don't tell me to "Calm the fuck down" when I'm just calmsmile

I'm sorry you got confused when I said "calm the fuck down." I was referring to everyone that's been getting so anxious when news come out. Since I wrote that around midnight last night, that may have seem a bit rude, but it's true with everyone who needs to be so overworked that there's been no decent news.

What Cassleman said is true. Since they have the time to actually make a decent game, there's no need to rush a screenshot, a character render, or some mini-trailer. Since they have the time, they don't need to rush with anything. If we get news by the time it's Summer, then oh well we get news around Summer.
04/03/2010 05:48 PM (UTC)
I just hope that we don't have to wait any longer...
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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04/03/2010 05:54 PM (UTC)
I have a good felling that Game Trailers or IGN will get a first look soon. When dose the May issues of game imformer, gamepro come out?
04/03/2010 06:06 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I have a good felling that Game Trailers or IGN will get a first look soon. When dose the May issues of game imformer, gamepro come out?

Propably the first days of every month,at least for gamepro,we don't have the game informer magazine here in greece,so I don't know about this one.But still, if we get something,it will propably be from Boon first and after that from magazines etc.
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